Research is executed on materials of the pilot questioning, conducted in late 2011 among 825 respondents, covering a large part of the socio-territorial groups of the Rostov region. Questionnaires contained two questions blocks intended for assessment cognitive and emotional components of level of a political tension. The revealed levels of economic and social security appeared below an average (about 1.7 on a five-point scale). It contributes to the formation of relative deprivation, and as a consequence leads to increased political tensions. These conclusions are supported by the calculated levels of emotional perception of the political order. The perception of a political order in Rostov region is negative and is at level - 0,3337 on a scale, normalized from -1 (complete rejection of an order) to +1 (complete acceptance). It’s revealed also nonlinear dependence of level of emotional perception and a relative deprivation.
Keywords: a political tension, semantic differential, factor analysis, the affective component, cognitive component, the descriptive statistics, questioning.
This paper presents an analysis of the dynamics the emotional component of the group political installation installation by results of the researches carried out among students in RSCUbetween late 2009 and early 2011 by method of semantic differential. It’s shown the dynamics the average semantic portraits and designed for them the emotional level of perception of the political order. Emotional level’s are determined by the relative proximity of images the real order to images of an ideal positive and negative order, in the linear approximation in the framework of previously developed psychosemantic phenomenological model. It’s received lowering the level of perception during the study period from -0.1 to -0.3, that indicate the increase in political tensions among the respondents.
Keywords: a political tensions, semantic differential, factor analysis, the affectivecomponent, questioning.
Working performances analysis razbrosa otsenok kognitivnogo component relations studentov RGSU k politicheskomu poryadku concession in 2011 goda. Issledovanie vыpolneno a material pilotazhnogo anketirovaniya in kotorom prinyali part 169 chelovek. Shown chto prisutstvuet nizkiy uroveny seats oshibki and falsity in provedenii issledovaniya. Otnositelynыy razbros otsenok from 1.84 to 10.28%. Ishodya seats around svyazi razbrosa otsenok, plyuralistichnosti, vыyavlena ranzhirovka problem studentov most important (within dannoy anketы): 1) эkonomicheskoe blagosostoyanie; 2) perspektivы of budushtee; 3) sotsialynaya zashtishtennosty; 4) obsuzhdaemosty policies semye; 5) vovlechennosty in politicheskie protsessы; 6) prichastnosty k political protsessam.
Klyuchevыe word politicheskiy poryadok, kognitivnыy component gruppovoe vospriyatie, anketirovanie, poll dispersion standartnoe deviation plyuralistichnosty.
Information about authors of issue №2 (2012)
Keywords: authors
Information about authors of issue №1 (2012)
Keywords: authors
Information about authors of issue №4 (2011)
Keywords: authors
Information about authors of issue №1 (2011)
Keywords: authors