The method of parametric modeling and design based on the example of a building is studied, the architectural image of which is a set of circular helical and cylindrical surfaces defined by coordinates through functions of the corresponding surfaces in the SAPPHIRE software. Alternative methods for specifying surfaces in the SAPPHIRE PC, AutoCAD with subsequent export to the LIRA PC for engineering calculations of the frame of the building for various combinations of loads by the finite element method are presented. The object of the study is a 360-meter-high building with a hardness core in the form of a cylindrical shell of revolution. The height of the floor is 3 m. Around the rigid shell there are three circular helical surfaces that "rise" in a spiral upward along with the core of rigidity to a mark of 360 meters from the level of the ground floor. One of the most universal ways to create a surface is to specify it through a formula, because you can easily change the shape and appearance of the surface without manually editing the geometry of the model in the drawing. The development of the parametric architecture calls for the creation of new approaches to the calculation of unique buildings and structures, the improvement of software complexes that implement the finite element method, and the appearance of new varieties of finite elements with curvilinear boundaries.
Keywords: parametric architecture, surface, shape of the object, shell, curve, model, geometry, program, formula surface, helical surface
An experimental device designed for the detection of peripheral veins during the injection and infusion was developed on the basis of recording the difference in the intensity of the optical signal reflected from the vessels and surrounding tissues. The device allows to perform the detection of the locations of vessels, to determine their projection, to confidently distinguish veins and arteries. The effectiveness of the application is shown in tests on healthy people and patients with diabetic angiopathy. The device is very compact, has a simple design and low cost.
Keywords: infrared light, optical pair, photodiode, LED, introscopy, vascular detection, complicated intravenous access, peripheral vein, photoplethysmography, angiopathy
The compare the durability of the existing ball bearings (SHO) with the polymer homogeneous element with the durability of the modified supports, a cell model with the averaged placement of the modifier in SHO substrate and a model for bringing the multilayer sho body to the equivalent single-layer one are constructed; calculations of contact pressure, contact deformations and stresses are performed. The calculation takes into account the rheological and physico-chemical properties of the components of SHO substrate and modifier, the influence of the environment. As a result of calculations, it was found that at all points of the contour the material experiences a biaxial plane two-dimensional stress state, called pure shear with the presence of shear stresses. The most intense point of danger is the point lying in the center of the platform of contact of details.
Keywords: ball bearing, durability, modeling, polymer material, granule, modification
In the article results of approbation of the experimental devices designed for visualization of blood vessels developed by the authors are presented. Experimental device number one is an emitter of infrared light, the experimental device number two is a emitter of visible red light. Devices can be recommended for use in patients with no factors impeding vascular imaging and in patients with elevated body mass index.
Keywords: infrared radiation, optical pair, photodiode, LED, introscopy, visible red light, vascular detection, complicated intravenous access, peripheral vein
The paper considers the main factors determining the quality of underground water deposits within the RO, done hydrochemical and geoecological assessment of groundwater RO. The entropy of the groundwater ecosystem is calculated. It was found that most of the deposits have an entropy of less than 30%. that is, the water is clean enough, not experienced external influences. However, the water quality has deviations in individual indicators from the requirements of SanPiN, which can be eliminated by conventional methods of water treatment.
Keywords: groundwater, hydrogeochemical heterogeneity, classification of groundwater, drinking water
The studies are devoted to a comparative assessment of the operational characteristics of individual trees in the regions of the Northern economic area of the Russian Federation (NEA). On the basis of the estimation, the weighted average structure of the stand is obtained in terms of thickness for NEA. This made it possible to draw a conclusion about the possibility of creating a forest machine with parameters that allow it to be used effectively in all regions of the NEA.
Keywords: forest resources, structure of the tree stand in thickness, Northern economic region
The article presents the analysis of dust pollution of atmospheric air in the vicinity of the enterprise for the production of gypsum products. Given the dynamics of changes in the concentration of fine dust, and also investigated the characteristics of the distribution of concentrations of fine dust РМ0.3, , PM2. 5, РМ5 , PM10 etc.
Keywords: atmospheric air, fine dust, PM0.3, PM0.5, PM1.0, PM2.5, PM5 and PM10, dust concentration, speed, wind direction, air humidity, integral mass distribution function, particle diameter by diameter
The paper reports that there currently exist various technologies and methods for achieving energy efficiency of reconstructed buildings and facilities. It highlights the fact that practically all mansard construction technologies conform to the up-to-date requirements for energy efficiency and resource conservation. At the same time, the analysis of a number of foreign and national publications shows that the modern trends in ensuring energy efficiency of buildings and facilities are based on the use of solar, thermal and biocincrete panels, which also prove to be environmentally friendly.
Keywords: mezzanine, solar panels, thermal panels, biocincrete panels, efficiency ratio of solar energy generating panels, energy efficiency, environmental safety
The calculations and assessment of the impact of the built dormitories on the design of the existing building in accordance with the requirements of SP 22.13330.2011 and techniques of the FEM program Plaxis 2012.01 (Build 8962)
Keywords: pile foundations, Plaxis program, Geology
The aim of the work is to verify the accuracy of the solution of the traveling salesman problem by the method of branches and boundaries with a large difference in the length of the chords of the transport graph. It is considered an NP-hard task. It is proved that the Vig method can not give an optimal result in a transport graph with a large difference in the values of the elements in the cells of the original matrix, when its zero cells will have very different estimates. The reason for the inaccuracy of solving the travelling salesman problem is the inadequacy of the adopted model for the calculation of the original formulation of the problem. It consists in the injustice of the second hypothesis on the evaluation of the zero element in the evaluation matrix included in the optimal route. The hypothesis is accepted without strict proofs and has probabilistic character. The use of the minimum values of the row and column from the matrix is appropriate, as determined by the route of the smallest length. It is doubtful whether it is true that there is always a need to strike out at each stage the zero element with the maximum total score. The reason is that, firstly, it has a random character in General. Secondly, this assessment does not take into account all possible combinations of combinations of branches giving the optimal combination, since their recursion is not carried out. The technique of improving the method of branches and boundaries is proposed, which consists in additional verification of the obtained optimal route by removing the branch with an estimate one step below the maximum at each stage of branching. Numerical experiment is carried out.
Keywords: salesman, best route, branch and bound method, gaps, hypotheses, algorithm, the inaccuracy of the decision, the reason why numerical experiment, improvement method
The problem of calibration of a three-axis acceleration sensor is considered. A number of measurements obtained with the sensor at its different orientations in space are used as initial data for calibration. It is assumed that the sensor is stationary for each orientation variant. The measurement data are averaged at each static sensor position, and the averaged results are used as parameters in a system of nonlinear equations that are solved by the Levenberg-Marquardt method. The results of the proposed method in the article are presented in the experiment with a real sensor, which allows to check its effectiveness.
Keywords: three-axis accelerometer sensor calibration, the sensor coordinate system, the coordinate system of the gravitational field, the rotation of the coordinate system, the matrix of coordinate transformation, the correction factor, the average value of the me
When identifying reserves of efficiency of management of production activities of enterprises should comply with a number of important principles. First of all, the identification of reserves should be based on knowledge of economic laws, the provisions of the dialectical theory of knowledge, the achievements of science and practice, that is, to be scientific in nature. It is necessary to know the economic nature and nature of economic reserves, the main directions of the search, as well as the technique and methodology of calculation and generalization. The search for reserves should be complex and systematic: complexity implies a comprehensive identification of reserves in all areas of economic activity and their subsequent generalization.
Keywords: management, production activities, reserves, efficiency, analysis, diagnostics
To produce controlled radio frequency and microwave devices such as phased antenna arrays, delay lines, an affordable and inexpensive way of manufacturing varactors in large quantities should be found. One of the promising ways to produce such varactors is based on the use of a BST-paste with a low firing temperature, which allows it to be integrated into a substrate of low-temperature co-fired ceramics (LTCC).
Keywords: semiconductor, ferroelectric, BST-paste, ferroelectric condenser, LTCC technology
Various mineral porous components, such as expanded clay, ash microspheres, etc., are used to regulate the processes of structure formation and physical and mechanical properties of shock-resistant concrete of rigid pressing.
Keywords: Regulation, structure formation, physical and mechanical properties, ash microspheres, phase-mineral composition, X-ray phase analysis, adhesion
The article deals with the idea of developing the social infrastructure of the new microdistrict "Suvorovsky" of Rostov-on-don. Prospects for the growth of the neighborhood, and the opportunity in the near future to become the core of the agglomerations of the city of Rostov-on-don.
Keywords: neighborhood, residential complex, state contract, landscaping, social infrastructure, the core of agglomerations, the project activities