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  • Use of an inversion multidimensional classification in conceptual design

      The article is devoted to the methodology of construction of fields of knowledge through the use of procedures inversion, allowing to most fully present the essence of the studied object, its inner content, expressed as a unity of diversity contradictory properties ensuring its integrity required for the generation of new knowledge as an increase to the number of criteria for the classification and, accordingly, the space of the classification.

    Keywords: conceptual design, fields of knowledge, classification, inversion

  • Application information technologies at the increase mobility and providing a transport safety

    Information technologies play an important role in the increase mobility and providing a transport safety. The examples of the effective use information technologies are resulted for passenger transportations. The analysis possibilities programmatic complex Pikas is conducted. Possibilities and advantages modern information technologies are considered in the field providing a transport safety.

    Keywords: mobility, transport safety, passenger transportations, information technologies

  • Ecological-economic aspects of settlements ground resources rational usage and estimation

    In the article consideres aspects of ground resources rational usage and estimation. There are unique properties of ground resources, division of ground fund on categories. Schematically shown control system of lands rational usage.

    Keywords: Settlement, ground resources, estimation, ecological-economic aspects

  • Rheology salt massif with a spherical cavity

    This article is related to technological problems of cavities with kamufletnyh explosions, during which the temperature in the cavity greatly exceeds the initial temperature of the array. Often these cavities are created in an array of rock salt. Because the salt even at light loads demonstrate expressive flow properties, it is interesting solution to the problem of creep salt massif with a cavity under the action of a force (pressure inside the cavity and the pressure of the soil), and thermal loads.

    Keywords: heterogeneity, creep, highly elastic deformation, hydrochloric array coupling equation, the integral relations

  • The interferometric system interface definition of the relative coordinates of radio-emitting objects

      The paper contains a mathematical formulation of the problem of synthesis interferometric determination of the relative coordinates of the radio-emitting objects. Option structural implementation of the interface for it to work in real-time microcomputer-based system of passive location proposed. Version of the algorithm operation interface includes a primary carrier detect and calculate the phase difference between the received signals was proposed. Hardware requirements are formulated its implementation.

    Keywords: interface structure, the coordinate, algorithm, the interferometer, radio-emitting objects

  • Tools to support the modeling process, which is based on L-systems

    It is proposed software-technological complex for modeling, which uses L-systems (Lindenmayer Systems) as the tools of modeling and visualization. The main purpose is to construct models of processes and structures that have a fractal nature. The complex supports different types of L-systems: deterministic context-free L-systems, stochastic L-systems, parametric L-systems, context sensitive L-systems. The developed tools have been used to model and analyze the socio-economic processes.

    Keywords: L-systems, modeling, Fractal, Self-similar structures, Production rules, Grammar, Graphic interpretation

  • On the theorization of group wood barking

      Mathematical models describing the process of group wood barking in the barking drums are suggested.

    Keywords: group barking, mathematical model, barking drum

  • Formation of the system of production quality assurance based on the use of the process aproach

    This article is dedicated to theoretical issues of development of the production quality improvement system in the small- and middle-sized enterprises. This system is based on the process-based approach. Briefly the theoretical issues of process-based approach and the main concepts are given. The concept of production quality improvement system and the distinctions from well-known process-based quality management are also given. Objectives and principles of this system are defined by the authors. Also the recommendations by selection of method of assessing the effectiveness of the system.

    Keywords: quality production management, process-based management, quality management system, small- and middle-sized enterprises

  • Categories of psychotherapeutic discourse and their expression in the language (on the basis of the novel by I. Yalom The Schopenhauer Cure)

    The article describes such categories of psychotherapeutic discourse as its participants, aims, values, specific concepts. Special attention is given to the means of the categories’ expression in the language. The authors name so called teleonomic concepts of the psychotherapeutic discourse (life – death), discourse –specific concept relationship is also in focus. It is noted that psychotherapeutic discourse is of a metaphorical nature.

    Keywords: psychotherapeutic discourse, discourse participants, relationship, discourse metaphorical nature

  • Linguistic culture in translation

    The article is devoted to linguistic culture in translation. There are also considered non-qualified translation of labels, goods inscriptions in Russian and instructions in English like the whole disrespect with the Russian consumers. We couldn’t use such texts as they destroy the younger people concept of standard language and culture of speech.

    Keywords: linguistic norms (standards), departure from the norm, culture of speech, translation, mistakes in translation, translation evaluation

  • Social and environmental aspects of the planning of extension of kindergarten's network on the territory of cities

    "The increased in fertility from 2000 for the last 8 years have seen the positive dynamics of preschool educational institutions, while maintaining the number of institutions themselves. In the short term, the number of children in need of day care centers will only increase. And even with the stabilization of population reproduction rates burden on the existing network is much higher than standard level. Even with the current share of children enrolled in preschool education, in short and medium term need to create additional places and building new kindergartens. "

    Keywords: Sustainable development, city-planning and ecological substantiation, needs of the population in kindergarten, service area, expert Systems, geological and ecological risks, geoinformational techonologies, Green building certification

  • Increase of competitiveness of the Russian regions as strategic factor of social and economic development

      Features of regional development of subjects of the Russian Federation are considered in article. Extent of differentiation of development of the Russian regions on the main socio-economic indexes is opened. Need of increase of a functional role of competitiveness of regions for overcoming of existing gaps locates in levels of development. 

    Keywords: regional economy, differentiation of social and economic development, uniform economic space, competitiveness

  • Modification of Prony algorithm for vector-scalar array

    The algorithm, which allows to apply the Prony method to estimate of the sources parameters using vector-scalar receiving array is discussed. Noise immunity of the proposed algorithm is very high, so as the measured components of the acoustic field does not contain a noise.

    Keywords: Prony algorithm, vector-scalar array, dynamic sea noise, the covariance, the flow of power

  • Methods of experimental study of pre-stressed in the sample at the indentation of the indenter

    The problem of a radial compressive stress in the sample to assess their impact on the parameters of these stresses pressing indentors

    Keywords: Diagnostics, resource efficiency, mechanical properties, strength, ductility, hardness, toughness, nondestructive testing, destructive

  • The problem of implementing a static conical indenter into the region with radial initial stresses

    We consider the problem of pressing a conical indenter in pre-compressed radial force elastoplastic medium. The influence of the initial stresses on the parameters of the indentation.

    Keywords: Diagnostics, resource efficiency, mechanical properties, strength, ductility, hardness, toughness, nondestructive testing, destructive