The authors examine an alternative method of traction station load balance which needn’t capital investments for technical extension. The authors solve the task of loading partial balancing and suggest exploited transformer construction changing.
Keywords: Balancing transformer, the coefficient reverse sequence, regulation voltage under load.
Сonsidered the main contents of the method of simulation within complex software development of object-oriented programming and the use of means of creating and editing three-dimensional graphics and animation. Program animation is done on the basis of GOST R 52289-2004, traffic rules specified performance cars motion parameters of the roadway. The complex is designed for both group and individual lessons.
Keywords: qualitative analysis, simulation, development environment, software animation, traffic situations, precise image scaling
The article considers the design of modern electrically driven gas-pumping unit (EGPA). The advantages of a smooth adjustment of speed and performance EGPA. Provides an analysis of options for building the power part of the high-voltage frequency converters, used in the composition of the EGPA at compressor stations of main pipelines. Refer to the element base of high-voltage frequency converters. The characteristics of each of variants. The method of work of the frequency converters. Compare the characteristics of frequency converters of various manufacturers. The basic approaches to manufacturing. Defined the most optimal scheme of the power part of frequency converters.
Keywords: frequency converter, topology, design, optimization, structural scheme
Block diagram of the active harmonic filter is considered. State table inverter power switches active harmonic filter is considered. Calculated the capacitance on the DC link active harmonic filters. The calculation takes into account the power converter losses in the active harmonic filter.
Keywords: active harmonic filter, distortion power, energy storage capacitor
This paper shows the results of the experimental research the passage of the ultrasonic beam through modifiable layered structure in order to obtain data on changes in levels of pressure in the front slice of the acoustic field. This paper presents the spatial distribution characteristics of the acoustic field after passing the various layers in the liquid. Celebrated not only offset the propagation path, but also change the chart pressure in the front slice on the amplitude level , the width of the chart, the position of the lateral lobe and its amplitude.
Keywords: Ultrasound, layered medium, experimental assembly, refraction.
Patent search has been accomplished and guidelines of patenting of stamp-welded wedge valves’ frames for shut-off valves for the plants of > nuclear power, thermal power, oil and gas industries and for main piping are given.
Keywords: nuclear power plants, valve industry, pipeline valve, shut-off valve, wedge valve, main piping
The article is devoted to the problem of radiation security, that must be carried out in the technological process of equipment dismantle of nuclear power plants’(NPP) blocks removed from the exploitation. According to these requirements the structural-parametrical adaptation of technological process should be held during the projecting
Keywords: NPP block, removing from exploitation, equipment dismantle, technological process, radiation security, normative regulation, engineer- radiation inspection, dosimetric control, the procedure of radiation security providing, the structural-parametrical ada
Today’s trend of electronics complicating makes developers to create more complex devices in a shorter time. Developers have to contrive different ways of designing automatization to prevent production worsening. However, automatization cannot improve the situation when an innovative device is developing because such developing involves a lot of testing and researches. In this article authors propose to use hardware in the loop simulation methods to optimize designing process. Hardware in the loop simulation is division the device in functional blocks, some of them are produced as models and other are produced as hardware. Usage of this method decrease cost of modernization hardware blocks and allow using a number of data processing algorithms at the same time.
The article contains a using of hardware in the loop actuality description, main steps of designing enunciation and description of method exemplified by designing of data-measuring and controlling system for automatic orientation of tropospheric communications station.
Keywords: hardware in the loop simulation; data-measuring and controlling system; design of electronic devices; development of electronic devices;
In article the material about use of interactive training programs in educational process of the students training difficult household appliances is prepared.
Within transition of the higher educational school to provisions of Bologna Process by a leading method of pedagogical work there is a competence-based approach to formation of steady knowledge and practical skills at students [1]. Indispensable condition thus is compliance of quality of training and the general education standard. As especially important requirement continuous control of assimilation of educational information and ability of its application serves in practical activities. The most well-tried remedy of total control of assimilation of educational information is carrying out daily testing, including remote. Use of test interactive programs becomes more actual at integration of groups and increase of an academic load on the teacher [2].
Keywords: criterion of efficiency, intensity of thermal streams, refrigeration machine, inflow and selection of heat, vaporizer
snowmelter item, thawing, heat balance, thermal conductivity, the intensification of the phase transition.
Keywords: snowmelter item, thawing, heat balance, thermal conductivity, the intensification of the phase transition.
The methods of construction and repair of temporary winter roads, proposed technical solution for creating devices that provide a significant increase in strength, bearing capacity and durability of the repaired snegoledovogo cover winter road at full mechanization of the process of recovery.
Keywords: Winter road, a temporary winter road, moisturizing, repairing, mechanized complex snow mass, milling machine, load capacity
Systems of passive damping of oscillations of high-rise constructions are considered. Their merits and demerits are revealed. The roller system of oscillations indemnification of the high-rise constructions subject to seismic influence is offered. The principle of its work is described. Advantages are estimated.
Keywords: high-rise construction, damping of oscillations, passive systems, roller system of indemnification, vibroisolation
The paper describes the main methods of thermal testing of low-temperature solar systems, a comparative analysis of the complexity and duration of the experiments carried out by various methods; a method for remote monitoring.
Keywords: Low-temperature solar systems, solar panel, solar water heater, thermal tests, thermal performance, quasi-stationary method, method for remote monitoring.
The problem of justifying extending the service life of hydraulic structures in Russia is unsatisfactory condition requiring modernization and refurbishment. Currently in Russia over the length of the river network of 2.37 million sq km includes more than 125 thousand rivers that can be used for navigation. When locking, the most widely found as regulator control structures of low pressure shield dam spillways with metal swivel farms most widely used when evaluating the residual life of structural elements carrying water conveyance structures, has an integrated risk assessment of the accident. According to the distribution curves can be classified technical condition of each item, such as rods and plates in various defects as small and dangerous damage the elements included in the design. During the simulation obtained contour plots of stress-bearing low-pressure water-lifting precast shield dams for subsequent prediction justify continued reliable exploitation. The concept of life extension studies supporting structures prefabricated low-pressure water-lifting shield dams on the example of individual structures bearing elements, prefabricated low-pressure water-lifting shield dams, based on modeling of the loading process from various defects and damage due to prolonged use.
Keywords: water-conducting structures, prefabricated pumping low-pressure-mounted dam, modeling, technical condition, residual life.
This paper is focused on the research of important marketing approach called "word of mouth”. Possibilities of Flocktory as referral marketing tool that has no analogues on the Russian market we studied. Analyzed performance of platform clients. Main competitors, their strengths and weaknesses were defined.
Keywords: Platform Flocktory, referral marketing, advertising, social media, online shopping