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  • Technology of formation of readiness of the future IT experts to interprofessional interaction

    The author's technology of formation of readiness of students of IT specialities of high school to the interprofessional interaction, focused on development  the values connected with interprofessional interaction is considered; adaptabilities;  self-control, the concept "readiness for interprofessional interaction" is specified with reference to a theme of research 

    Keywords: The IT expert, interprofessional interaction, technology, preparation of experts in high school

  • Filtering algorithms of bioelectric signals

      In this paper we consider the application of digital signal processing techniques to clean them from interference and to present in a special basis, which allows the detection of events related to the manifestation of the functioning of a functional system in health and disease. Implemented mathematical foundation and rapid synthesis methods for converting the signals used in electrophysiology based on the discrete wavelet and Gabor transforms. Filter synthesis using Filter Desing ToolBox package MatLab was observed. 

    Keywords: digital signal processing techniques, rapid synthesis methods, discrete wavelet transform, Gabor transform

  • Models of cooperation in the system of social partnership

    Relations between subjects of the system of social partnership in the domain of optional professional education are modeled by a voting game. For the 3-person voting game a comparative analysis of such optimality principles as C-core, NM-decision, and Shapley value for the typical values of the players' voices is conducted.

    Keywords: social partnership, optional professional education, voting games, C-core, NM-decision, Shapley value

  • Geostatistics methods for cadastral value of land horticultural non-profit association leningrads region

    The author of the article identified the cadastral value of land horticultural non-profit organizations of Leningrad region, using the method of geostatistics. Determined by the maximum distance between objects evaluation. Point at a distance lag more than the maximum distance, not spatially correlated. The construction of the cadastral value of the surface, using deterministic methods and methods of geostatistics is illustrated.

    Keywords: cadastral value, geostatistics, log, correlation, regression

  • Concrete on binding and small sand

    The influence of fine-dispersed mineral adds on the properties of cement stone and concrete has been investigated. The possibility of production of necessary strength concrete with small sand without increasing of standard expenditure of cement has been designed.

    Keywords: concrete, strength, small sand, add, mineral powder, cement, reduction, expenditure

  • The concept of organization of processing of the information in the systems of diagnostics and detection

     In the article there are considered the problems arising in the building of systems of diagnostics and recognition, provides methods to detect deviations in functioning of the various objects.

    Keywords: Diagnostics, еmpirical mode decomposition, extreme filtering, time-frequency distributions

  • The potential of using biogas in the agricultural region

    The article examines the development of biogas production in the Altai region. Indicates the need for wide implementation in ho-agricultural practice of farms renewable energy.  Provides information about the main raw materials and specific yield volumes of fuel out of it. Argued that there is a potential for the construction of facilities for the production of biogas based on large and medium-sized livestock operations. This can provide up to 20-25% of the demand in the Altai region gas fuel. It is noted that the implementation of this project requires coordination of government support measures with the mandatory inclusion of livestock facilities for biogas in the construction or reconstruction of livestock enterprises. Also priority for biogas energy in the Altai region called the creation of biogas plants with low capacity. They can be used by individuals to meet the challenges of energy supply and heating. Refers to the importance of their implementation in some areas Altai region. 

    Keywords: biogas, bioenergy, renewable energy, biofuel, energy-saving technology, aricultural region

  • Рerfection governmental сertification of scientific and scientific and pedagogical shots in respect social and economic evolution Russia

    New approaches to resource potential of national economic are considered in this article.

    Keywords: the development of the system of higher professional education, the institutions of higher professional education, potential of the system of higher education,сertification of scientific and scientific and pedagogical shots

  • Optimization method for static calculation of construction designs with the use of probabilistic laws with restrictions

    The article deals with the analysis of the application of the method of NS. Strelets for the static calculation of construction structures. It is proposed on the basis of the probabilistic-statistical method NS. Streletsky instead of the normal laws for operating voltages and strength apply laws with a shift, in particular, the law of the Weibull with three parameters and the Fisher-Тippet. It is proposed to make the transition to the parameters of the totality of the finite volume that will allow to increase the accuracy of calculation of probability of failure-free operation and the proposed probabilistic safety, and also to optimize the probability of trouble-free operation of construction structures

    Keywords: optimization, design, construction, steel, sample, weibull, fisher-tippet

  • Increase of organizational effectiveness of management on the basis of optimization of transactional expenses

    Activity of any organizational structure of management is connected with transactional expenses. In article the method of the analysis of organizational effectiveness at the expense of optimization of transactional expenses is offered. Author's classification of transactional expenses of firm is for this purpose developed. For increase of organizational efficiency the analysis, identification elimination of unprofitable transaction is offered. It leads to correction of organizational structure of management.

    Keywords: organizational structure of management, transactional expenses, efficiency analysis, method, classification

  • Applying the principles of logistics approach to economic and mathematical model of the optimal rate of city passenger transport

    In article it is spoken about use of logistic approach at tariff setting on city passenger transport

    Keywords: Logistic approach, tariff, tariff setting, passenger transportation, passenger transport

  • Method of compensation offset voltage operational amplifiers with classical input stages based current mirrors

    Are considered method of reducing one of the most essential components of the voltage offset Uvo operational amplifiers (op-amp), executed on classical architecture with current mirrors, which is linked to the change current gain of base (β) bipolar transistors in conditions of temperature and radiation effects.
    To solve this problem in the basic architecture of op-amp is entered special corrective multipole, which will provide low-current asymmetry in coordination of input differential stage (DS). The method is applicable to op-amp, which is inexpedient to make any adjustments to the original structure of the DS. 
    The analytical expressions determining basic parameters the compensation circuits Uvo, and also shows the tabular data that simplify the choice of standard functional components of precision op-amps.  

    Keywords: microelectronics, circuit design, a differential amplifier, operational amplifier, voltage offset, temperature drift, the effect of radiation on the zero level

  • Tariff policy of the logistics system of city transport

    In article it is spoken about use of logistic approach when forming the principles of tariff policy of city passenger traffic

    Keywords: Logistic approach, tariff, tariff setting, passenger transportation, passenger transport

  • Research building complex level of competitive rail

    One of factors of success in conditions of the market relations are questions of increase of competitiveness that is especially actual for the Russian economy. In turn, Russia, possessing huge natural resources, considerable research and production and personnel potential, has low indicators on quality of life, effective use of resources and competitiveness. The analysis of existing definitions of the category "competitiveness" is provided in article, the hierarchy of levels of competitiveness is presented, the factors influencing competitiveness of construction branch are considered, the algorithm of determination of competitiveness of a construction complex of railway transport is considered.

    Keywords: Competitiveness, construction complex of railway transport, competitiveness factors, assessment rating, competitors

  • Modelling problem for surfaces of the second order of positive curvature

    In work infinitesimal bendings surfaces of positive curvature with edge, subordinates on edge of external communication of the mixed type are studied. It is established quasicorrectness such external communication provided that the vector field belongs to a surface

    Keywords: a surface of positive curvature, infinitesimal bendings, a field of displacement, a field of rotations, own vector field, modelling problem