The main maintenance of a results of calculation of a thermointense condition of beams depending on various ways of an attachment to the basis - jammed in the basis, with absolutely hard sealing-off on end faces and absence of any communications at end faces is considered. The analysis shows, that the more age of "blocks-communications", the more they possess rigidity. It means, that they are less pliable, and sizes of pressure in the settlement block are close to pressure in the block with the jammed end faces.
Keywords: Termointense, concrete, block, communication, support, suppleness, pinched, temperature, movement
Belt conveyors are widely used in factories of building materials. They are used to transport bulk and General cargo on the short, medium and long расстояния.Установка the working body of the screw conveyor brushes allows to increase capacity of the conveyor by eliminating the accumulation of the material to be transported inside the gutter.
Keywords: Operating enterprise, belt and screw conveyors, building materials.
Re-equipment of existing enterprises is comprehensive intensification of production, increase production capacity, production and improvement of its quality while ensuring productivity growth and job cuts to reduce material capacity and cost of production, saving of material and energy resources, improvement of other technical and economic performance of the company in General
Keywords: Modernization, технологическоя line, production, ceramic brick, operating enterprise
The task of identification of defects in rods with different variants of fastening. In the basis of lies method parameter identification based on an analysis of the frequencies and parameters of natural modes of the structure. Built model of the rod design has defects fluctuations, using finite element of the complex
Keywords: Defect, damage, rod, the oscillations of the cantilever rod
Defined criteria for identification of defect parameters, on the basis of the analysis of the different modes of own fluctuations, with the use of finite element modal calculation console corpulent model of a rod with a single defect. Developed finite element model of a universal complex . Considered corpulent (3-d) model on the basis of 3D finite element Solid92. When solving the problem considered on 26 oscillation modes depending on the size of the defect and its location.
Keywords: Damaged, defective, swing, cantilever, frequency
Information about authors of issue №4 (2013)
Keywords: authors
Cracking of reinforced-concrete elements with holes is examined. Comparison of theoretical and experiment moments of crack’s formation during torsion, and during intensive torsion with twist. Formula for practical calculations of cracking of reinforced-concrete elements with holes during torsion and formula for estimate of cracking of reinforced-concrete elements with holes during intensive torsion with twist is suggested.
Keywords: Crack, twist, torsion, reinforced-concrete, elements, hole, beam