This article describes an algorithm for finding the linear functional quality that describes the order of preference on a set of technical systems. The basic idea, which implements the algorithm is to break the complex solutions of the preference (for many variables) into a number of simple solutions (in pairs of variables), followed by a formal synthesis of the overall solution.
Keywords: The algorithm for finding the linear functional quality of the order of preference on a set of technical systems, formal synthesis, the numerical value of the degree of competence of the individual experts
The paper presents national practice calculations of economic impacts used in environmental management. Direct and indirect cost economic impact assessment was considered. Particular attention is given to approaches of economic valuation of natural resources.
Keywords: economic impact, direct and indirect cost, risk assessment, replacement value, NPV
Today in Russia, unfortunately, the science is one of professions, is far not so popular, as the lawyer, the financier or the programmer. At the same time competitiveness of modern economy depends both on separate scientific and technological achievements, and on technologies of management of an innovation in the various countries. The review of experiences of innovative development is presented in this article abroad in such countries, as the USA, China, Finland and South Korea. Innovative development of these countries conducting economically will be rather interesting to CIS countries where need of such development is an essential task.
Keywords: science, innovative system, innovative development, hi-tech production
This paper presents key capital structure determinants of construction companies and their impact on fund raising and financing mix formation in accordance with the conditions of construction activity. It was found that profitability and tangibility have a positive effect on leverage, risk - the negative and the effect of company size, assets growth rate and taxes is ambiguous.
Keywords: capital structure determinants, profitability, risk, taxes, tangibility, construction companies
The article describes the main problems of circuit simulation. The problem of solving ill-conditioned systems of linear algebraic equations (SLAE) of large dimension. The modified algorithm is a linear algebraic solutions. Described a hybrid evolutionary algorithm for solving linear systems based on the proposed modified method. The results of the pilot study and comparison of the algorithm with the algorithms based on the traditional methods for solving linear algebraic equation, which confirm the advantages of the hybrid evolutionary algorithm.
Keywords: Genetic operators, evolutionary algorithm, the system of linear algebraic equations, computer-aided design.
The article describes the methods of forming the program of technical and economic feasibility of reconstruction. The program is based on the technical and economic calculations which justify the need for its development. It is important to take into account the technical and economic indices which provide a minimal amount of construction works. During the development of technical and economic parameters, it is necessary to take into account the organization of construction, the terms of energy saving, heating, water supply, drainage and industrial waste water, human resources, the environment, the effectiveness of capital investments. All questions are considered for the perspective of the development of science and technology.
Keywords: site renovation, technical-and-economic indexes
The article presents the new technologies and design tools for опиливания of machine parts. A number of new technical solutions in the field of innovative Metalworking tool for опиливания parts of machines, with a complex of technical and economic advantages over existing analogues. Shows the five variants of constructions and technologies for the production of files and надфилей, based on the use of hard coating. New tools are characterized by a low-cost, low labour-intensiveness of manufacturing and high performance.
Keywords: tribology, the filing of a painful, spraying, carbide coatings, wear, self-sharpening, reversible cutting plates
Common conceptions are given about multi-sensor systems. The structure of the data processing unit of multi-sensor system for concentration monitoring of heavy metals ions in aqueous media is described. Main stages of the data processing, – clustering and quantitative identification are introduced. The approach which presupposes use of artificial neural networks, – Kohonen networks and radial basis function networks, is designed. Such algorithmic architecture is implemented which allows to avoid significant computing resources expenses. The program for computer IBM PC in high-level language of application package MATLAB is written.
Keywords: Multi-sensor systems, artificial neural networks, Kohonen networks, radial basis function networks, data processing, pattern recognition, environmental monitoring, heavy metals, ion-selective electrodes
The question of system analysis and risk management for public health is important and requires a thorough study. As part of its study on chosen method has been implemented an algorithm for estimating the risk of isolated effects of air pollutants on human health, then conducted a systematic analysis of the results, and management solution put forward to improve the safety and health of Taganrog. Based on the data of automated monitoring system has been established that the risk of adverse effects in humans with daily admission of matter in life is insignificant, and this influence is characterized as acceptable.
Keywords: Estimation analysis and control of risk, health and safety of the population, atmosphere pollution, dangerous chemical substances
The problem of air quality control is relevant at the present time. There are a lot of different devices and methods of air monitoring. The promising devices for air monitoring are automated air monitoring systems functioning in real time regime. The basic part of such system is a chemical gas sensor. Gas sensors can be combined into the arrays or so called multisensory systems to increase their effectiveness. Sensor arrays using semiconductor sensors based on SiO2CuOx, SiO2SnOxCuOy, SnOxZrOy, silver-polyacrylonitrile thin films made at department of chemistry and ecology have been investigated in this work. As a result of sensors signals processing gas recognition technique has been developed. The recognition of ammonia, nitrogen dioxide, chlorine has been made.
Keywords: monitoring, massifs of sensors, semiconductor sensors of gases
Stability of sensors on the basis of inorganic oxide materials is one of the primary goals by working out of atmospheric air control devices. In this work long-term stability of a sensor response on the basis of the SiO2SnOxCuOy material to carbon oxide (II) exposure in a range of concentration 1-100 ppm is studied. It is shown that the sensor response differs high stability and reproducibility. Continuous heating within 21 days to working temperature (350°С) influence its value negligibly.
Keywords: stability of a response, sensor, carbon oxide, material of structure of SiO2SnOxCuOy.
We have investigated electrical and gas sensitive properties of gas sensor based on carbon nanotubes (CNT) and carbon nanotubes modified by metal oxides (such as tin oxide and silicon oxide). Also we have find out that modification of CNT by metal oxides helps to improve film`s adhesion to substrate, decrease electrical resistance, recovery time, working temperature , enhance gas sensitivity in comparison with sensitive elements based only on CNT or metal oxides. Moreover experimental results showed that properties of composite material depend on concentration correlation of solutions. As a result we can get highest sensitivity of sensor element by choosing optimal relation between concentrations of solutions.
Keywords: Сarbon nanotubes, modification, tin oxide, silicon oxide, gas sensor
This article considers different points of views on tax planning .There is difference in attitude of Russian and foreign scientists and businessmen and foreign experts towards tax planning. The article considers the essence of tax planning, its aims and the necessity of combination of strategic management with tax planning. The finance planning matrix correlating strategic management with tax planning is given here.
Keywords: tex, tex planning , management accounting, strategic management accounting, rolling forecasts, texing forecasts, optimistic tex, activity-based management, finance planning
Neural network model of distribution of pollutant in the atmosphere of the city of Taganrog has been developed on the basis of monitoring data, meteorological information and calculation made by software «Ecolog-gorod». The results of the work of model have been visualized in software ArcGis. Distribution maps of nitrogen dioxide has been built under the conditions of eight directions of wind, two wind speeds and two temperature ranges.
Keywords: Neural network, prediction model, urban air pollution
Technology of fabricating unheated gas sensors based on polyacrylonitrile (PAN) using different temperature and time modes of a two stages IR-pyrolyze is developed for the remote control of the human condition. Gas-sensing elements based on PAN films and cobalt- and copper-containing PAN films are fabricated. Gas sensitive characteristics of the gained samples to CO, Cl2 and CHCl3 in atmospheric conditions are determined. We have found that gas-sensitivity of the samples depends on the composition of the original film-forming solution and on the process parameters of fabricating the film material. Moreover the samples show sensitivity and selectivity at room temperature. The benefits of this study is that films based on PAN and metal-PAN are the most promising material for electronic engineering including gas sensors for the remote monitoring of the human condition.
Keywords: Nanocomposite materials, gas-sensing layer, metal-containing organic polymers, IR- pyrolyze