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  • Methods of experimental study of pre-stressed in the sample at the indentation of the indenter

    The problem of a radial compressive stress in the sample to assess their impact on the parameters of these stresses pressing indentors

    Keywords: Diagnostics, resource efficiency, mechanical properties, strength, ductility, hardness, toughness, nondestructive testing, destructive

  • High-frequency selective amplifier and band-pass filters in CMOS transistor SiGe process technology

      The paper offers a solution to the general problem of circuit synthesis for n-MOS transistor level band pass filter based on current amplifier with a limited transmission coefficient. The possibility of optimal choice of the parametric compromise. The results of modeling circuit in Cadence Virtuoso environment component-based workflow SGB25VD.

    Keywords: CMOS transistor, a band pass filter, a selective amplifier, system on chip, gain, voltage-to-current

  • About kinetics of heat irradiation in mixing and solidification of astringent

    Knowledge of the kinetics heat irradiation give more sources for understanding physico-chemical process connected with solidification astringent. On curves of heat irradiation you can traced three stage and then read the kinetic equations describing each of them.

    Keywords: kinetics, heat irradiation, speed, stages, astringent

  • The problem of implementing a static conical indenter into the region with radial initial stresses

    We consider the problem of pressing a conical indenter in pre-compressed radial force elastoplastic medium. The influence of the initial stresses on the parameters of the indentation.

    Keywords: Diagnostics, resource efficiency, mechanical properties, strength, ductility, hardness, toughness, nondestructive testing, destructive

  • Branch features of processes of a clustering of regional economy

      Article is devoted to definition of the basic principles of modernization of regional reproduction – to search of preconditions of increase of effect from cluster development. Thus the main attention is given to the analysis of features of processes of a clustering in a branch cut at regional level. Expediency of definition of specific goals of regional economic policy on this basis locates. 

    Keywords: regional economy, gross regional product, factors of linear correlation, branch priorities

  • High-frequency bandpass RC filter on current repeaters

      This paper presents a generalized framework level band pass filter used in the construction of broadband active RC filters. The conditions that determine the potential stability of the broadband link and its parameters. A variant of circuit implementation, in which low parametric sensitivity of Q to passive circuit elements is achieved on the basis of its own compensate small-signal parameters of bipolar transistors parameters amplification. The results of computer simulations have confirmed that the principle of self compensate coupling semiconductor can significantly reduce the sensitivity of the parametric parts of the second-order band-pass filters based on existing low technologies.

    Keywords: system-on-chip, band pass filter, quality, current amplifier, the sensitivity, bipolar transistor

  • Development of complex energy efficient measurements’ choice algorithm in construction processes

    This scientific report is devoted to the solution of an optimization model of the complex energy efficient measurements’ choice problem, making use in the housing construction, on the bases of developed algorithm. The optimization algorithm was devised taking into account of the energy efficient technologies detailed classification including its cost and energy savings. In the article is offered a simplified formula of economic effect calculation for different energy efficient technologies. It introduces an application of optimization model of the complex energy efficient measurements’ choice by example of heat-insulating materials and the results of economic cost-effectiveness analysis of its using.

    Keywords: energy saving, energy efficiency, energy efficient technologies’ classification, optimization of energy efficient measurements’ choice, ecological, heat consumption, economic cost-effectiveness

  • Simplified determination of parameters piezomaterial on samples of elements in the form of a disk

      The approximate formulas for determination of planar electromechanical force factor and piezomodule in the disk-form samples without Poisson coefficient evaluation of the smallest (first) frequency equation root are derived. It simplifies procedure of measurements because measurement of frequency of the first overtone isn't required.

    Keywords: piezomaterial, disk, planar electromechanical force factor, piezomodule, Poisson coefficient

  • On the computation the spread for the generalized (B, S)-market in case of buying up shares

    This paper presents a method for calculating the spread for the generalized (B, S)-market in case of buying up shares. A brief description of the relevance of tasks, related to the calculation of market value of derivative of assets and concomitant calculations. Substantiate the use of Martingale ideology in studies of financial markets. Describes the essence of the generalized model (B, S)-market in case of buying up shares, as well as the principle of calculating of upper and lower value of the option-call European type.

    Keywords: financial market, option, spread, model completeness, arbitration, financial strategy, the model of Cox-Ross-Rubinstein, financial liability, the martingale

  • Apartment buildings of the late 19th and early 20th centuries

      Apartment buildings as a form of mass building cities appeared in the last quarter of the 19th century. The construction of buildings is simpler designs compared to those adopted in the present. They were replaced by buildings constructed in the style of constructivism. They were basically three - five-story, brick. Houses were calculated on a large number of residents, and consisted of a large number of separate sections, often rectangular (or close to it) in terms of form. The buildings were first introduced structural innovations in the form of core hardness (staircases), hard carrying and enclosing envelope (exterior bearing walls), post-and-beam system, vertical communication corridors, lightweight partitions.

    Keywords: restoration, repair,reconstruction, restoration, method

  • Methods of reconstruction of buildings after the Second World War

    Post-war reconstruction of the city of Rostov-on-Don to be divided in to two stages from 14 February 1943. to 1946 and from 1946 to 1956., restore to different choices and features of design and construction. Up to 1946. rehabilitation works are mainly ofthe nature of small repairs of small houses and decoration of apartments. To restor elarge objects started at the end of 1946. A commission was established to restore,which was engaged in the survey of destroyed buildings and made decision sab out the method of recovery. Methods: repair, reconstruction with elements of restoration and reconstruction. Among design organizations involved in the restoration of Rostov special place"Gorproekt."

    Keywords: restoration, repair, reconstruction, restoration, method

  • Control methods of microstructure construction process of piezoelectric ceramics based on doped titanate lead and its electrophysical properties

    The article describes methods allows to control the degree of anisotropy piezoelectric ceramics based on doped phase PbTiO3. As a model of the object has been selected phase of Pb0,76Ca0,24Ti0,94(Cd0,5W0,5)0,06O3. The model phase was obtained by the following methods: by solid state reaction method and the chemical construction. For comparison phases obtained by these methods were used modern analytical research methods (DTA, TGA, XRF, XRD, power and tunneling microscopy, computer-program research results). Piezoceramic samples were obtained from the synthesized phases and electrical parameters were measured. Were revealed that the samples, obtained from the charge, synthesized by chemical construction had values of  piezoelectric constants d31 and d33 much more than samples obtained by the method of solid state reaction.
    Keywords: piezoelectric ceramics, anisotropy, ultrasonic issue systems.

    Keywords: piezoelectric ceramics, anisotropy, ultrasonic issue systems

  • Problems of education and a culture of student health

      Main areas of modern human life and society (education, work, leisure) require the application of complex human ¬ lovecheskih forces and capabilities - physical, psychological, emotional ¬ tional, intellectual, and spiritual. Difficult transition to a market economy in 90 years, affected the fitness and sports motion, ¬. Socio-economic factors and conditions were the prerequisite for the formation of unhealthy motivations some part of students and the students, and this has a negative impact on their health and physical fitness.

    Keywords: Education, training, rehabilitation, and social disease caused by the problem of professional personnel, college environment, culture, science, intellectual work and the result of labor

  • The cognitive component of the perception the political order of student’s group in Grozny in 2012

      The research presents an analysis of the data obtained as a result of questioning students RGSU in Grozny in 2012. In the pilot study involved 320 respondents. (men - 70% women - 30%). The questionnaire included a subjective assessment of the following levels: participation in the political process, emotional involvement in these processes; comments of these processes, and economic prosperity, social security, life prospects. Research showed the stable average level of involvement of the young population to people processes in the Republic – 2,04 on a total average value. Level of  emotional involvement in the political process – 2,60. Level of comments political processes in the family – 2,30. Received, the average level of economic prosperity and level of social security of students. Assessment of life prospects is at a high level - 3.40. Female audience respondents give higher ratings than men, but the differences are insignificant. Observed lowering of assessments compared with studies of past years, but all parameters cognitive component relations of students to the political order are normal middle and high level. In general it shows a low level of deprivation investigated audience.

    Keywords: a political tension, deprivation, group installation in relation to a political order, cognitive component, questionnaire, the descriptive statistics

  • Socio-hygienic and pedagogical analysis of the formation of the health and physical development of students

    Health is an integral indicator of the conditions and quality of life (social, economic, cultural and health, working conditions, welfare and recreation), life is not just one person, but also the society in which he lives. On the health impact of social and hygienic factors specific region, including environmental, technological, socio-economic, social stress and instability caused by the working conditions, wages, quality of housing, food, culture, the crisis in the health care system, the lack of prevention.

    Keywords: Integrated indicator of the socio-economic conditions, physical development, physical fitness, lifestyle, habits, upbringing and education process