The article considers opportunities of model’s approach to practice of health keeping in the context of professional socialization of student’s youth in the modern uncertain social conditions. The author also suggests the health keeping factors model of professional socialization of student’s youth having a personal-focused direction.
Keywords: health keeping models, professional socialization, student’s youth, conditions of uncertain social, factor’s model, personal-focused direction
The article is dedicated to development of a mathematical model for evaluation of production assets in smart power grids state for decision support system. The results of equipment state evaluation can be used for prognosis of reliability of the asset and each of its components functioning for the time interval, for which various versions of technical solutions are considered.
Keywords: decision support system, state assessment, Smart Grid
The paper deals with the analysis of of the relation to the political life among young people in Rostov-on-Don. It is measured an activity relation to the political life of society, there is assessment of relations to the political authority, the current political situation and the level of relative deprivation. It is revealed, students possess low electoral and social activity: "don't take part in elections" – 47,4%. In the relation to protest actions the group was stratified on two subgroups: one has a positive attitude towards the antigovernment actions, the second - is negative. The relative deprivation is at the average level, but 1\4 of the group have the high level of deprivation, which may cause a political tensions in the future.
Keywords: a political tension, deprivation, group installation in relation to a political order, cognitive component, questionnaire, the descriptive statistics
In 2013 the pilot study was conducted among students DGTU. All were interviewed 52 second-year student. Purpose of the work is measuring emotional perception of political order among students. The emotional component of group political installation was measured on technology of semantic differential. It was offered to estimate to respondents on 20 bimodal scales four types political about. Two ideal – ideally positive and ideally negative orders. And two real – local and central. In the linear approximation calculated levels of emotional perception of the political order in the vicinity of the averaged image of the real image of the ideal order to constructs used in the space of features. Perception of an political order in Region: --0,02; in Russia: -0,04 (using a normalization from -1 to +1). That it almost neutral.
Keywords: political order, semantic differential, factor analysis, the emotional component, questioning
The article discusses the analysis of group attitudes toward political order DGTU students. Pilot study took place in 2013 and was carried out using questionnaires, which was attended by 52 people. The analysis includes statistical processing data, as well as the method of sequential factor analysis with the identification of group settings.
Levels of cognitive perception of political order for the Region: -0,174 and Russia: 0,139. The level of relative deprivation is 0,46. Behavioral component has two levels: assessment and activity. The estimated level of behavior was 0,151, and the level of behavioral activity is -0,205. Further, according to the received secondary factors carried factorization and final calculation has behavioral component. An integral level of behavioral component is -0.12.
Keywords: групповые установки, аффективный компонент, поведенческий компонент, когнитивный компонент, относительная депривация, анкетирование, политические установки, факторный анализ
The article presents the results of the analysis of the known methods of measuring the quality control of construction products.
Advantages of extending the scope of remote methods of the control by measurement including photogrammetry are listed.
Expediency of colour-texture analysis of surfaces at the quality control of construction products is substantiated.
The field of rational application of colour-texture analysis at manufacturing supervision and field inspection of buildings and constructions is shown.
Keywords: building structures, product quality inspection, control by measurement, organoleptic inspection, methods of photogrammetry, colour texture analysis
Considered the questions connected with estimation of mechanical properties of steel elements of metal construction. The measurements are performed in a non-destructive method on the basis of the analysis of the characteristics of the implementation of the conical indenter in surface materials. This method allows you to get the values of all mechanical characteristics of metal. The measurement of mechanical characteristics can be made to anywhere in the design. At the same time, when large amounts of construction and large volumes of measuring works, you need to evaluate a sufficient number of measurements in a particular place. Proposed and implemented the Bayesian method of consideration of a priori information to reduce the number of dimensions and complexity of the process of receiving mechanical characteristics.
Keywords: nondestructive control, mechanical characteristics, durability, diagnostics, aprioristic information, metal tests.
This article focuses on the analysis of guality class and evaluation of strategies of organizational development. It was determined that the relation of the competitiveness at enterprise depends on product quality and services. It was offered the strategy of quality which permits to achieve a market leader in modern conditions
Keywords: quality, competitiveness, strategy of quality
The paper discusses the peculiarities of the development of the housing market as the basis of national wealth. Тhe main problems and contradictions of the residential real estate market are disclosed , taking into account the impact of the global financial crisis. Main subjects of the housing market are identifed and the special attention is paid to the role of the state as a regulator of economic relations in the field of housing.Main objectives of the state policy in the housing market are: to ensure the financial sustainability of the institutions;protection of the population and development of market infrastructure. For the effective functioning of the market of residential property in the Russian Federation it is necessary to take into account the peculiarities of its formation and development, as well as to improve mechanisms for coordination of economic interests of its subjects.
Keywords: features of the residential real estate market, the global financial crisis, housing affordability, public policy, participants of the residential real estate market
The target of the article consists of explore methodology of the program ARIS and modeling business process of building company. We reviewed how you can visualize and detail any process by the instruments of the ARIS. The most important thing that you can improved performance of your business if you use methodology of modeling business process. This program help to do your activity more understandable for analyzes and future prognoses. By the instruments of the ARIS you can imagine different variants of realization project events
Keywords: building company, business process; modeling; methodology of the ARIS
The article deals with the question of the influence of monocentric spatial organization on the development of the city of Rostov -on-Don , and as determined by the solutions to the problems connected with it . The relevance lies in the fact that describes the current status of the spatial organization of Rostov-on - Don in the context of the global trend of de-urbanization . The concept of environmental focus in determining the spatial organization of the urban environment. The main idea of which - to ensure the harmonious coexistence of the city and the environment, humans and nature , and the main problems of the current situation of urban structure of the city Rostov- on-Don. The important is to identify solutions to problems related to the monocentric organization of the city, as a first step - the creation of a suburban low-rise building with a separate infrastructure
Keywords: Spatial organization, the development of the urban structure, Seachange, polycentric
A new resource-saving technology for treatment of sloping lands providing for deep ripping to reduce erosion processes on irrigated and dry-farming lands as described in the article. The experimental results on determination of geometric characteristics for loosing scopes of chisel plows are given.
Keywords: sloping lands, deep ripping, soil overcompactness, moisture accumulation, intrasoil moisture accumulation, loosing scope, intrasoil walls
At the end of 2012 – the middle of 2013 pilot questioning among RGSU students was carried out. In total more than 330 students of the first and second courses were interrogated. The work purpose – measurement of dynamics of an emotional component of group installations in relation to a political order. The emotional component of group political installation was measured on technology of semantic differential. It was offered to estimate to respondents on 20 bimodal scales four types political about. Two ideal – ideally positive and ideally negative orders. And two real – local and central. In the linear approximation calculated levels of emotional perception of the political order in the vicinity of the averaged image of the real image of the ideal order to constructs used in the space of features. Perception of an order at the end of 2012 in Region: -0,21892, in Russia: -0,24154 . To the middle of 2013 level of perception decreased: in Region: -0,59429, in Russia: -0,43879 . For the considered period level of a relative deprivation also was analysed: in 2012 level is equal 0,523 and in 2013 made 0,555. Thus, to the middle of 2013 there is a small increase in level of a deprivation that correlates with deterioration of perception of a political order among youth.
Keywords: political order, semantic differential, factor analysis, the emotional component, questioning, relative deprivation
Research represents the analysis of group political installations among students of RGSU in the period of the end 2012 – the middle of 2013. Studying of installations was carried out by means of questioning in which more than 330 young people were involved. Analysis of the data held in the linear approximation using descriptive statistics and factorization. It is received, in cognitive perception of a political situation in Region respondents treat slightly better, than a situation in Russia, thus in both cases level is negative. For 2012 perception level in Region: -0,23, in Russia: – 0,27 . For 2013 in Region: – 0,20, in Russia: –0,23. The level of relative deprivation is average and slightly increased by the end of the period : in 2012, the level is 0,523 and in 2013 was 0,555. The analysis of total level of a behavioural component was carried out by consecutive factorization. The behavioural component consists of two parts: assessment and activity. So, for the middle of 2013 estimated level of behavior was - 0,096, and activity level-0,268. Further on these factors the subsequent factorial analysis with identification of the general behavioural installation was carried out. For the end of 2012 the general level of a behavioural component is equal – 0,052, and for the middle 2013 this level made - 0,148. Thus, total level of a behavioural component of group installation in relation to a political order tends now slow transition from alienation to performance against an existing order.
Keywords: group settings, the affective component, a behavioral component, cognitive component, relative deprivation, questioning, political order, factor analysis, descriptive statistics
Information about authors of issue №4 (2013)
Keywords: authors