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  • Improving the quality and accuracy of anti-epidemic situation using a combination of simulation model based on stochastic model of compartmental and cellular automaton

    In article consider the development of modeling spatial spread of epidemics to improve  the quality and accuracy of anti-epidemic situation using a combination of simulation model based on stochastic model of compartmental and cellular automaton. The epidemic is spatially distributed dynamical system to describe the spatial- temporal behavior of the application of models which class of cellular automata. Cellular automata are discrete dynamical systems, which is a collection of identical cells, the same way interconnected. All cells form, the so-called lattice cellular automaton. Lattice can be of different types, differing both in dimension and shape of cells. Each cell is a finite state machine whose states are determined by the states of neighboring cells. Cells can be placed on a one-dimensional line, plane or in a multidimensional space

    Keywords: Cellular automata, simulation modeling, mathematical model, epidemic diseases, model of cholera, dynamical system, Anylogic

  • Synthesis and electrochemical properties of LiMn1/3Cr1/3Fe1/3O2 solid solution with the structure of α-NaFeO2

    The solid solution of  LiMn1/3Cr1/3Fe1/3O2 with the structure of α-NaFeO2  isostructural with the widely used LiCoO2  has been synthesized and investigated as a cathode material. Rated voltage of LiMn1/3Cr1/3Fe1/3O2  relative to the lithium is 4 V.  The possibility of charging − discharging the material to a specific capacity of 220-250 mAh/g at currents of C/15-C/50 without phase transformations has been experimentally demonstrated. 

    Keywords: lithium-ion batteries, cathode materials, Delafosse, solid solution, X-ray structural analysis, electrochemical properties

  • Stability analysis of deep loosening slopes.

    The results of calculations on the stability of slope lands treated in a new way. Device intrasoil walls combined with loosened intervals allows prevent subsurface runoff water, which reduces surface erosion slopes, improves the fertility of farmland returns a highly eroded areas in turn, eliminates the wetlands at the foot of the slopes. Established that the stability of the treated soil layer on the slope ample.

    Keywords: stability of sloping land, subsurface walls, soil subsurface runoff, soil erosion, wetlands, deep tillage, moisture saturation slope.

  • The physicochemical analysis NH4NO3 – KNO3 – Н2О system at 25 degree C

    In the article are introduced research results of physicochemical properties of ammonium nitrate – potassium nitrate water system at 25o C. The literary source analysis is performed that no clear opinion about solid phases composition. The different composition double salts, solid solution and eutectics are identifies. Appeal is specifies a look and properties of formed structures. Methods of differential thermal analysis and X-ray diffraction have been establishing that the equilibrium solid phase of the studied system represents two types of solid solutions. A first type based on the III phase of ammonium nitrate crystal latitude (at the content of nitrate of potassium to 20 %) and a second type based on the potassium nitrate rhombic syngony (at the content of nitrate of potassium more than 80 %). Crystal cells parameters of being formed phases submit to the Vegard rule. The ammonium nitrate sample (at the content of nitrate of potassium more than 12 %) keeps phase stability at the temperature range minus 50 to plus 100о С. Burst in components miscibility at the potassium nitrate concentration range 30 to 80 % is observed.

    Keywords: ammonium nitrate, potassium nitrate, differential thermal analysis, X-ray diffraction, cocrystallization, solid solution

  • The internal structure of the emotional perception political order of DGTU students

    This paper presents a method of processing and interpreting data from the semantic differential technique. It is shown, the emotional perception calculated on the standard method of average values gives an incomplete picture. The technique is approved in research of emotional perception of the political order among DGTU students. It is obtained, distribution of the studied group is inhomogeneously on emotional perception of political orders. For audience as average, and the most probable levels of perception of local and central political orders are positive and equal 0,1. However, 27% of students are characterized by a negative level of emotional perception of political order, with the average value -0.3.

    Keywords: modeling, political order, group settings, the affective component, semantic differential, questionnaire

  • Some aspects of finnish language teaching russian as a foreign language and how family in Finland

    Based on the analysis of works of finnish experts shows that learning russian language with learning the finnish language as a foreign supports the development of bilingual identity and language readiness of students. 

    Keywords: russian, finnish, teaching.

  • Engineering and psychological assessment of processing equipment of the enterprises of the motor transport at a design stage

    Questions of an engineering and psychological assessment of the equipment of the enterprises of the motor transport at a design stage on the basis of the algorithmic description of activity of operators are considered. It is shown that on in the analysis of algorithms at a design stage it is expedient to use the device of fuzzy logic.

    Keywords: algorithm, equipment, design, fuzzy logic

  • Fuzzy decision-making methods to search for objects on the sea

    Some aspects of the use of fuzzy logic to generate a mathematical model to search for objects on the sea. Describes how to use the algorithm Mamdani, to create a model of fuzzy inference. Section gives an example of the use of Fuzzy Logic Toolbox package Matlab, for the simulation of fuzzy search engine and determine the optimal solution of the problem to find the object.

    Keywords: mathematical model, fuzzy logic, object search algorithm Mamdani, membership function

  • The base organisation as a key link in branch system of an estimation and certification of qualifications

    In article it is constructed трехзвенная model of participants of branch system of an estimation and certification of the qualifications, including the branch base organisation, the ekspertno-methodical centre and set of the centres of an estimation and certification of qualifications. The role of the base organisation in the given system is shown. Character of interaction of the branch base organisation with the basic participants of system of an estimation and certification of qualifications at level отрасле is defined. The basic functions of the branch base organisation are allocated and the order of its functioning is defined. The interrelation of the branch base organisation with participants of national system of an estimation and certification of the qualifications, presented by the Socially-state council and the base organisation - National agency of development of qualifications is shown.

    Keywords: Management of process of support of raw materials of the enterprises, macrologistical system, functional structurization, objective structurization, competitiveness factors.

  • Problem of determining the residual resource of technical condition of low pressure closed spillways waterworks

    Currently, more than 80% of water conveyance structures worked much the normative life. At the same time there is a simultaneous increase in the load on the aging waterworks, in the absence of the necessary skilled personnel and technical repair base will inevitably lead to an increase in the number of accidents due to operational reasons. Identification of factors that influence the condition of the facilities at the intersections , the search for methods of calculation and control of non-destructive methods to evaluate their work , life extension , etc. is of paramount importance at this stage. Residual life for the safe operation of water conveyance structures determined on the basis of system analysis with the development of the block diagram of a dynamic system having a number of subsystems. The main property that determines the life of the system , is the reliability of its elements , ie reliability and trouble-free operation for a certain period of operation. Dependability and reliability of the system as a whole is determined by the condition that each element of the system can be in one of two states - serviceable or failure.

    Keywords: water-conducting structures, low head hydro closed spillways, modeling, technical condition, residual life.

  • Some guidelines how to increase the quality of main piping valve gate’s sealing faces

    The results of a patent search in the field of quality improvement of main piping valve gate’s sealing faces for the plants of nuclear power, thermal power and oil and gas industries are given

    Keywords: valve gate, wedge valve, main piping, patent search, sealing face

  • Position predication of a dynamic agent tracked by quadrotor using neural networks

    Specialized robots are occupying a vast share of researches worldwide. In terms of aerial specialized robots, autonomy is the one of the major subjects that are being studied. As  known, flight autonomy is consisting of three parts: Mission planning, trajectory generation and path tracking. While it exists variety of local and global generation algorithm, UAV path planning is always associated with machine vision. This intellectual approach is solid because it can give a dual supervision link to the situation being surveyed. The operator has always the authority to step in and stop any unwanted action. The machine vision based algorithm has a huge disadvantage due to homogeneity and identity factors. This is because from distance object tend to look the same geometrically as well as color wise. In this paper we offer a solution to tackle the homogeneity problem between tracked agents which can cause local minimum problems. The UAV will forecast the next position of the tracked agent using Artificial Neural Networks. Position estimation is based on registered previous coefficient.

    Keywords: position prediction, path planning, quadrotor, neural networks

  • Chaharbagh is the Initial example of the great gardens of human civilization

    This article discusses the emergence Chaharbag in different places of the world and the role Chaharbag in development of landscape architecture and urban spaces of identity, as well as its influence on other arts including painting and carpet. Chahar Bagh is a special style layout, which is used in the Persian garden. Rectangular in plan shared garden paths or channels with flowing water into four smaller parts. In Persian, "Chahar" means "four" and "Bag" is translated as "garden".

    Keywords: Chaharbagh, garden, Persian garden and landscape.

  • Features of the spinel phases formation in system NiO – CoO – CuO – Cr2O3

    The combination of the unique, abnormal properties shown by oxidic systems with structure of spinel on the basis of transitional elements chromites draws attention of researchers for many years. Some systems on the basis of transitional elements chromites (for example, nickel and copper chromites) have critical elements (multicritical points, lines of phase transitions of the second sort, etc.) on the phase chart. Near these elements of the phase chart materials possess unique chemical and physical properties. Therefore development methods of receiving and research of phase forming and properties in NIO-CoO-CuO-Cr2O3 system represent fundamental and practical interest for chemistry and technology of inorganic substances. In this work processes of spinel structure formation in system 0,6 NiCr2O4 – 0,2 CoCr2O4 – 0,2 CuCr2O4 from crystal chemistry positions are considered. Formation of two solid solutions on the basis of nickel (II) chromite – with structure of cubic spinel and with tetragonal distorted structure is established. The influence of cooperative Yahn-Teller effect on processes of a spinel forming and on stabilizing impact of chloride of potassium on process of education of  two spinel solid solutions is suggested. Influence of a power factor of cation stabilization in knots of a crystal lattice as one of the important factor in reaction of spinel structure formation is considered.

    Keywords: spinels, chromites of transitional elements, Jahn-Teller effect

  • Using of large-scale waste phosphogypsum to reduce emissions of SO2-containing coal power plant

    Possibility of using of a phosphate for receiving lime which can be used further as a sorbent of oxides of sulfur in coppers with technology of the circulating boiling layer, applied on coal thermal power plants is considered.

    Keywords: enterprises of power industry, phosphogypsum, with CFB boilers - circulating boiling layer, pollution of the atmosphere, sulphur dioxide, secondary resources, sulfuric acid