Each company that is party logistics supply chain, sooner or later faces the problem of choosing the logistics company. On what basis to make a choice in favor of one or other intermediary? Objectively calculate the pros and cons difficult: everything will be decided on a subjective level. Businesses need to know its logistics contractor, his behavior, requests opportunities. Therefore, the need technology to dynamically evaluate the behavior of the counterparty to a number of parameters, in particular scoring model reliability assessment of counterparties in the logistics system.
Keywords: logistic system, the scoring model, counterparty, logistics intermediary assessment of the reliability, efficiency.
The technique of forming a two-stage system of transportation that allows you to determine the optimal location and number of transfer stations. Feature of the technique is the possibility of adapting the system generated to local conditions investigated territory.
Keywords: municipal solid waste, transportation process, land category, sanitary - protective zone, range of accommodation, critical distance.
Carried out a comprehensive analysis of the factors governing the strength and resilience foams, for the manufacture of foam concrete mixes. Found that lowering the temperature of mixing water helps to improve the structural properties of the foams.
Keywords: surfactants, foam, lyotropic liquid crystals.
Statement of the problem. Preparation of high-strength foam concrete in construction allows for energy and resource conservation. Water covers more than 50% of their dense component and on its properties depend strongly on structural properties of foam concrete, is not fully explored.
Results. The effect of mixing water of low temperature on the structure and properties of constructive penofibrobetonov. Recommendations on the account in the calculation of reinforced concrete elements elevated structural properties and deformation diagrams penofibrobetonov by mixing water setback.
Conclusions. Using low temperature mixing water improves the structure, increases the strength, deformability and elastic modulus, as well as changes of the deformation diagram fibropenobetonov.
Keywords: fibropenobetona, foam, water temperature mixing, macroporosity, economic efficiency, technical and economic assessment.
The results of studies of the effect of complex polyfunctional additives consisting of superplasticizer stabilizer and redispersible powder on strength and shrinkage of cement paste.
Multiplicative model is developed, with which is possible to regulate the formation and development of deformation strength compositions for various compositions of dry building mixes. Dependencies describing the influence of the complex polymer additives on the formation and development of the deformation strength of cement stone. The functions of the coefficient values depending on the dosage used additives.
Keywords: dry mortar, cement stone, additives, modifiers, superplasticizer additive stabilizing effect, redispersible polymer powders, strength, shrinkage deformation.