Results: in this article, the authors reviewed the process of workforce planning on the example of 3 General Contracting organizations. Having the technical documentation on the objects of the General contractors under consideration, the authors were able to deduce the number of workers during the construction of buildings. After analyzing the available statistics, we made a number of graphs showing the movement of monolithic teams on the objects. Based on the resulting graphs, the authors determined the average deviation of the actual number of monoliths from the planned one. Conclusions: the authors analyzed the dynamics of the construction of characteristic objects of different General Contracting organizations, indicating the difference in the values of the planned (projected) and actual labor resources at the facilities. Also, in this article the authors consider a number of the most used in the construction industry software systems for automation of labor resource planning processes, made their analysis and comparison of the main features and characteristics.
Keywords: Software systems in planning, current planning, labor resource, systematization of labor resource fluctuations, automation of planning, production program, labor resource planning
The article discusses the effect of photon drag (EPI) of electrons in a semiconductor quantum wire (QW) with hydrogen-like impurity centers and Kane's dispersion law, located in a longitudinal magnetic field. An analytical expression for the drag current density is obtained in the effective mass approximation, and its spectral dependence is investigated for various values of the magnetic field B and the parameters of the QW upon scattering by a system of potentials of short-range impurities. It was assumed that the QW has the shape of a circular cylinder, on the axis of which hydrogen-like impurity centers are localized. It is shown that, in the one-band approximation, taking into account the nonparabolicity of the dispersion law leads to significant dynamics of the threshold of the spectral curve. The spectral dependence is characterized by a pronounced Zeeman effect. The possibility of using an ESP for the development of photodetectors of optical radiation with a sensitivity controlled in a magnetic field is discussed.
Keywords: electron dragging by photons, quantum wire, hydrogen-like impurity centers, dragging current, dipole approximation
The article discusses the requirements for automated control systems in the production of Earth orientation devices. Various types of interferometers are analyzed for use in an automated control system for the manufacture of optical instruments for orientation of spacecraft on the Earth. An overview of the most common interferometer models is given, the characteristics and features of their schemes, development trends and manufacturers are discussed in detail. A comparison was made of the parameters of a number of imported and domestic interferometers suitable for use in an automated control system. The advantages and disadvantages of interferometers according to the schemes of Jamen, Mach-Zehnder, Sagnac, Michelson and Fizeau are considered. The Jamen interferometer was invented for the first time in 1856, to measure small refractive indices of gases. The Mach-Zehnder interferometer was developed on a similar principle, its main feature is that the beams of the rays obtained can be separated at a sufficiently large distance using a semitransparent mirror. In 1913, the Sagnac interferometer was invented; in its design, the light is divided by a semitransparent plate-divider into two beams, which propagate in a circle and are reduced by mirrors back to the divider. Albert Michelson in 1890 proposed an interferometer scheme, the basis of which is a light-splitting mirror. One of the most common is the Fizeau interferometer scheme, proposed in 1868. In this type of device, interference occurs in the gap between two reflecting surfaces. Based on the parameters of the problem under study, the choice in favor of the interferometer configuration according to the Fizeau scheme is justified. Interferometer OptoTL-60/125 from LLC "Optical laboratory" meets all the requirements.
Keywords: automated control system, laser interferometer, Fizeau interferometer, optics, photonics, optical production, interferometry
This paper presents an information model of a relational database developed by the authors, designed to take into account the teachers workload of an educational organization. The identification of the subject area entities, their decomposition and the relationships identification between them are carried out. The constructed database model was brought to the Boyes - Codd normal form. Based on the designed database schema, its physical implementation and filling with test data was carried out. The results of test queries showed the developed model adequacy and the its practical applicationp ossibility. It is currently in trial operation at the Department of Information Systems and Computer Modeling, Volgograd State University. With minimal changes, the developed database schema can be applied to account for the teachers workload in various educational organizations.
Keywords: database, information modeling, "entity-relationship" diagram, decomposition, information system, educational organization
This article examines the range of issues related to the construction of the subway in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam, using the example of the newly built Thu Thuem area as an example. The problem of construction lies in the difficult mining and geological conditions of Ho Chi Minh City. The geological structure has terrigenous-mineralogical associations, which makes the underground tunneling of the subway lines very difficult. Therefore it was decided to build the subway on trestles, but the calculation of foundations on terrigenous-mineralogical associations requires a detailed geological study.
Keywords: subway, terrigenous-mineralogical associations, overpasses, geological structure, Ho Chi Minh City, geological structure, Thu Tiem district
The article proposes a method for analyzing and assessing the quality of wheat seeds by classifying their images using artificial intelligence, namely a convolutional neural network. The architecture of a deep convolutional neural network was proposed, an image base was created for training and testing the proposed neural network, training and testing of the neural network was carried out in Tensorflow. Conclusions about the efficiency of image classification are made and areas of use of the proposed method for analyzing and assessing the quality of wheat seeds are proposed.
Keywords: convolutional neural networks, artificial intelligence, image classification
During the reconstruction of facilities carried out in the conditions of existing urban development, questions often arise to solve the specific task of carrying out work on capital construction projects. For example, the work considered in the article on the reconstruction of health facilities is carried out in the conditions of existing institutions, various campuses or environments. At the same time, a number of factors that significantly affect the labor costs of workers, the methods of organizational and technological design adopted in construction are not taken into account. In the process of organizing reconstruction work in conditions of limited space and in rooms of small volume, there is a problem of determining the duration of work. There is also a problem of determining the number of necessary labor resources for a directive specified duration according to the terms of Government contracts. To solve the problem of coordination, the article considers the possibility of using transactional platforms.
Keywords: reconstruction, healthcare facilities, organizational and technological solutions, documentation, workspace, time, labor costs, transactional model, productivity
The paper proposes a method for preparing a dataset for training and testing neural networks in the MATLAB environment using the Image Processing Toolbox package of functions. An example of the implementation of this technique for preparing a dataset for training convolutional neural networks to classify wheat seeds into high-quality and low-quality classes according to its images is given. This technique was used to obtain a dataset of 900 images, which were successfully used to train and test the convolutional neural network.
Keywords: dataset, convolutional neural networks, artificial intelligence, image classification
In this article is considered progressive technology for producing heat-insulating materials by the method of self-compacting masses. Implementation of this method will allow obtain a significant economic effect in comparison with traditional technologies. Due to the use of the effect of obtaining excess pressure in a closed perforated form from an increase in volume during heating of pre-expanded polystyrene granules, it became possible to remove excess moisture, reduce the time of the technological process, and reduce energy consumption. This method allows to combine several processes in one operation: compaction of the mixture, heat treatment, removal of excess moisture. As a result of theoretical and laboratory research and experimental-production approbation, the possibility of implementing of heat-insulating materials of a wide range of applications with improved operational properties into mass production has been obtained. Perlite concrete is one of the effective heat-insulating material, the production of which is possible using the method of self-compacting masses. An assessment of the qualitative efficiency of perlite concrete was carried out: the thermal conductivity coefficient is within the limits required for effective heat-insulating materials. It was concluded that the use of perlite concrete in construction is promising: it is possible to reduce the drying time in 10-12 times, eliminate drying shrinkage, eliminate mechanical processing of products after heat treatment, obtain products of various configurations and volumes, with an improvement in strength characteristics at a minimum density. In this article is considered progressive technology for producing heat-insulating materials by the method of self-compacting masses. Implementation of this method will allow obtain a significant economic effect in comparison with traditional technologies. Due to the use of the effect of obtaining excess pressure in a closed perforated form from an increase in volume during heating of pre-expanded polystyrene granules, it became possible to remove excess moisture, reduce the time of the technological process, and reduce energy consumption. This method allows to combine several processes in one operation: compaction of the mixture, heat treatment, removal of excess moisture. As a result of theoretical and laboratory research and experimental-production approbation, the possibility of implementing of heat-insulating materials of a wide range of applications with improved operational properties into mass production has been obtained. Perlite concrete is one of the effective heat-insulating material, the production of which is possible using the method of self-compacting masses. An assessment of the qualitative efficiency of perlite concrete was carried out: the thermal conductivity coefficient is within the limits required for effective heat-insulating materials. It was concluded that the use of perlite concrete in construction is promising: it is possible to reduce the drying time in 10-12 times, eliminate drying shrinkage, eliminate mechanical processing of products after heat treatment, obtain products of various configurations and volumes, with an improvement in strength characteristics at a minimum density.
Keywords: method of self-compacting masses, heat-insulating perlite concrete, electric heating, closed perforated volume, bead polystyrene, energy efficient material
This paper presents a mathematical model and a geometric method of image-based object classification intended to improve the accuracy of object classification by filtering out noise objects.
Keywords: image processing, object recognition, pattern recognition, object identification, classification
This article contains the results of a study of the strength characteristics of concrete with the addition of various amounts and shapes of recycled polyethylene terephthalate (PET) fibers. In general, the use of fiber in concrete from waste PET materials (obtained by mechanical grinding), rather than heat-treated, can increase the tensile strength. The compressive strength is reduced. Industrial flex is not recommended to be used as a fiber (additive) in concrete, as this leads to a decrease in strength characteristics. Increased tensile strength is provided through the use of specially prepared PET fiber. The conducted research proved the possibility of using PET fiber in concrete from waste PET materials (obtained by mechanical grinding) PET fiber is recommended for use in concrete structures to increase tensile strength.
Keywords: concrete, concrete matrix, fiber, dispersed reinforcement, polyethylene terephthalate, tensile strength, compressive strength
In this work, the phonon format of graphane nanoribbons is calculated in the Hamiltonian formulaism. The geometric model is presented in the form of a graphene plane with hydrogen atoms attached to it. The unit cell of graphane contains two carbon atoms from solid graphene and two carbon atoms. The curvature of the graphene plane as a result of attachment to hydrogen atoms and hybridization of the outer electron orbitals of carbon atoms from sp2 to sp3, as well as the interaction between hydrogen atoms, are not taken into account. Analysis of the obtained phonon spectra shows that, for any type and width of graphane nanoribbons, there is a gap between acoustic and optical vibrational modes, in contrast to graphene, which can serve as an indicator for a given structure. Also, for the material under study, the values of the speed of sound and the Debye temperature were calculated.
Keywords: graphene, graphane, nanoribbon, unit cell, vibrational spectrum, dispersion equation
The aim of the study is to develop an "evolutionary model" of a transport interchange complex (TIC) - as a kind of ”growth point" of an aeropolis. Methods of “prognostic” and “structural-morphological” modeling of TIC are used for reasonable planning of the growth and development of the aeropolis. Five intermediate architectural and typological models of the transport and transfer complex have been identified: 1) bus station; 2) bus station with logistics center; 3) intermodal complex station; 4) transport and business center; 5) transport and public complex. Its "structural and morphological units", which include: a) functional components; b) structural and tectonic "units"; c) communication "framework"; d) elements of the growth of the aeropolis. A similar diachronic (developing) model of a transport interchange complex ensures its phased planning, optimal functional zoning of the facility for each intermediate phase, which will allow it to be self-sufficient at the early stages of operation. architecture.
Keywords: architecture, shaping, functioning, spatial development, transport interchange complex, transport interchange hub, transport infrastructure, aeropolis, model, structural and morphological approach, social and business center
This article is devoted to the study of indoor air quality in a higher education institution: assessment of the distribution patterns of suspended solids by equivalent diameters (RM0.5, RM1, RM2.5, RM5 and RM10).
Keywords: indoor air, indoor air quality, air pollution, dust, solid suspended particles, PM2.5, PM10
The article describes the simulation in the Simulink environment of the operation of a stepper motor used as an electric drive of the scanning mechanism for the Earth orientation device. The purpose of the study is to determine the minimum power consumption in each range of values for inductance and resistance. If the model is found to be inoperable above certain values of the specified parameters, the measurement range narrows to an area where there is enough energy to properly work out a given angle. The simulation is based on the parameters of NEMA17 engines, in particular, NEMA 17HS3410. Voltage control in the system is carried out by means of a PI controller, the influence of the regulator on the energy consumption of the system is shown. The regularities of the formation of angular velocity of various amplitudes when working out a turn in open and closed control systems are noted. The range of electrical parameters at which the engine operates with almost the same power consumption is determined. The lowest power values at which the engine is operable are found. The results of the work are visualized in the form of three-dimensional surfaces, recommendations for the continuation of research are developed.
Keywords: stepper motor, simulation, Earth orientation device, power consumption