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  • Dynamics of dry periods on the example of the basins of the Sokolovsky reservoir and the Taganrog Bay

    The paper considers the dynamics of drought periods based on meteorological data for a multi-year period. The research area covers the basins of the Sokolovsky reservoir and the Taganrog Bay. In the course of the study, the following tasks were performed: climatograms were constructed, a correlation analysis of the course of the total amount of precipitation and the course of average annual temperatures was performed, the deviation of air temperatures from the climatic norm for the considered areas was revealed. The tendency to increase the dry period in the Rostov region from north to south has been revealed, which may have an adverse effect on the hydrological regime of water bodies.

    Keywords: dry period, Sokolov reservoir, Taganrog Bay, Rostov region, drought, climate, climate data, precipitation, air temperature

  • Investigation of the heat transfer process in a cylindrical fuel element

    the presented work is devoted to the study of the temperature state of a fuel element (fuel element) – a cylindrical solid body with an internal heat source of constant power. Using the integral method of heat balance with the introduction of an additional desired function, an approximate analytical solution of the corresponding boundary value problem of thermal conductivity is obtained. The conditions of external heat transfer at the boundary of the studied region were set according to the Newton-Richman law (a boundary condition of the third kind). When obtaining the solution, trigonometric coordinate functions were used. Their use made it possible to reduce the number of terms in the desired solution due to the a priori fulfillment of the boundary condition in the center of the fuel element. It is shown that when using only three terms in the analytical solution (the first approximation), an accuracy sufficient for engineering applications is achieved. The error of the developed method was estimated by comparing the results obtained with a numerical solution based on the finite difference method. The article presents graphs of the temperature distribution at different power values of volumetric fuel element heat sources. The developed method can be used to determine the time of the system's exit to the stationary mode, estimate the maximum fuel element temperature at various values of the dimensionless Bio and Pomerantsev numbers, and determine temperature stresses.

    Keywords: internal heat sources, boundary conditions of the third kind, additional desired function, heat balance integral, heat-generating element, approximate analytical solution, numerical solution, heat conduction problem, Bio number, Pomerantsev number

  • Risk analysis of construction production

    In modern construction, there are a large number of construction production risks that have a negative impact on the construction of buildings and structures. To reduce adverse impacts on the construction process, it is necessary to constantly monitor these risks. The reasons for the risks of construction production and the ways of their solution are presented in the article. The problem of construction production risks is very significant, given the high rate of construction of buildings and structures using new innovative processes and methods. At the same time, any risk can be avoided or minimized by a high-quality, responsible approach to the performance of their work, with the help of regular control, management and monitoring of all construction risks.

    Keywords: construction, risk, consequence, reason, decision, result, construction company, construction process, project, negative impact, building, structure

  • Simulation models of functioning of distributed information processing systems and their software implementation

    The paper describes the main agents, with their components and process diagrams, of the developed simulation model of the functioning of the distributed information processing system, created in the AnyLogic software environment. A method for constructing models with self-similar traffic is described. The article also presents a method for obtaining real (reference) indicators of the average response time of the system to user requests. The results of numerical experiments on the created models of the functioning of distributed information processing systems with self-similar traffic are presented. The main conclusions about the performed experiments are presented.

    Keywords: distributed information processing system, self-similar flow, average system response time, simulation, object-oriented concept, agent-based and discrete-event modeling

  • Project activities in the field of modernization of higher engineering education in Cambodia

    In this article, the actual topic of project activities in the framework of the modernization of higher education in Cambodia. In this article, we analyzed the situation due to which among recent university graduates there is a shortage of highly qualified personnel in such areas as agriculture, exact sciences, mechanical engineering and manufacturing. We also studied information about the largest university in the country - Queen Phnom Penh University.

    Keywords: higher education, modernization, innovation, Cambodia, Russia

  • Construction control in the project of work production

    This article is devoted to the problems associated with the development, control and execution of one of the most important sections of the project documentation, namely, the project of work production. The authors reveal the problem of non-consistency of the data available in the regulatory documentation regulating the provisions for the development and control of the project of work production. The article presents a brief chronology for the last period on the state of the regulatory framework, methodological guidelines and current regulations for the development of sections of the project of work production. The authors of the article show the features of individual regulatory documents, and their relationship in terms of the development and control of the project of work. The materials contained in the article will help to provide a better understanding of construction participants, designers, construction control specialists and performers of work on the construction site of the purpose and role of the sections of the work production project.

    Keywords: Technical supervision, construction control, control and supervisory activities, construction production technology, construction organization, work production project, construction organization project

  • Development of a general scheme for the movement of solid municipal waste from the consumer to the finished final product

    This article discusses the general waste management system in Russia, which includes five main areas (landfills, waste sorting complexes, waste incineration complexes, waste processing complexes, waste composting plants). Two types of sorting of municipal solid waste are considered: manual and automatic. Also, a scheme was proposed for the movement of the main products of solid municipal waste from the consumer to the finished final product.

    Keywords: municipal solid waste, waste sorting problems, waste preparation for sorting, technologies for automatic waste sorting

  • Features of constructing a mathematical model of compaction of subsidence soils by deep explosions

    The method of compaction of subsident soils by deep explosions is widely used in civil construction of buildings and structures. It is characterized by high efficiency of soil compaction and low financial costs for the production of works. This emphasizes the undoubted advantage of the method in comparison with other analogues. In this paper, some features of constructing a mathematical model of compaction of subsident soils by deep explosions are described. The conditions for the existence and uniqueness of the solution of boundary value problems in the framework of the investigated model are given.

    Keywords: subsidence soil, loess, deep explosion, concentrated charge, elongated charge, soil compaction, mathematical model, diffusion equation, boundary value problem, solvability of the model

  • Improving the economic efficiency of conducting cost expertise in the restoration of real estate after a fire

    The article deals with the forecasting of direct material damage to urban areas depending on the number of fires based on official data of the Ministry of Civil Defense, Emergencies and Elimination of Consequences of Natural Disasters, presented in state reports on the state of protection of the population and territories of the Russian Federation from natural and man-made emergencies for five years, based on the model of correlation analysis, which allows us to determine the degree of mutual influence of the parameters under consideration and the linear regression responsible for determining trends for subsequent years. The analysis of the reasons associated with the lack of the possibility of assessing the damage resulting from the fire of the structures of the building or its premises and its subsequent extinguishing in order to increase the economic efficiency of the cost examination during the restoration of real estate is an auxiliary basis for the construction of a correlation-regressive forecasting model.

    Keywords: fires, cost assessment, cost of restoration repairs, real estate objects, economic efficiency, statistics, direct material damage, correlation and regression analysis

  • Influence of information technologies on the possibilities of resource saving in construction

    The development of information technology has a significant impact on many areas of human activity, including the construction industry. The introduction of modern software and information devices into production processes at the stages of design and construction of buildings can lead not only to an increase in the quality of construction and installation works, a reduction in construction time, but also to a reduction in the consumption of material resources and a decrease in the generation of construction and demolition waste at the construction site. The article provides statistical data on the formation of construction waste in recent years, as well as identifies the possibilities of increasing the level of resource saving in construction through the use of modern information technologies.

    Keywords: resource conservation, waste, construction, technology, informatization, demolition, dismantling

  • Study of the compositional relations of architecture and landscape in the formation of ecotourism complexes in Southern Iraq

    The article analyzes the landscape complex of the swamps of Southern Iraq, as a proposed location of architectural objects for the construction of an eco-tourist complex. The purpose of the study is to identify the mechanism of formation of compositional links between architecture and landscape on the example of tourist development of wetlands in Southern Iraq. The functional and planning model of the tourist complex is presented. On the basis of morphological analysis, the horizontal and vertical morphological structures of the wetland landscape were identified. The elements of the natural and ecological framework of wetlands are described, which include: - natural "linear structures" (channels, channels, channels); anthropogenic "linear and vector structures" (pedestrian roads, highways, dams, bridges); "nodal structures "or" cores "located at the intersections of linear and vector directions of development of the framework; "buffer zones" and "accumulators" - island and peninsular elements for the placement and accumulation of various functions (recreational, economic, tourist, etc.); "markers" and " dispersed elements "are a kind of" focal points "and" accents " in the planning structure of the landscape (small islands, protrusions of the coastline, backwaters, peaks, capes). The structural components of the tourist complex are proposed in the form of a combination of its three structures: a) "three-dimensional structure" (buildings, blocks, buildings and their combinations); b) "plastic structure" (the degree of dissection; "sculptural" and detailing of individual three-dimensional forms and spaces, taking into account the "ranks", "levels" and "steps" of detailing); c) "decorative structure" (small forms; color and light-tone combinations of surfaces; textures and textures of architectural volumes). Variants of compositional links between the architecture of tourist complexes and the wetland landscape at different levels of formation are developed. The presented methodological tools will make it possible to form functional ecotourism objects that correspond to the principles of sustainable architecture.

    Keywords: wetlands, architecture, landscape, ecotourism complexes, compositional relationships, morphological structure, ecological framework

  • Simulation of the design activity diversification of innovative enterprise

    The work is devoted to the problems of using modern digital technologies to manage the implementation of programs for the development of regional socio-economic systems. An approach based on the use of intelligent (knowledge-oriented) informationsystems for monitoring and analyzing the progress of programs is proposed. As a model for representing knowledge about the subject area, it is proposed to use the apparatus of the theory of linguistic variables and fuzzy production rules, which makes it possible to take into account the high level of uncertainty due to both the specifics of socio-economic processes and possible changes in external conditions. The inference engine included in the information system is based on the explicitly interpreted procedure of Mamdani's fuzzy logical inference, which makes it possible to form explanations of the course of reasoning. The developed structure of the intellectual information system is a concretization and expansion of the traditional structure, taking into account the reflection of the specifics of the tasks of managing the implementation of programs for the socio-economic development of the region. The preliminary results of the experimental operation of the research prototype of the developed system can serve as confirmation of the effectiveness of the proposed design solutions.

    Keywords: regional socio-economic program, linguistic variable, fuzzy production rule, fuzzy logical inference, information and analytical system

  • Methodology for optimizing the process of designing pavements using asphalt granulate

    A methodology for the development of a system of typical environmentally and economically effective road pavement designs is proposed, which allows to optimize the process of designing pavements using asphalt granulate for the design of overhaul of road pavements.redistribution of investments in interests of the organization and development of new production on available floor spaces. The most important organizational economic targets of a diversification of management are presented by innovative activity of the industrial enterprise.

    Keywords: cold deep in-place recycling, pavement, standard design, road, design, construction, asphalt granulate

  • Construction of transport infrastructure facilities in northern conditions: soils and foundations

    The article deals with measures to preserve the ground bases of structures in a frozen state. It is shown that the methods of soil screening are cheap and do not use special equipment. These methods use different types of insulation: natural and artificial. The existing technologies of the device of thermal insulation screens on highways and engineering structures are described. It is proposed to replace polyurethane foam with extruded polystyrene foam. These materials are described and their physical properties are compared. The technology of the device of the heat-insulating coating is given.

    Keywords: geoplites, expanded polystyrene, polyurethane foam, thermal insulation screen, foundations, permafrost soils, geotextiles,moss cover

  • Models of the development of the transport and transfer complex in the structure of the aerodrome territory of the airport "Platov"

    A solution to the problem of insufficient transport accessibility of the airport complex "Platov" in the form of a modern transport interchange complex is proposed. Five time models of spatial development of the transport and transfer complex within the airport complex have been developed. Step-by-step modeling from a compact transport hub to a large complex of facilities (bus station, bus station with a small logistics center, complex station, transport and public center and public center with transport and transfer function) stimulates the natural and soft development of the advanced development zone (aeropolis) on the basis of the airport complex "Platov". The analysis of the model range of the time development of the transport and transfer complex will allow to create an object that meets the principles of sustainable architecture.

    Keywords: architecture, shaping, functioning, spatial development, transport and transfer complex, transport and transfer hub, transport infrastructure, aeropolis, model, transformation