The article describes peculiarities of modern syntax parser systems and problems originating in text analysis. As a result of comparative analysis the authors propose a unified approach to processing of unstructured texts in Russian and English which combines morphology and syntax processing. The developed syntax analysis system, using verbs’ valency dictionary, samples of minimal structural schemes of sentences and samples of conjunctions, allows choosing predicative structures of sentences in the text, realizing initial semantic analysis due to semantic content of predicate’s actants and building trees of syntactical subordination of sentences. The derived trees hold elements of tree of constitutives and tree of dependences. The proposed samples and rules organization allows resolving some of the problems of modern parsers. And the use of verbs’ valency dictionary allows reducing the number of sentences syntax analysis variants.
Keywords: automatic text processing; syntax parser; morphological analysis; structural text elements
In this paper is offered hydraulic sensor to measure the kinematic, power and energy parameters. Developed scheme and the principles of the hydraulic sensor. Identification on the special flow lab with real modes of the device is determined by its performance in different conditions. Approximation of the results received dependences flow and pressure drop characteristics on the speed and entrance pressure, allowed more correctly assess and describe the operation of the hydraulic sensor over the entire range of speed and entrance pressure.
Keywords: hydraulic sensor, spilling method, flow and pressure drop characteristics, multifunction control unit.
An analysis of the problem of increasing the efficiency of the functioning of the logging trucks for hauling timber to the lower timber depots and consumers. Proposed technical solutions for of raising cross-trains in complex natural and industrial environments.
Keywords: Active semi-trailer used forestry, passableness, prosary operation.
The temperature dependencies of the main parameters of p-channel MOSFET model in a temperature range 20 ... 300 K are measured. The universal formal four-parametric model, which allows approximating all experimental temperature dependencies with the relative error less than 1 % is proposed. The model is intended for the MOSFETs which are applying in low-noise amplifiers of the radio-receiving devices of an optical and infrared range on astronomical satellites, radio telescopes and space observatories. The presented results can be used to simulate the temperature modes of MOSFET amplifiers in SPICE-type electronic simulators. The solution of this problem will predict uptime device when the temperature changes in the cases of emergency or extraordinary situations and also will allow optimizing the choice of refrigerant and increasing the reliability of the amplifier in the conditions of cryogenic temperatures.
Keywords: MOSFET, MOSFET parameters, cryogenic temperature, parameters measurement, temperature dependencies
The method of digital parametric measurement of the phase shift of signals with slowly varying amplitudes of the same slowly varying instantaneous frequencies was proposed. The numerical simulations and experiments on the developed hardware and software system were carried out. The error of measurement the phase difference of harmonic signals in the experiments were not more than 0,00001 radian. The method can be used in applications where the measured value is expressed in terms of the phase difference of quasi-harmonic signals.
Keywords: quasi-harmonic signal, phase shift, real time measurements, hardware and software system
In this paper a systematic study of individual single-walled and multi-walled carbon nanotubes was performed by Raman spectroscopy and high-resolution electron microscopy. We have presented the geometrical and electronic structure analysis on the examples of two tubes: individual single-walled and double-walled nanotubes. The role of different environmental effects and their influence on the final structure assignment are discussed. Moreover, we have shown that the Raman spectroscopy gives reliable estimations of the nanotube diameters and the conductivity. Given a non-destructible character of Raman spectroscopy, we may conclude that it is one of the most efficient methods for structure analysis of carbon nanotubes.
Keywords: Carbon nanotubes, Raman spectroscopy, electron microscopy
This article describes the model of the pseudorandom sequences (PRS) generator developed in OrCAD program suite.The described model is applicable for radio systems modules circuits simulation that are using in the operation a PRS. The PRS generator implementation in OrCAD make possible to change PRS parametres immediately in the program, without using other software. A model specificity is that it is parametrised. Parametrization facilitates model control and that is reduce to a minimum necessary manipulations for changing of PRS type. The model is constructed on the basis of circuitry implementation of the linear feedback shift register (LFSR). For adjustment of model it is enough to instal code words setting starting state a LFSR, parametres of a signal of a clock source and to specify register tap output. As an example, used a 16-bit LFSR to create maximum length PRS, tap sequence {0, 5, 9, 13}. Emulation results are presented.
Keywords: pseudorandom sequence, PRS generator, LFSR, OrCAD, circuit simulation
The represented approach of dynamic process modeling is based on the technology of automatical semantic text analysis. An associative network is forming during text processing. Its key notions, including lexical and psycholinguistic markers of the analyzed process, are ranked by theirs semantic weight. The weight being multiplied by marker status value at the scale of “good-bad” gives its contribution to the process stage characteristic. Transformation of the accumulated for all of the markers process characteristic from one period of time to another one is characterize a direction of the process.
Keywords: automatical text processing, associative (homogenous semantic) network, process dynamic modeling, social processes, lexical and psycholinguistic markers
The subject of the article is a two-level optimization system of thermal processing of pellets mode within an automated control system of technological process of a horizontal-grate machine. At the top level the problem of the static optimization of the mode is solved periodically based on a mathematical models of a technological zones. At the bottom level, the pellets layer's immeasurable parameters are estimated with a help of a state observer and the optimal thermal processing mode is being stabilized.
Keywords: horizontal-grate machine, mode optimization, mathematical model, state observer
This article considers the causes of halitosis and methods of the diagnosis. Halitosis, syndrome of bad breath caused by pathological condition of the oral cavity or internal organs and systems, has a significant impact on the patient's social life. Analysis of the composition of exhaled air may become a promising way to diagnose halitosis, as the direct relationship between the compositions of molecules of oxygen, carbon dioxide, nitrogen oxides, ammonia etc. and the causes of halitosis were found. The article's authors review and analysis the methods of measurement of qualitative and quantitative composition of exhaled air. The most common methods include the use of electrochemical, optical sensors, infrared spectrometers and mass spectrometers. The latter method is positioned as the most optimal method of analysis of exhaled air due to its high accuracy, selectivity and sensitivity. The authors' portable mass spectrometer being developed is represented. At this stage it can detect traces of oxygen and carbon dioxide, which inject into the device through the capillary system or membrane one, in gas samples in real-time mode.
Keywords: diagnosis of halitosis, molecular biomarkers, analysis of exhaled air, portable mass spectrometer
Results of comparing the beamwidth and the concentration factor of receiving antenna wich were calculated using the metods of Bartlett and Prony when working on the background noise of the sea are considered. It was shown that efficiency parameter estimation signal sources using Prony methods is higher than when using the method of Bartlett.
Keywords: Prony algorithm, vector-scalar array,dynamc sea noise, the covariance, the flow of power
Possibility of receiving lungs self compacting concrete is considered. The technique of a choice of components of a raw mix is offered and are brought physics - mechanical characteristics of a ready construction materia
Keywords: Self-compacting concrete, the supersoftener, knitting, filler.
An analysis of new methods and means for a mesurement of parameters of piezoelectric ceramic elements and materials is carried out. These methods and means are based on a digital principle of the construction of devices. An impuls with a linear frequncy modulation therein is used as an signal for exciting. Results of experimental studies on this subject are represented for discussion.
Keywords: piezo ceramic element, piezo, methods and means of measurement, digital signal processing
We consider the problem of the use of adaptive autonomous scripts in the decision of problems of management of information resources of computer systems. Developed a conceptual model of adaptive autonomous script with use of frames and apparatus of finite automata, which expands the possibilities of automation of complex problems of information resources management
Keywords: adaptive autonomous scripts, theory of finite automata, frame, slot, management of distributed information resources.
Advantages of being self-сщьзсештп concrete of the lowered density (LSUB) before heavy and light concrete are shined, characteristics of components ЛСУБа and influence of their quantitative contents are provided in a mix on properties of the fresh and hardened concrete. The optimum mode of warmly moist processing is offered.
Keywords: Self-compacting concrete, the supersoftener, knitting, filler, a volcanic tufa.