The values the frequencies of the stretching vibrations of anions SCN-, NO2-, NO3-, CℓO4- in molten salts of alkali metals and their point group symmetry. There is a correlation with an increase in the frequency of symmetry
Keywords: Raman Spectra; anions; molten solts; group symmetry.
In the implementation of dynamic re-routing of traffic it is important to notice that the threshold depends on the network layout and type of the roads. Full paper includes appropriate relationships, figures and analysis of simulation results to define the re-routing period of dynamic traffic rerouti
Keywords: re-routing, cycle, dynamic traffic assignment, level of services
To estimate the effectiveness of forest machines developed technological possibility coefficient. Coefficients reflect the ability to provide a given performance of transport vehicles in the logging, the decline in the quality of the skid road surface. Method allows determining the amount of logging residues, necessary for the skid road construction. At calculating the available volume accounted for logging residues. Resources of logging residues are calculated depending on the type of timber and the length of skid road. The method allows selecting the optimum system of machines to work in these natural production conditions or schedule performance loss due to reduced carrying capacity of skid road.
Keywords: Cross country, technological passableness, forest machines, bearing capacity of soils, skid road, wood types, logging residues
Describes the status of defense infrastructure of Saint-Petersburg agglomeration, in the transport, engineering and social, and proposed the ways of its perspective development.
Keywords: urban agglomerations, city, frame, transport, defense, defense infrastructure
Most of web pages of the Web are inaccessible for the blind users. And the main reason is a lack of the semantics at the source code (technical) level of web pages and absence of the navigational components. In this work we propose a new web page representation---multiaxial navigation model---representing web documents in the form convinient for the blind users. Moreover, we present methodology for the navigation on the model proposed, that ensure an efficiency of user mobility. Automatic transformation of a web page into the multiaxial navigation model and navigation means are realized in the Blindzilla prototype. An efficiency of the proposed concepts is proven experimentally regarding contemporary screen readers, such as JAWS, Window-Eyes, and Fire Vox.
Keywords: web accessibility, navigation, web page, web technologies
The article is devoted to the problem of the research of geopolitical processes on the world regions’ scale under present-day conditions. The article substantiates the necessity of their analysis with the help of the cognitive approach as an effective means of cognition of the interconnections and interrelationships within the complicated systems. With that aim in view the specifics and the stages of the cognitive modeling are given thorough analysis in the article. This type of modeling is adapted to the analysis of geopolitical dynamics on the regional/sub regional level taking into consideration its aptitudes to make prognostic scenarios of the development of the situation. The possibilities of the cognitive modeling of geopolitical processes are illustrated on the example of the situation in three sub regions constituting one (big) the Black Sea – Caspian region.
Keywords: World regions, geopolitical processes, modeling of the complicated systems, modeling of the geopolitical processes, cognitive modeling, the program’s system of the cognitive modeling, the Black Sea – Caspian Region, the Black Sea sub region, the Caucasus
The facts allowing scientifically are analyzed - to prove participation of a town-planning science with a view of accommodation of military force in territory of the state, and in particular the St.-Petersburg agglomeration. Also problems in town-planning maintenance of agglomeration to defense are stated.
Keywords: urban agglomerations, city, armed forces, defense, territory
In this paper we study the dynamics of the local atomic structure of new nanostructured condensed material for for rechargeable current sources on the basis of 15mas.%V2O5/Fe/LiF nanocomposite within charge-discharge cycle on the basis of X-ray diffraction (XRD), X-ray absorption spectroscopy (XANES) and of computer simulation. The analysis of the experimental data obtained during the first charge cycle reveals the transformation of iron to more than 50% of iron fluoride (II) , Li ions intercalate into the structure of amorphous V2O5 forming LiVO2 compound.
Keywords: diversification of management, production diversification, financial and economic purposes of a diversification, technological purposes of ensuring flexibility of production
Article describes actual problems of personal navigation in portable scientific document set representation. Proposed algorithm for ranking document graph paths based on machine learning, described algorithm analysis and most probable navigation context parts.
Keywords: Document set navigation, machine learning, navigation context, scientific data visualization
Structure of surface acoustic waves(SAW) of CO sensor was developed. SAW sensor include transceiving IDT and catoptric IDT, which is loaded on the impedance of ZnO nanorods. Peak of reflection SAW from IDT clearly observed as result Fourier transformation of time function of pulsed response. IDT loaded on resistance paralleled ZnO nanorods, which depends on the concentration of CO.
Keywords: ZnO nanorods, device on SAW, CO sensor
Methods of mathematical (geometric) modelingare often used in the current research of multivariate processes and their optimization tasks combined with traditional mathematical methods of experiment planning. This simulation is carried out by methods of descriptive geometry, its practical valueis a graphical representation of the functional relationships of the quality from factors and parameters that defines a process with number of variables more than three. Definition’salgorithmsof the optimization based on the Radishchev drawingin the article are given to ensure the visibility of images and solve certain technical problems.The graphical model of the process optimization of joining parts of garments was constructed.
Keywords: Technological process, Optimization, Modeling, Descriptive geometry, Multidimensional space, Radischev drawing, Hyperplane, Hypersurface, Algorithm, Factors, Parameters.
The problem of interaction of mutually perpendicular magnetic fields in superconductors is considered. Possibility of use of a nonlinear susceptibility of superconductors for measurement of a magnetic field is shown, the assessment of sensitivity of the cryogenic probe magnetometer is carried out.
Keywords: superconductor, magnetometer, SQUID, cryotron, the crossed magnetic fields, non-linear magnetic, cryogenic probe
We have carried out the analysis on the scientific and technological literature on methods of calculation and analysis of the x-ray diffraction, x-ray absorption and Raman spectra used to analyse the structure of the materials for hydrogen storage under realistic operating conditions. The simulations were carried out for the series of small palladium nanoclusters with embedded hydrogen. Multiscale computer modelling was used to simulate the dynamics of structure of the materials during charge/discharge phases.
Keywords: hydrogen storage, XANES, x-ray diffraction, Raman scattering, fuel cell
The article presents the results of experimental research of the re-entrainment reduction in the electrocyclone. The authors shows an increase in the collection efficiency of ash up to 99.5% and reduction of entrainment in 4 times when profiled elements was install on collection electrode surface
Keywords: gas dust cleaning, electrocyclone, re-entrainment, collection efficiency, ash from thermal power plants
The proposed approach to the study of social engineering systems to meet all their basic features. Blurred structure of social engineering system reflects the fuzzy cognitive model; Fuzzy connection effectively evaluated using weights Fishburne; "blur" element values system and its functioning is overcome by introducing linguistic variables and their term-set fuzzy classifiers.
Keywords: system analysis, poorly structured and poorly formalizable processes, sociotechnical systems, fuzzy cognitive modeling