The influence of changes in the geometry of a metallic cylindrical mesh shell without reinforcements, with puffs and with horizontal trusses on the specific weight index is investigated. The span and the angle of the circumscribed circle of the shell are taken as the given parameters. They determined changes in the radius of curvature, height, cell size, shell length and stiffness characteristics of the rods. To determine the required specific gravity parameter, the number of elements was distributed by standard sizes. The calculations were performed using the application software PC LIRA. The obtained data were analyzed, as a result of which the optimal distance between the supports was determined, which made it possible to find the minimum mass and establish acceptable geometric parameters of the structure. In addition, extreme values were determined, beyond which the study of the influence of changes in geometric parameters on the specific weight index becomes impractical.
Keywords: cylindrical mesh shell, element of reinforcement, geometrical parameter, specific weight index, element of tension, horizontal trusse