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  • The symbolic model of language as a tool for studying language conflicts

    This article attempts to present the author’s symbolic model of the language, with an emphasis on the practical value of the model for resolving language conflicts. A weighty justification is given for the possibility of a symbolic interpretation of practically any phenomena and objects of reality, which can serve as a methodological key to decoding a single sociocultural code. Such an approach may indicate the discovery of a new vector in understanding the nature of language conflicts. In the model below, you can see many ideas that can provide a rich methodological arsenal of great heuristic power in the field of resolving various kinds of language conflicts

    Keywords: symbolic model of language, sociolect, sociocultural code, linguocultural community, language conflicts, language rights, multiculturalism, discrimination, language separatism, language policy

  • Methodology for the deployment of dual-use military infrastructure facilities and a model for optimizing the deployment of a service network

    The article discusses the methodology for deploying dual-purpose military infrastructure facilities, including a model for optimizing the placement of the service network in garrisons, where it has already developed, and the question is its reconstruction and expansion. The calculations are made on the example of service in military camps. To optimize the placement of the service network, a criterion is adopted to minimize the service time.

    Keywords: garrison service, service network, service center, hierarchy, gravity model of gravity, the theory of central places, commodity circulation, a military town

  • Mathematical representation of control of a PMSM for hardware implementation on FPGA

    In modern industry, more common motor choice is a permanent magnet synchronous motor (PMSM). This becomes an urgent issue for the implementation of control scheme for such engines: their mathematical description and the further hardware implementation of algorithms for field programmable gate array or for microcontroller. In this article a mathematical model of PMSM control was created, including a power unit with an inverter and an engine, a FPGA based control circuit with its internal interconnections of digital elements and a feedback sensor. In the future work, this model can be taken as the basis in the hardware implementation of the PMSM control system using CAD, for example, in such as Altera's Quartus II.

    Keywords: PMSM, mathematical description, PMSM control scheme, FPGA, Altera Quartus II

  • Separate concreting in the manufacture of centrifuged reinforced concrete products

    When forming in the process of centrifugation an annular section by the method of ""separate"" concreting with the formation of a section of the product at the first stage from the original, including fine-grained concrete mixture, and with the introduction of a coarse aggregate at the second stage into the formed circular section, followed by the final formation of the section and compaction of the concrete mixture by centrifugation, the speed, calculated for the compaction stage, increases, depending on the section zone, the concrete compressive strength from 20% up to 47%, the initial modulus of elasticity from 6 to 19% relative to single-stage centrifugation. The ratio vint / vext of ultrasonic pulse velocities for surface sounding along the inner (vint) and outer (vext) faces of a centrifuged annular section can be considered as a conditional indicator of the uniformity of the concrete structure over the cross section of a centrifuged product. Key words: centrifugation, separate concreting, structure homogeneity, strength and deformation properties, porosity.

    Keywords: centrifugation, separate concreting, uniformity of structure, strength and deformation properties, porosity

  • Poorly executed backfill on subsidence soils as a reason for the increased risk of structural deformations

    As a result of the analysis of normative documentation and soil fixing works, a brief historical review of the physicochemical methods of soil fixing was presented. Examples of the application of these methods in Russia and the world are considered.

    Keywords: subsidence soils, cementation, soaking, heaps, mudding, subsidence, deformation, pit, soil consolidation

  • Investigation of the process of thermal conductivity in a plate with internal sources of heat of constant power

    Based on the use of additional boundary conditions (characteristics) and the integral method of heat balance, a numerical and analytical solution of the heat conduction problem for an infinitely extended plate is obtained under symmetric boundary conditions of the third kind with constant internal heat sources in time. Considering the heat flux on the plate surface as a new sought function, a simple analytical form of the specified problem is obtained. Using the proposed approach is possible for solving partial differential equations that do not allow separation of variables.

    Keywords: analytical solution, internal heat sources, non-stationary thermal conductivity, boundary value problem, boundary conditions of the third kind, additional function, integral of heat balance

  • Development and testing of a software package for multilayer barriers dynamic deformation calculating tasks on impact

    The functional-object visual programming environment “Algozit” is described. This environment includes a program for setting initial data on a model, a program for calculating strain and heat release, a program for displaying results. The possibility of using the "Algozit" environment in computational experiments is shown. The presentation of the algorithm for solving the problem of deforming layered samples upon impact in the form of a functional diagram is considered. The results of a physical experiment with an initial speed of a striking element of 300 m / s and 500 m / s are given. The nature of the temperature field distribution on the surface is described. The deformed forms of the woven sample are shown. Their comparison is shown.

    Keywords: visual programming, programming environment “Algozit”, multi-layered woven barrier, numerical scheme, algorithm, high-speed breaking through

  • Mathematic modeling of the elasto-plastic state of a rotating disk

    Within approaching the plane-stress state the problem of a high-speed rotating disk being under side pressure is considered. Within the model of a perfect rigid-plastic body and the Mises yield criterion the values of external parameters for which the plastic zones appear have been defined. The stresses in plastic zones are obtained from the solution of the Cauchy problem, which includes two differential equations to define the stress tensor nonzero component. In order to estimate the stress state in the elastic zone the equivalent stress is introduced. The maximum allowable values of external parameters are obtained from the solution of the problem when the disk is in the limit state. The numerical results are represented as the stress vector hodograph.

    Keywords: the plane-stress state, Mises yield criterion, the equivalent stress, an elasto-plastic solid, a rotating disk, a stress vector hodograph

  • Modeling of oscillations under the pulse effect of a multilayer structure in the Ansys complex

    The simulation of a multilayer structure in the finite element Ansys complex is considered. The design consists of 10 layers, each of which has certain specific properties. The model is an imitation of the soil base pavement. We consider the simulation in the form of a simplified, flat statement of the problem. The analysis of the oscillations under impact. The wave field of displacements at a given part of the structure is analyzed. Based on a numerical experiment, an approach to estimating the characteristics of a layer is constructed.

    Keywords: multi-layer construction, vibration diagnostics, simulation, FEM, Ansys, pulse action, dynamics, fluctuations

  • The study of unconventional methods industrial wastewater treatment

    Of the existing methods of treating industrial wastewater (mechanical, chemical, physico-chemical and biological), it is the biological method that is of interest today, due to the fact that it is based on the ability of microorganisms and higher aquatic plants to use a variety of pollutants as a power source in the process of life, which ultimately leads to the purification of contaminated water. In the practice of wastewater treatment by the biological method, a floating plant — eichornia (water hyacinth) —was best established on the surface of the roots of which selective microbiocenoses are formed, which contribute to active biodegradation and absorption of both organic and mineral substances. The paper shows the possibility of echornia absorption of pollutants in an indoor environment and proved the possibility of purifying contaminated water with aqueous hyacinth in an indoor environment.

    Keywords: water hyacinth, eichornia, pollutants, wastewater, higher aquatic plants

  • Simulation model of the functioning of an autonomous energy supply system from an external combustion engine using wood fuel for a grinding and transportation machine producing of wood chips

    This article may be of interest to researchers who are designing new machine systems for felling-area works with autonomous energy supply. A methodology based on the decomposition method for creating an simulation functional model of a system consisting of a mobile wood chipper for felling-area works and a mobile energy module is proposed. The machine system of interest is an original technical solution. It consists of an autonomous energy supply module with powered by wood fuel external combustion engine and a logging machine for the production of wood chips. The functioning equipment units of the system is simulated using the MATLAB Simulink dynamic simulation environment. For the convenience of experiments, the use of LabVIEW virtual instruments is proposed for setting input and control parameters, as well as displaying output parameters. The input, control, disturbing and output parameters of each functional block of the system are described: gas generator, external combustion engine, electric generator, uninterruptible power supply, electric motor, propulsion device, wood chipper unit, hydraulic manipulator. It is supposed to use this simulation model to justify the main parameters of the autonomous system for the production of wood chips, as well as the further development of an automated control system.

    Keywords: fuel chips, wood fuel, unmerchantable tree, simulation model, LabVIEW, Simulink, mobile chipper, autonomous power supply, logging

  • Methods of dealing with fine dust at a construction site in the production of stone installation works

    This article describes the method of dust emission suppression at a construction site. The results of the effectiveness of the developed equipment, fog formation gun, were obtained in the course of full-scale measurements in the course of stone installation works at the construction site in Rostov-on-don. The assessment of the air dustiness of the builder workplace and the degree of impact of the fog formation gun were attended with the statistical dependence of the number of dust particles PM2.5-PM10 . During the analysis, the following factors were studied: the location of the workplace at the construction site, the relative humidity and temperature. During the study, the following conditions were met: the premises were closed; the study was carried out in the process of performing stone installation works. The results of the experiment showed the effectiveness of the fog gun.

    Keywords: environmental safety, fine dust, dust settling, dust suppression, ecology in construction, dust collectors, construction work, air protection, labor protection in construction, dust pollution

  • Methods of calculating structures for the maximum calculated earthquake in the LIRA-SAPR 2019 software package

    This article discusses the methodology for calculating buildings and structures for the maximum design earthquake using the Dynamics module + LIRA-SAPR 2019 software package, using accelerograms, collects and converts static loads into dynamic ones, and also calculates an industrial building for the situation of maximum design earthquake with subsequent analysis

    Keywords: maximum calculated earthquake, calculation, seismic impact, loads, accelerogram

  • Calculation of specific gains of losses in the optimization of reactive power in a complex power grid

    The article considers the methods of calculation of electric networks when choosing the locations of compensating devices of consumers. The basic network and calculation module of a complex network transformed into a full polygon is analyzed

    Keywords: reactive power compensation, optimization, power line, consumer compensating devices, analytical model, reactive load, power system

  • Model building for the numerical study of the stress-strain state of geomassive when moving a face

    For a numerical study of the stress-strain state of the edge sections of a coal vein under the influence of a mining zone, there is a mathematical model of the geomass deformation processes, which is reproduced in the form of boundary value problems of the theory of elasticity. The problem was solved by the finite element method in a variational formulation, in which the functional was minimized with full potential energy to determine displacements in narrow of elements. Computational experiments were carried out using the author's complex of programs. Based on the results of numerical modeling, recommendations for strengthening the coal target and definitely bearing capacity was developed. The use of the developed mathematical model and software package allows us to design documents at the development stage, to predict the stress-strain state of the geomass in the zone of influence of the underground mining system.

    Keywords: Mathematical model, numerical modeling, computational experiment, software package