The representation of solutions for problem of steady state vibrations of multilayered poroelastic half plane is considered using the superposition of corresponding solutions for homogeneous poroelastic environments. This allows to analyze the influence of individual structural layers on the forming of displacement and stress fields and also give the analysis of energy streams with the refraction boundaries and wave types separation
Keywords: multilayered half space, steady state vibrations, Biot environment, superposition principle
The necessity to improve the grinding process of building materials used in the construc-tion of roads using mobile mo-bile plants, based on the con-centration of operations on a single machine, a diagram of a fundamentally new developed systems for their implementa-tion
Keywords: Mobile installations, roads, cement-concrete mixtures, crushing and grinding equip-ment, mill dynamic autogenous grinding, two-mill dynamic autogenous, factionalism, energy
Results of researches on joint influence of specific pressure of pressing and firing temperature on physico-mechanical properties of laboratory samples on the basis of atyukhtinsky clay raw materials is shown. For the purpose of increase of frost resistance of the burned samples into structure of masses entered a carbonat containing modifying additive in an amount of 5%. For a quantitative assessment of influence of the specified factors on the main indicators of the burned samples researches with application of mathematical planning of experiment and computer processing of results were conducted. Specific pressure of pressing varied within 20±5 MPa, firing temperature – 1000±50 0C. By results of experiment the regression equations are received. It is defined that at increase of value of both varied factors, frost resistance and durability of samples increase, and water absorption – decreases. It is shown that, operating even with two technology factors – the specific pressure of pressing and firing temperature – it is possible to change significantly properties of finished products, and, using the received equations, it is possible to predict future properties of products at a stage of their production.
Keywords: frost resistance, burned sample, modifying additive, specific pressing pressure, firing temperature, mathematical experiment planning
The article deals with the analysis of intermittent lanes priority based on simulation. The implementation of intermittent lanes priority system is only possible within the framework of urban intelligent transportation system (ITS). In some cases, there are not always enough ITS components for the operation of intermittent lanes priority system. Based on the simulation it is possible to determine the efficiency of the intermittent lanes priority system with the minimum or complete number ITS components. To compare the effectiveness of intermittent lanes priority system the simulation was performed for the four scenarios:
1. Without the use of public transport priority
2. Classically marked priority lane
3. Using the intermittent lanes priority system with a minimum number of ITS components
4. Using the intermittent lanes priority system with the full amount of ITS components
According the results of simulation we concluded that the minimal intermittent lanes priority system is noticeably inferior to a fully functional intermittent lanes priority system on the effectiveness, but such system does not require a high level of development of the urban ITS and can be considered as the first stage of a complete intermittent lanes priority system.
Keywords: the organization of the bus lane priority, priority lane, intermittent bus lane priority, road capacity, controlled road signs, intelligent transportation system
The article discusses an innovative organizing method of the buses priority - a intermittent bus lane priority.
Keywords: the organization of the bus lane priority, priority lane, intermittent bus lane priority, intelligent transportation system
The article deals with the preparation of the leading schools of art of the early twentieth century in Germany and Russia. Determined the reasons for leaving between classical training and subsequent return to the system of art education to the academicism.
Keywords: coloristics, art education, color, professional education
Analyzes human capital as one of the key components of the innovation development of the Russian economy and the construction industry in particular. Shows the positive aspects of investment in human capital - increase in the level of education, improvement of nutrition and health, which leads to an increase in the productivity of capital, and reducing mortality, increasing life expectancy. To construction weak extent of development of the intellectual capital is typical, it is necessary to change this tendency. And, at the stage of recruitment to pay attention to human capital of seekers. It is noted, there where it is possible, importance of determination of potential of competitors without experience, with further training within the company, to please to professional skills. Continuous development of the human capital of the construction organization is a right way for the company, wishing to advance competitors and to get profit.
Keywords: human capital, innovation, construction, recruitment, staff, investment, development, education, the potential, profit
The possibilities of waveguide elements realization in the structure of multilayered integrated chips of centimeter and millimeter ranges with SIW (Substrate Integrated Waveguide)-technology application are considered. The approaches allowing effectively using in new structures the algorithms and techniques of the electrodynamic analysis and synthesis of passive devices on classical all-metal waveguides are offered. Advantages of use in SIW structure the waveguides of complex cross-section are considered on the example of the microwave band-pass filter.
Keywords: A.A. Gadzieva, V.V. Zemlyakov, S.V. Krutiev
Laboratory technology was developed to fabricate flexible piezocomposites with ferroelectric phase - polymers having signal reception factorv • gv 5000 • 10-15 m2 / N. The values of the given coefficient were achieved by switching from a probabilistic (spontaneous) percolation to a correlated one in the process of forming material. This made the production of 0-1–3 piezocomposites, in which a part of piezophase has 0 connectivity, and the other part – 1 connectivity possible. To improve the efficiency of piezocomposite polarization before their manufacturing the surface of piezophase particles, which were obtained by the partial destruction of the porous frameworks, was treated with coupling agent, which did not only improve the polymer adhesion to piezophase, but also allowed the removal of water from the particle surface. The latter effect reduced the value of interfacial conductivity, i.e. prevented the voltage drop of the polarizing field. Matching of polymer conductivity and piezoceramic particles by determining the optimal polarization temperature was carried out as well.
Keywords: piezocomposites, percolation, connectivity, electrophysical properties
The purpose of this work is identification of optimum methods of an as-sessment of a resistance to stress in work of the modern organizations of a services sector. This article considers the major factors influencing effective work of the personnel in a services sector under the influence of various stressful situations. Categories of the workers who are most subject to psychological instability on workers are defined.
Keywords: resistance to stress, testing methods, service economy
In article findings of investigation of process of drying of conversion lime carbonate in an air-operated tube-dryer are resulted. For the first time dependences of moisture content in a tube-dryer from reference temperature of air or gases and from length of a tube-dryer are received. Results of researches can be used for designing of tubes-dryers for large-tonnage productions of conversion lime carbonate.
Keywords: conversion lime carbonate, drying, tube-dryer
The experimental studies of technological modes of formation of hybrid carbon nanostructures based on the nanotubes by multifunctional ultrahigh vacuum nanotechnological complex NANOFAB NTK-9 are performed. The parameters of the impact on hybrid nanostructures formation were found, established and studied experimental samples modified and Y-shaped hybrid carbon nanostructures . The results can be used as elements of nanoelectronics and nanosystem technology, composite fillings compounds and hydrogen storage.
Keywords: Nanotechnology, carbon nanotubes, hybrid carbon nanostructures, nanostructured materials
The requirements to be met by a data acquisition system in terms of each of the problems to be solved. Presented electric concept developed biopotential amplifier with a total gain of 2000. The theoretical model of the spectrum of RR intervals and changes depending on the running processes. The analysis revealed that the resulting spectrum satisfies the conditions considered in the theoretical model, and can be further analyzed with fractal characteristics.
Keywords: Instrumental amplifier, biopotential, fractal index
The article covers the period from XVII to XIX century in the development of art education, when it loses its elitism and becomes massive. Identifies three major trends that have influenced the formation of pedagogical training bases of graphic activity and color in professional artistic training: academic training system, physics color and secondary school. The period and the basic principles of the formation of European and Russian art training. Determined by the stage of the formation of the world system of artistic training.
Keywords: academic, arts education, training, mass education
Consideration of the formation method of choice underlying architecture of reconfigurable computing system minimal cost, providing the requirements for the probability of the task. The main mathematical tool used in the theory of decision making under uncertainty, as well as methods for game-theoretic optimization.
Keywords: reconfigurable computing system, Markov processes, game-theoretic optimization, basic architecture, the uncertainties