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+7 961 270-60-01

  • Abstracts



  • Optimization an arrow no-failure operation probability of the shovel excavator

    Optimization an arrow no-failure operation probability for set fatigue resource of an arrow as base detail of the shovel excavator is important economic task.
    Optimum value of no-failure operation probability can be received as a result of consideration of various options of manufacturing of an arrow of the excavator.
    Thus at no-failure operation probability Р=0,999 for 20 thousand hours, optimum option is the arrow design from steel 15ХСНД with wall thickness 12 mm.

    Keywords: optimization, resource, arrow, shovel excavator

  • Numerical and experimental determination of gamma-percent resource boom shovel for the general population of finite volume

    The paper proposes a method for calculating the gamma - percentage fatigue life boom shovel for a set of finite volume, using the analytical method of determining the parameters of the Weibull law. 
    Conducted a computational experiment showed that the method allows to obtain gamma percentage fatigue life boom shovel through the transition from sample data to aggregate data. 
    Keywords: resource boom, excavator, aggregate, Weibull.


  • Research of aerodynamics of a polydisperse suspension of conversion lime carbonate in a tube-dryer

    In article results of experiences on studying of aerodynamics of a polydisperse suspension of conversion lime carbonate are resulted. The equations for calculation of speeds and concentration of lime carbonate on length of a tube-dryer are received. The obtained data can be used at designing of industrial dryers.

    Keywords: Conversion lime carbonate, drying, tube-dryer, aerodynamics.

  • Improving the methodology for determining the multi-component environment of the waste of animal industry

    In the article we research application of culmiferous waste products of in the capacity of fractionated culmiferous litter on poultry plants at the low-ground content animal. For definition of optimal parameters of processing the initial culmiferous material exposed machining by a microwave radiation and was researched on micro and nano level for revealing qualitative changes of a structural surface.

    Keywords: culmiferous bedding, microwave radiation, structural surface, the energy of the microwaves, capillary condensation, "pin" structure, scanning probe microscope.

  • Automation System Design Rules preventive maintenance of industrial equipment technological radio

    In this paper the mathematical and software design automation systems maintenance program wireless devices used in various industrial processes. Mathematical Software CAD presented analysis algorithms process operation and maintenance (MOT) wireless devices, and also includes methods of optimization theory to determine the primary regulated parameters, frequency THAT. Software automation system has a modular structure and contains a package of applications and graphical user interface. Software package implements the project procedures of analysis and synthesis. CAD allows in automatic mode to simulate the process of operation and the device and evaluate the recommended value of rational frequency of maintenance.
    Keywords: algorithm design automation, maintenance intervals, a wireless device, optimization.


  • Mathematical model of a personnel pyramid of a bandit underground in the North Caucasus

    The mathematical model formalizes the solution of a problem of optimum control and it is meaningful to minimization of number of regional extremist system (bandit underground) taking into account relative importance of parts making it at the restrictions caused by "will" of the state to fight against extremism and objective dynamics of number of groups of extremists, an ethnosociocultural protestnost defined by factors (protest potential of society). The task was solved by means of imitating modeling on a method of scenarios.

    Keywords: Mathematical model, method of scenarios, extremism, dynamics of number of groups of extremists, problem region, North Caucasus.

  • Scenary modeling of combating extremism in the North Caucasus

    The mathematical model formalizes the solution of a problem of optimum control and  the minimization of regional extremist system’s number (bandit underground) is meaningful taking into account the relative importance of its parts with the restrictions caused by "will" of the state to fight against extremism and the objective dynamics of the extremist groups number, defined by the ethno-and-sociocultural protest potential factors. The problem was solved by means of imitating modeling basing on scenarios method. The results of scenery modeling of republican bandit underground dynamics are obtained depending on different variants of the power influence, in conjunction with different options of republican community development. The results of modeling calculations on fixing of a range of scenarios of quantitative dynamics of separate groups layers of a republican bandit underground are given. The identification of modeling parameters according to scenarios is executed and interpretation of the received results and practical recommendations on optimization of combating regional terrorist underground is presented.

    Keywords: Mathematical model, scenery modeling, extremism, bandit underground, dynamics of number of groups layers of extremists, problem region, North Caucasus.

  • Experimental research of water jet aerator

    Article is devoted studying of design parameters water jet aerator. Water jet aerator it is used for saturation of water by oxygen on purification works. In article research methods are described, in particular, possibility of use of computer modeling by means of program complex ANSYS 11 is considered.

    Keywords: Water jet aerator, purification works, computer modeling, and jet aeration.

  • The state, its place and role in the development of modern service industry

    Existing theoretical positions impact of government (regional and municipal) governments on the development of the service sector is expected to maintain an appropriate ratio between the market and state intervention in the economy and the economic life of enterprises and organizations of this sector of the economy of the region. It can be achieved by observing a general principle, the essence of which lies in the presence of competition wherever possible adjustment where necessary.
    Keywords: services, forms, methods, state, government regulation, federal programs, organizational and economic transformation.


  • Aspects of the functioning and development trend of housing and communal services and its constituent elements

    In a review article, the author conducts a detailed study of various aspects of housing and communal services, market factors and conditions that affect the processes of its development. Draw conclusions about the necessity of combining the active position of the federal investigation into the issues of reforming the sphere with a variety of forms and methods of transformation in the regions and municipalities, which in turn will minimize the administrative impact and preserve the overall guiding role of the state in the reform of housing and communal services to the local the specifics of the industry in the transition mode breakeven operation.
    Keywords: development, housing and communal services, public utilities, public services market, the economic environment, the reform processes.


  • Application of multi-layer radial basis neural networks for the verification of relational databases

    Offers intelligent method of assessing the reliability of data (verification), in databases, based on the theory of artificial neural networks. The method consists of three steps: data clustering using the Kohonen network, training radial basic network and its computation using the validation database table rows. To create a radial basis networks and their training Backpropagation developed software tool. The proposed verification method of data can be used in various applications of information systems.
    Keywords: database, relational algebra, verification, radial basis neural network training neural networks, Kohonen networks, clustering.


  • Comparison of the shift parameter sets the initial distribution and the resulting computational experiment for reliability indices details

    In this paper, a comparative analysis of the shift parameter distribution initial set of calculated analytical method and simulated, obtained by computer simulation using sample data. Error δi shifts between the parameters listed in the table and plotted errors on the scope and volume of the aggregate.
    Thus, increasing the volume of the aggregate error is reduced from 30% to 1% at a constant volume sample m = 50.
    Keywords: sampling, aggregate, volume, range, accuracy, distribution, performance analysis, engineering, reliability.


  • Mathematical model of inter-symbol distortion compensation data transfer status distillation devices RAT

    The paper proposes a mathematical model of inter-symbol distortion compensation data transfer status RAT distillation devices using vector-matrix transformation. 
    Keywords: mathematical model, the inter-symbol distortion distilleries RAT operator transfer and interaction Preemphasis vector.


  • The algorithm aided design of radio relay lines in radio industry

    The main problems of designing telecommunication equipment. The principles of construction of communication and information networks, telecommunications technology and equipment. Proposed design automation wireless links algorithm aided design of modern wireless systems, and its implementation in the module microwave network.
    Keywords: radio relay communication lines (RRL) algorithm aided design, calculation of parameters of the radio, the software module.
