The article considers a method for optimizing circular ducts for ventilation and air conditioning systems. Universal dependencies are given to determine the diameters of the cross-sections of the air ducts and the air velocities in them that are technically and economically optimal. It is shown that the optimum air velocity in the section of the ventilation network does not depend on the site location relative to the fan of the system. Specific examples of determining the optimum diameters of air ducts and air velocities in them with the use of the dependences obtained are given in the technical and economic sense.
Keywords: Аir duct, aerodynamic calculation, ventilation system, air conditioning system, techno-economic optimization, optimal diameter, optimal air speed, energy saving, energy efficiency, aerodynamic efficiency
The problems of studying the mathematical interpretation of the results of trajectory measurements in terms of increasing the accuracy of identification of bearings of unmanned aerial vehicles during their movement in the group "swarm" and "system" are discussed. The variants of identification of horizontal (IHP) and spatial bearings (PPI) are proposed both separately and in a complementary application. Identification of bearings of similar objects in the swarm type group is expedient to be carried out according to the IGP-IPP algorithm. However, it is only partly operational at distances of 3 km or more. As the main algorithm for identifying bearings of similar objects in the "Story" group, it is advisable to use IPP. Although these algorithms achieve high identification efficiency under favorable conditions, with tougher conditions, they drop rather sharply. Therefore, to maintain a high level of probability of "pure" identification, it is advisable to use additional measures to combat false triads. For the removal of problems, it is necessary to develop and apply combinatorial algorithms for exhaustive search, which is the direction for the development of further research.
Keywords: unmanned aerial vehicle, group of objects, bearing identification, horizontal bearing, spatial bearing, identification criteria, false notch
The history of development of small hotels in different time periods is considered in the article: ancient Greece, the Middle Ages, pre-revolutionary Russia of the 17th-19th centuries. Two main historical forms of small hotels in Russia in the 18-19 centuries are compared: an inn and a tavern. The main approaches to studying the typology of small hotels in the Soviet Union are covered. Considered the changes that have occurred in the architecture of small hotels in recent decades. There are several important modern architectural models of small hotels (small hotel and complex of restaurant and hotel), as a return to the historical forms of small hotels (inn and tavern).
Keywords: Small hotels, architecture, inn, tavern, architectural model, architectural design, architectural typology, design principles, optimal capacity, functional areas, complex of restaurant and hotel
At present, more and more attention is being paid to the radiation safety of the population, in connection with this new devices are being modernized and modernized, to improve the state of protection of present and future generations of people from the harmful effects of ionizing radiation for their health. The article considers the key aspects in working with such equipment and suggests measures to reduce the risk of working with it, primarily for personnel, especially in emergency situations.
Keywords: Radiation, source, hot cell, radiation, safety, emergency situation, limitations, degree of radiation
The article is devoted of freight traffic in the regional companies is considered by the example of Ugtehmontazh. Deficiencies have been identified and a set of measures has been proposed that allows to optimize the process of freight traffic. Including the model of the process of cargo transportation by the example of Ugtehmontazh is developed. The introduction of the electronic system of applications allows you to reduce costs, increase the carrying capacity.
Keywords: freight transport, rolling stock, carrying capacity, logistics management, operations management process, transportation process model, lot size, loaded return, idling, transport process
This article describes the definition of the approximating function of deflections of building structures using the method of least squares.
Keywords: the approximation function, the least squares method, the deflections of structures, prediction of deformations, the deformation of the structures
An algorithm for numerical simulation of optical structure disturbance of biomedical objects is described. The key features of the presented algorithm are: posterization of CT or MRI scans, subsequent encoding and manual identification of each biological tissue, assigning it tabular optical properties. The described algorithm can be used in diffuse optical tomography (DOT) for numerical simulation of optical properties of biomedical objects of their constituent with variable spatial resolution. Numerical simulation showed that the presented algorithm allows us to describe the optical structure of biological tissue with data validity >90%.
Keywords: optical properties of biological tissues, time-resolved diffuse optical tomography, forward problem, turbid media, posterization
Are represented the results of studies on the development of teploognezashchitnykh composition cement solution mixtures on the distended vermiculite and the pumice with the application of a multifunctional additive D -5. Are proposed the compositions of teploognezashchitnykh composition mortars, which make it possible to substantially improve the physicomechanical properties of solution mixtures and solution. The introduction of multifunctional additive D -5 to solution mixtures makes it possible to improve the properties of composition solution mixtures and to improve the characteristics of solution. The replacement of the fine dispersed fraction of the distended vermiculite d0,63 mm does not produce by pumice by the volume in the solution mixtures a noticeable increase in solution density, in this case their strength characteristics grow. The developed composition solution mixtures correspond to requirements ALL-UNION STATE STAN. 28013–98 and have low prime cost due to the use of the pumice
Keywords: portland cement, the distended vermiculite, pumice, additive D -5, teploognezashchitnyy composition solution, transverse strength and compression, the mobility of mixture, exfoliation property, the density
Laser tracking locators have certain drawbacks, among which there is a strong influence of the atmosphere on their energy and precision parameters, the process of aiming a narrow beam at the object, etc. High requirements for locators (the error of measuring the range to a few centimeters) lead to the need to take into account the state of the atmosphere on the route for application Corrections in the measurements. In particular, the phenomenon of refraction leads to a significant distortion of the signal. To reduce the error of distance measurements it is advisable to use methods to compensate for the effect of refraction or to take it into account and use the correction coefficients. The article shows that the effective solution to this problem in the absence of the possibility of obtaining operational and accurate information about meteorological parameters is the use of parallel laser probing of the atmosphere. More promising in this case is the use of laser methods for controlling atmospheric parameters, which we described and experimentally investigated at the Chauda, Feodosiya, and the Republic of Crimea provinces. The obtained atmospheric data were used to create a mobile laser-television locator for external-trajectory measurements of the descent of the aeroelastic systems "Kafa" and were installed both on the ground and on an air balloon. The trajectories of the descent of balloons and cargo parachute systems were studied.
Keywords: Laser tracking locator, ranging channel, atmospheric effect, refraction, model compensation method, laser probing
Refraction has a strong influence on the accuracy parameters of the range-finding tract of laser tracking locators and the process of directing a narrow laser beam onto the object. High requirements for locators (the error of measuring the range to a few dozen centimeters) lead to the need to take refraction into account for making corrections to the measurements. Significant distortion of the signal leads not only to the phenomenon of static refraction, but also dynamic. To reduce the error of distance measurements it is advisable to use methods to compensate for the effect of static refraction or to take it into account and use the correction coefficients. The article shows that the most effective solution to the problem of refraction in the presence of a dynamic component is also the use of parallel laser probing of the atmosphere, but it must be carried out at two different wavelengths. In this case, the main method of calculating the correction factors is the dispersion method, which makes it possible to reduce the relative measurement error to 106. The use of laser methods for controlling atmospheric parameters, including two-wave and two-frequency ones, was described by us and experimentally investigated at the Chauda, Feodosiya, and the Republic of Crimea fires on YAG: Nb3 + IZ-25 lasers and continuous lasers . The obtained atmospheric data on the LT-5Z laser were used to create a mobile laser-television locator for external-trajectory measurements of the descent of the aerial systems "Kafa +" and were installed both on the ground and on an air balloon. The flight trajectories of balloons and the descent of cargo parachute systems were studied.
Keywords: Laser tracking locator, ranging channel, atmospheric effect, static refraction, dynamic refraction, dispersion compensation method, laser two-wave probing of the atmosphere
In the article application of the generalized algorithm of processing of the weakly formalized information to a problem of increase of productivity of work of programmers is considered. employees who spend a lot of time on the Internet. It is assumed that the employee of the company works on the Internet during the working day and works with various sites. Sites can, how to treat the work, and not have any relation to the company's activities. It is required to estimate the amount of time an employee spends on websites related to the work of the company and on other sites. The difficulty lies in the fact that there are not enough objective criteria for assessing sites, i.e. this information is weakly formalized. Therefore, it is proposed to apply a generalized algorithm for processing such information. The algorithm contains 14 steps. At the first step, information about the employee's exit into the Internet and connection to various sites is sent to the "Information Collection" module. In the second step, the information enters the "Information Recognition" module. In the third step, the information enters the "Information Classification" module, which refers to one of the types of sites. At the fourth step, in the modules "Convolution of information", information is processed according to a certain algorithm. Next, we evaluate the reliability of the information (step 5), assess the security of information (step 6), establish the links between the newly received information in each of the classes and the information obtained previously (step 7), estimate the probability with which you can trust the information received (step 8). At step 9, decision support is made in each of the classes, and in step 10, generalized support for decision-making. At step 11, a comparison of the recently adopted decision with previously adopted decisions is made, and at step 12 - the development of a stable reaction to the repeatedly received information and its memorization. At step 13, solutions are generated, and at the 14th stage, new information is generated and stored in the vault. Identifies the stereotype of the employee's behavior, i.e. how much time he spends on different types of sites, how reliable it is, how stable is his behavior, whether there is dependence on any kinds of sites, etc.
Keywords: weakly formalized information, information processing, algorithm, labor productivity, control
The article analyzes the existing system of food quality proposed guidelines for improving the quality of the input raw materials on the basis of the made analysis the main factors affecting the quality of the products developed draft standard for incoming inspection of raw materials for food products
Keywords: quality, incoming inspection, holding, chart, histogram
Reliability is largely for web-based systems are defined by quality and efficiency, i.e., the property of system to save time within the established values of all parameters characterizing the ability of a system to perform required functions within specified modes and conditions of operation. This research article is an analysis software for building distributed and reliable web systems, and is a study of criteria for comparing the software. In the process of selecting software professionals need to analyze it in accordance with defined criteria to evaluate the possibility of using this software package for the solution of technical problems and ensure the needs of the users. Experts in the field of distributed web systems there are several software systems to solve the problem of building such systems: 1C-Bitrix 24, 365, Microsoft Dynamics, Microsoft SharePoint. These software systems allow for the implementation of distributed systems. To simplify the process of selecting a software product needs to have criteria by which to evaluate a product. In this article the review of software products, identifying evaluation criteria, and comparison according to the criteria of the selected products.
Keywords: the web system, distributed information system, system reliability, scalable, cluster technology, and managed system
Energy costs for grain drying are about 30% of the total energy consumption for grain produc-tion. Reducing the energy consumption of drying is possible due to the use of a microwave field. In this case, it is necessary to develop a design of a convection drying zone with a microwave field which will provide uniform drying of the grain throughout the volume. For this purpose, it is advis-able to carry out the simulation of the process. The developed computer model of heat and moisture exchange in the grain layer allows to model one under varying parameters of the grain layer and the drying agent. A computer model implements a stepwise calculation method. According to this method, the grain layer is represented as a series of computer models of the elementary layer. The grain layer is divided into three sections. The specific power of the microwave field is set to con-stant throughout each part. In addition, the model takes into account the features of changing in the specific power of the microwave field in the drying zone from the moisture content of the grain and the distance from the magnetron. The air flow in the microwave convection zone can has an im-portant value for the energy intensity of the process. The paper presents the results of modeling grain drying with two variants of air distribution in the microwave convection zone. Graphs of changes in grain moisture in each of the sections of the layer are given. It is shown that when the air moves from the magnetron, the time and the non-uniformity of drying decrease.
Keywords: drying of grain, grain layer, microwave field, microwave - convection drying, heat and - moisture exchange, computer model, modeling
The article discusses the methodology of assessing the technical condition of the regenerative air heater RVP-54 on power boilers Naberezhnye Chelny CHP on the basis of the results of the monitoring of the thermal efficiency. In article the algorithm of monitoring and evaluation of the thermal efficiency of regenerative air heater, allows in real time to compare actual performance with previous values and to eliminate the revealed violations.
Keywords: Naberezhnye Chelny CHP, energy boiler, regenerative air heater RVP-54, technical condition assessment, commissioning and configuration, thermal calculation, temperature difference, heating surface, thermal efficiency, heat losses