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  • Methods of Multidementional Complex Risks Management

    The features of the multidementional approach to risk management are considered, the necessity of applying methods of multidimensional risk management at various stages of risk management is justified, namely, the definition of context, analysis and risk management. Methods for multidimensional management of complex risks at each of these stages are proposed. The proposed methods, as part of a general approach to risk management, allow the introduction of new assessments of the effectiveness of risk management, reflecting, for example, the generalized risk for the system, the generalized risk of a particular risk event or risk situation.

    Keywords: methods of multidimensional risk management, context definition, risk analysis, risk management

  • Application of combined steel-concrete frame of high buildings

    The problem of erection of a combined frame in high-rise housing construction is studied. The issues of installation of structures, space-planning scheme of high-rise buildings. Organizational and economic ways of perfection of technology of high-rise housing construction are offered.

    Keywords: organization of construction; high-rise housing; reinforced concrete and steel structures

  • ST-segment offset algorithm

    Article desribes the change in the ST-segment offset of the electrocardiagramm according to the variaty effects like fluctuations, respiration, additive noises, and heart rate deviation. Authors proposes to identify the ST-segment location in already synthesised ECG signal, adding an offset with consecutive nonlinear interpolation using National Instruments LabVIEW BioMedical Toolkit

    Keywords: Electrocardiogram, ST-segment, synthesized ECG, elevation, depression, heart rate, T-tooth, isoline, smoothing, interpolation

  • Implementation of the method for data insertion procedure constructing in structure-independent databases

    The paper issues a technique for constructing effective data insertion procedures in structure-independent databases that uses the activity approach. The essence of this technique is to present the procedure in the form of an action mechanism that allows its semantics to be opened, thereby minimizing the number of identical same meaning characteristics. The use of the technique for data insertion procedures constructing into structure-independent databases, as well as the use of a NoSQL DBMS that is homogeneous in structure to structure-independent databases made it possible to significantly improve performance. You can judge it from the computational experiment which is performed in the work.

    Keywords: data insertion procedure, structure-independent database, activity approach, technique, action mechanism, semantics, experiment, performance

  • Determination of rheological characteristics of technical liquids by rotational gyroscopic viscosimeters

    The possibilities of theoretical and experimental methods for determining the rheological characteristics of technical fluids are explored. A comparative evaluation of rotational and gyroscopic viscometers was carried out. The phenomenon of slippage of layers of non-Newtonian fluid at the surface of measuring cylinders is revealed with increasing gradients of shear rates and filler content.

    Keywords: Technical fluids, non-Newtonian environment, rheology, viscometer, rheological model, automotive engineering

  • Methods for evaluating the operational reliability of cars

    The study on the hardness of samples from steel ST3 and 15G. On the basis of the correlation equations obtained values of ultimate strength of the examined steels. With the application of the law of three-parameter Weibull distribution constructed density distribution and the resulting minimum value of ultimate strength. The obtained results are proposed to use to determine the value of the resource for load-bearing systems of vehicles.

    Keywords: reliability, lifetime, the hardness of steel, strength of steels, the endurance limit of steels, the Weibull law

  • To the questionof application of the regulations of the plan-warning tooth-and-repair system to modern vehicles

    The methods for determining the standards for the preventive maintenance system and repair are analyzed, it is found that the current norms are essentially outdated and require revision at the federal level. It is shown that the specifications for maintenance and repair specified by the operating time for modern cars should be revised in favor of standards determined by their condition, which will allow the introduction of individual standards for each car, taking into account the operating conditions and its technical condition.

    Keywords: Strategy, method, standard, parameter, maintenance, repair, maintainability, mileage, reliability, operation

  • Algorithmization of processing of diagnostic signals of electrodrive fittings taking into account chaotic components

    The problem of selection of diagnostic signs is solved by methods of statistical, spectral and entroic processing of signals and the logical analysis of their results. Results of data processing allowed to choose the most efficient characteristics (diagnostic signs) of signals providing separability of signals in the chosen priznakovy space i.e. classification. The problem of algorithmization of diagnostics of electrodrive fittings (further EPA) is solved as a problem of a pattern recognition of five classes of a condition of EPA on the basis of comparison of the current Boolean combinations to seven standards.

    Keywords: electrodrive fittings, spectral analysis, entropy of Shannon, permutation entropy, basic vector, pattern recognition

  • Structurally insulating foam modified fiberfill

    The article considers the topicality of the development of cement foam concrete meeting modern requirements for energy saving and energy efficiency. The interrelation of physical and mechanical properties of cement foam concrete with the features of its structure formation at macro- and microlevel is considered. The main components for the manufacture of structural and heat-insulating cement foam concrete are described. The results of experiments on the determination of the dependence of the parameters of the structure of a foam concrete mixture, which form the physical and mechanical properties of finished products, are presented. A mechanism has been established for the active participation of particles of fibrous cellulose filler in the organization of the structure of a foam concrete mix and samples based on it. The optimal concentration of fibrous cellulose filler in the raw meal mix was confirmed.

    Keywords: structural and heat-insulating foam concrete, modifying additives, technical carbon, fibrous filler

  • Application of the expert method when choosing measuring equipment for a special assessment of working conditions

    In the scientific article, the problem of instrumental and methodological support of works on a special assessment of working conditions is considered. The paper presents an approach to the selection of measuring equipment for the measurement of harmful production factors, which is based on the method of expert assessments. The results of studies of the application of the expert method for determining the possibility of using a group of instruments for the assessment of physical and chemical factors for conducting a special assessment of working conditions at workplaces of a machine building enterprise are presented. Recommendations are presented for equipping the laboratory with laboratories that carry out special assessment work in the conditions of machine building enterprises.

    Keywords: labor protection, instrumentation, measuring equipment, special assessment of working conditions, method of expert evaluation

  • Investigation of the distribution of the temperature field from a point source of heat in a convective flow by numerical methods

    In this paper, the temperature distribution from a point source of heat under convective heat transfer is studied. The Navier-Stokes equation describing the steady two-dimensional laminar motion of a fluid is solved numerically. The distribution of the temperature field of a heat-loaded point source is obtained under appropriate boundary conditions, supplemented by the boundary conditions for the flow velocity to equal zero on the paraboloid walls by numerical integration using the control volume method.

    Keywords: Radiator protrusion shape, thermal conductivity, thermal apparatus mode, the temperature of the heat source

  • Application of fiber-reinforced concrete in reinforced concrete structures

    This article deals with the field of application of fiber-reinforced concrete, reveals the advantage of using fiber-reinforced concrete in comparison with conventional concrete. The efficiency analysis of the use of fiber-reinforced concrete is analyzed.

    Keywords: fiber concrete, concrete, reinforced concrete, structures, technologies, installation, fiberglass concrete, reinforced concrete structures, tension, prestress, basalt fiber concrete

  • Ignitability and smoking capability of epoxy composite materials Part II

    Interference of mineral fillers, phosphor and chloride contained plasticizes, bromine contained fireproofing compounds and ferrocene derivatives to thermal stability, ignitability and smoking capability of epoxy composite materials was under consideration. The authors have eliminated that the phosphate plasticizes do not affect practically to epoxy polymers' combustibility, but to reduce smoking capability of composites. Different types of mineral fillers by concentration less then 45% by mass do insignificantly affect ignitability of epoxy composites. Different types of aromatic bromine contained additive fireproofing compounds do not affect to combustibility of such composites. The ferrocene derivatives surpass the ferrocene by effectiveness of smoke redesign. Correlation of the oxygen index with limiting oxygen concentration, heat of burring and critical density of heat flow graph was shown up. The main service properties and the data of inflammability of original patented composites are presented.

    Keywords: bromine contained fireproofing compound; ignitability; combustibility; smoke ability; composites; fillers; plasticizes; ferrocene derivatives; epoxy oligomers

  • The ways of expenses decreasing in use injectable waterproofing for buildings and constructions

    The technology of the new generation is an injection method of polymer waterproofing. As for polymeric compositions for injection are used polyurethane compositions; materials based on epoxy tar; micro cement; acrylate gels. Acrylate gels can provide the necessary reliable, highly elastic barrier from water pressure. Reducing the cost of injection waterproofing is possible through the use of acrylate waste paintwork materials (PWM). The results of studies on the use of acrylate wastes (PWM) as a water-repellent additive to concrete, allow us to recommend identical wastes as materials for volumetric water-repellent treatment of building structures in order to reduce the cost of water resistance by injection.

    Keywords: injectable waterproofing for buildings and constructions, waterproofing materials, paintwork materials, polymer wastes

  • Features of an estimation of efficiency of activity of mobile autorepair workshops at service of motor vehicles

    The peculiarities of the activity of mobile car repair shops are considered. Mathematical models for determining indicators, taking into account the randomness of the receipt of requirements for maintenance and the duration of the services themselves, are proposed.

    Keywords: mobile car repair shop, probability, criteria, complex indicator, efficiency