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  • Volumetric modeling of a microwave liquid heater

    This work is devoted to modeling the absorption of microwave electromagnetic field energy in a device for milk pasteurization. Using CAD FEKO, a 3D model of the device was built and its operation was simulated. A study was made of the influence of the tilt angle of quartz tubes on the distribution of the electromagnetic field in the waveguide. The influence of the diameter and material of the tubes is also considered. The distributions of the electric field and the specific power absorbed per kg of dielectric in the waveguide are obtained. The accuracy of the results was assessed.

    Keywords: pasteurization, microwave, heat treatment of dielectrics

  • Analysis of the possibility of replacing a monolithic frame with a prefabricated-monolithic frame during the construction of a residential multi-storey building

    The article considers the possibility of replacing a monolithic frame with a precast-monolithic frame during the construction of a residential apartment building. The variety of structural systems erected in the Russian Federation for residential and public buildings is given. The positive and negative aspects of each of the proposed methods are considered. An economic justification for replacing a monolithic frame with a precast-monolithic one is given. Based on the results obtained, conclusions were drawn about the effectiveness of the use of prefabricated monolithic systems for the construction of civil buildings.

    Keywords: construction, construction technology, monolithic frame, prefabricated monolithic frame, prefabricated structures, construction period, construction cost

  • Reconstruction of the anti-landslide protection of the Oryol boarding house

    The article discusses the geological aspects of the existing and designed anti-landslide protection system of the central part of the Karasan landslide on the Crimean peninsula, where the reconstructed Oryol boarding house is located.

    Keywords: landslide, anti-landslide protection system, pile protection wall, retaining wall, Crimea, reconstruction, bored piles

  • Development of a method for constructing an automated accompaniment based on the main melody

    The question of creating an automated accompaniment is still an undisclosed part within the current automation of the musical field. The construction of accompaniment is used not only in the musical field, but also in related ones. Automatically generated accompaniment is used in audio and video studios for advertising, by people with and without musical education. In this paper, the existing methods for constructing automated accompaniment, audio file formats will be considered, and the developed algorithm and method for automatic accompaniment generation will be described.

    Keywords: accompaniment, auto generated accompaniment, auto accompaniment, melody, MIDI

  • Simulation of the interaction wheel tire with the supporting base of the support-running module

    This paper presents the results of a study of the interaction of the wheel tire with the support surface of the support-running module during the movement of the wheeled vehicle. The creation of a mathematical model of the movement of the wheel on the support base of the support-running module is given. For this, a design scheme for the movement of the wheel along the supporting surface of the support-running module was presented, and the following equations were given: the dynamics of the drive wheel; normal reaction and reaction vector of the interaction of the wheel tire with the support base; partial slip friction coefficient for cohesive soils and slip coefficient. Simulation modeling was carried out using the MATLAB Simulink environment, which allows, on the basis of a given mathematical model, to study the system being developed. When using this system, there is a reduction in the cost of expensive physical prototypes and an increase in the quality of products, as a result of an increase in the accuracy of calculations.

    Keywords: wheel tyre, suspension module, wheeled vehicle, MATLAB Simulink, mathematical model, modeling

  • Development of a portable pneumatic trainer for training the respiratory system in the fight against the consequences of the COVID-19

    The article presents an analysis of the problems of diagnosis and restoration of the human respiratory system after diseases, including COVID-19. The review of analogues of small-sized spirometers is carried out. On the basis of which an individual small-sized device has been developed for effective training of the respiratory system. The functional scheme of the pneumatic trainer is described and the main simulator-game scenarios for achieving a therapeutic effect are analyzed.

    Keywords: respiratory system, COVID-19, pneumatic trainer, portable device, pressure sensor, MEMS technology

  • Automated mapping of ORM2-diagram basic elements into OWL2-ontology

    An ontology is a formal, explicit specification of a shared conceptualization of some fragment of domain, which is understandable for both people and intelligent systems. However, it is rather complicated for a domain expert with limited ontology expertise to create complete and consistent ontology, which could answer required competency questions. In this paper we consider the approach with the use of ORM2-diagram as an intermediate model for creating an OWL2-ontology. This approach requires specialized conversion rules allowing to map ORM2-diagram into OWL2-ontology. In this study we revealed that existing conversion rules do not comply with ORM2-semantics. We improved existing conversion rules for Entity Type and Subtyping elements of ORM2 notation. Also we automated the process of mapping ORM2-diagram (consisting of base elements of ORM2 notation - Entity Type, Value Type, Subtyping, Unary Role, Binary Role) into OWL2-ontology as well. As result of this study, we developed a software component, which is part of plugin for ontology editor Protégé. This paper also describes an experiment that confirms the effectiveness of the developed module. It is proven that module allows to exclude mistakes encountered in conversion ORM2-diagram to OWL2-ontology and to reduce conversion time as well.

    Keywords: explicit knowledge representation, visual model, intermediate model, ontology modeling, ontology, OWL2, ontological pattern, ORM (Object-Role Modeling), ORM diagram

  • Development of a combined heat source with an external chamber and an intermediate circuit on carbon dioxide

    The paper proposes and calculates a scheme of a two-stage gas turbine plant using carbon dioxide as a working fluid in the second stage and using heating of the CO2 circuit, as well as heating water sent for heating. As a result, the following were calculated: for the first stage turbine: parameters of fuel combustion products; air compressor parameters; fuel compressor parameters; combustion chamber parameters for a real Brayton cycle; Efficiency of the first stage turbine; for the second stage of the gas turbine: a schematic diagram was drawn up using liquid CO2 as a working fluid; calculation of CO2 parameters at key points of the Brayton cycle; the efficiency of the turbine of the second stage is calculated.

    Keywords: energy efficiency, gas turbine plant, carbon dioxide, pressure, pressure ratio, combustion chamber, recuperator

  • Mechanism for lifting small-piece loads from paving slabs

    In industrial production, stacker loaders used for loading and transporting goods packed on pallets are quite widely used in warehouse work. Basically, when performing a loading and transport technological operation, the functionality of the stacker is sufficient. When an obstacle appears or pallets are stacked, additional maneuverability is required, as a result of which the overall performance of the loader is lost. As a result of the conducted research, it was found that when bypassing obstacles and laying pallets, the time spent on maneuvering the chassis is up to 13%, while the utilization factor of the loader-stacker in terms of productivity is 0.7. Numerical modeling of the positioning process of the load-handling body of the loading and transport unit was carried out, on this basis, the design of a loader-stacker with expanded functionality was proposed and developed, in particular, the service area increased due to the use of a tripod manipulator and two guide actuators, which reduces the time of the technological operation of loading and unloading pallets in warehouse work. Geometrical, structural and kinematic parameters of the loader mechanism are calculated.

    Keywords: numerical simulation, loader-stacker, service area, lifting body, manipulator, hinges, chassis, structural analysis, geometric analysis, kinematic analysis, executive drive, pallet

  • Hardware and software usb-hid device for controllthe pc cursor for people with impaired motor functions

    The use of information technologies in the tasks of medical rehabilitation is an effective method, but it is often complicated by the problems of using standard control devices and input into the computer by people with motor impairments. The developed hardware and software complex allows one to obtain data on the orientation of the joint in space, "turning" them into the movement of the mouse pointer, allowing one to interact with computer software, instead of the mouse manipulator. By changing the sensitivity of the sensors, the process of rehabilitation of patients is corrected. The used component base of the complex being developed and the technologies used make it possible to form a significantly lower cost, the possibility of using it outside the clinic, working without the help of specialists, application in control actions with computer software not only for rehabilitation but also for people with disabilities. The paper defines the tasks and functions that are solved by the hardware and software complex. In the 3D editor, the body frame and the internal arrangement of components are modeled, hardware and software tools are selected to ensure the implementation of the project. The functional scheme of the "Limbtracker" device has been developed. During the execution of the project, the following was implemented: reading data from sensors and writing them to a text file, filtering data by the Kalman algorithm, calibration of the device.

    Keywords: hardware and software complex, home rehabilitation, neurorehabilitation, STM32, microcontroller, device design, USB-hid

  • Formation of a public center in military camps

    The article deals with the analysis of the formation of a public center in military camps, including the analysis of towns in various military districts, as well as the estimated number of military camps.

    Keywords: military camps, standard building projects, public buildings, numbers, cooperation

  • Methodology for the application of one- and two-dimensional elements in the mathematical modeling of the subway tunnel lining

    In connection with the development of computational complexes of the finite element method, sometimes there is a problem of choosing methods and techniques for numerical experiments with the lining of interlinear subway tunnels. The aim of this article is to consider the possibility of using one-dimensional and two-dimensional elements in modeling the lining of an underpass tunnel and the necessity of using contact elements in modeling the lining. In order to fulfill this task, two computational schemes with the lining modeled by one-dimensional elements and by two-dimensional elements have been created using the example of the existing Moscow Metro tunnel.

    Keywords: finite element method, one-dimensional elements, two-dimensional elements, contact element, contact problems, tunnel, metro, mathematical modeling, stress-strain state

  • Technique for automatic classification of roads using the neural network Mask R-CNN

    The paper proposes a method for automatic classification of roads based on the use of a convolutional neural network Mask-R-CNN. The developed technique makes it possible to automate the task of categorizing roads, which is fundamental in the redistribution of traffic flows, since knowledge of the category of the road allows you to determine its maximum capacity. The article contains a description of the stages of training a neural network, as well as the results obtained when using it. The method of automatic road classification proposed in the paper showed good results both in classifying roads based on satellite images and in classifying roads based on photographs of road sections. When expanding the test set, the number of classes of recognized roads can be increased to match the categories of roads according to SP 34.13330.2021. In addition, this technique (in terms of segmenting objects in photographs) can be used to control the quality of the roadway.

    Keywords: road categories, convolutional neural networks, satellite imagery, image segmentation, Mask R-CNN, image recognition, computer vision

  • Architecture of the developed mobile application for detecting anomalies in human behavior

    Society has always paid great attention to the problem of human behavior that does not comply with established social and generally accepted norms. Recently, interest in the problem of deviations in human behavior has increased significantly. Today, the study of deviant behavior is an interdisciplinary problem that is being solved within the framework of various scientific disciplines. Recognition of anomalies in human behavior is a complex and currently undisclosed research problem. In the process of identifying behavioral anomalies, the recognition of emotions by various signs plays a leading role. In order to increase the accuracy of the results, it makes sense to perform a comprehensive assessment of emotions on several signs at once, such as facial expression, posture, vocal signs (intonation, speech speed, etc.). The article presents existing algorithms and methods for recognizing emotions. The rationale for the choice of software product development tools is given. The functional requirements for the application are presented in the form of a diagram of use cases in UML 2.0 notation. The architecture of an Android application for recognizing anomalies in human behavior in the form of diagrams of components and classes of the conceptual level is shown. Prototypes of the user interface are demonstrated.

    Keywords: abnormal behavior, algorithms and methods of emotion recognition, software architecture, functional requirements, user interface

  • Calculation of the deformability of the CLT overlap panel

    CLT panels (English: Cross Laminated Timber) were chosen as the object of the study. This is a multilayer material made of coniferous and hard-leaved wood, which has a system of cross—glued wood in its composition. As part of the work, the available literature on this topic was analyzed, the calculation and analysis of the results obtained were carried out. The article presents the results of the calculation of the CLT panel with consideration of the possibility of isotropic and orthotropic setting of the stiffness of the panel, using elastic modules along and across the fibers. The calculation results are presented in the form of maximum deflections of the panel. Applications in the calculation of the modulus of elasticity across the fibers and taking into account orthotropic stiffness clarifies the stress-strain state of the overlap panel. Based on the calculations performed and the analysis of the results obtained, conclusions are drawn.

    Keywords: CLT-panel, transverse bending, modulus of elasticity, stiffness, stress, deflection, orthotropy