In accordance with the theory of mathematical and statistical modeling, evaluation studies, selected the main characteristics of the models describing the studied production process of fiberboard using different types of binders. In accordance with the developed plan of the selected controlled studies, uncontrolled and controlled factors of the process under study. The levels, steps, and intervals of variation of the studied factors. As a method of obtaining the mathematical dependencies of the quality indicators of fibreboard from the kind of used binder was enacted active single-factor experiment. The results of the studies conducted statistical analysis of the dependence of physical-mechanical characteristics of the performance of the finished plate thickness fibreboard manufactured by wet and dry methods, interpretation of research results, quantitative and qualitative relationships between the studied parameters.
Keywords: strength, water absorption resin, fiberboard, thickness, experiment planning, mathematical model
The paper is dedicated to development of modified technology of producing and erection of large fiber-reinforced plastic (FRP) shells. This work gowing with the support of Russian Ministry of science and education. Technology is baced on the method of the vertical wet winding with the growing. The main prospective area of using of this technology, is the reconstruction of the tall chimneys with the erection of inner liner from the FRP shells.
Keywords: fiber reiforced plastics, glass reinforced plastics, chimneys, metod of the vertical wet winding with the growing
In this article the problems of transport modeling, modeling methods of the paid roads, their features, advantages and disadvantages are considered.
Keywords: transport modeling, check-point on the paid road, point of collection of a fare, modeling methods, imitating modeling, the program AIMSUN complex
To solve the traffic problems , namely the coordination of the movement of transport modes have been developed micro-and macro-modeling programs that predict traffic situations , to choose the most appropriate solutions for specific problems by using real data and statistics. The emergence of intelligent transportation systems, traffic simulation pushed to the fact that it has become one of the most used methods for studying the traffic flow, allowing to plan and predict the situation on the roads. The possibilities offered by the modeling of traffic flows , helping to simulate the situation on the roads, and it becomes a unique tool for understanding the complexity of transport systems. For precise work of model needs an indicator such as the time of the trip. Travel time - the time it takes to travel from one point to another , consisting of travel time and the stop time of the vehicle.
Keywords: travel Time, microsimulations , flows, methods of intelligent transport systems
Advantages of programmatic complex "Pikas" in a management a public transport are probed. Reports on work of public passenger transport are analysed. The example of drawing the results of analysis of data is considered.
Keywords: public passenger transport, reports on work of transport, reliability of transport services
RFID technologies, one of innovative management methods by cargo road transport is considered in the article. Definition, structure and advantages RFID of system are made. Scopes of system of Radio Frequency IDentification are considered for automation of motor transport.
Keywords: Freight transport, Radio Frequency IDentification (RFID), RFID-Label, Interaction of road transport and ports.
The article deals with the analysis of intermittent lanes priority based on simulation. The implementation of intermittent lanes priority system is only possible within the framework of urban intelligent transportation system (ITS). In some cases, there are not always enough ITS components for the operation of intermittent lanes priority system. Based on the simulation it is possible to determine the efficiency of the intermittent lanes priority system with the minimum or complete number ITS components. To compare the effectiveness of intermittent lanes priority system the simulation was performed for the four scenarios:
1. Without the use of public transport priority
2. Classically marked priority lane
3. Using the intermittent lanes priority system with a minimum number of ITS components
4. Using the intermittent lanes priority system with the full amount of ITS components
According the results of simulation we concluded that the minimal intermittent lanes priority system is noticeably inferior to a fully functional intermittent lanes priority system on the effectiveness, but such system does not require a high level of development of the urban ITS and can be considered as the first stage of a complete intermittent lanes priority system.
Keywords: the organization of the bus lane priority, priority lane, intermittent bus lane priority, road capacity, controlled road signs, intelligent transportation system
The article discusses an innovative organizing method of the buses priority - a intermittent bus lane priority.
Keywords: the organization of the bus lane priority, priority lane, intermittent bus lane priority, intelligent transportation system
Problems of formation of the logistical approach to management of personnel streams of the enterprise are considered.
Keywords: Logistic, person, stream, transport, logistics sistem
Regression models for evaluation of terminal operations and traffic flow on adjacent road network are defined. By means of microsimulation, the processing time for each vehicle at the each gate set limits the maximum values of the input rate, which causes the average queue length not exceeding the value of 2.5 car.
Keywords: microsimulation, maritime terminal, traffic flow, queue length, delays and waiting times
The article is devoted to the turnover of the largest ports in Russia for the period from 2008 to 2012. The problems that arise in the interaction of road transport and ports, as well as their possible solutions are given
Keywords: The seaports of the Russian Federation, Freight transport, turnover, turnover growth problems, Interaction of road transport and ports.
This paper describes application of different criteria for estimating parameters of traffic simulation. For comparison following methods were used: statistical methods for comparison of a flow and speed in control points of a network - analysis of variance (ANOVA), Theil's U-statistics; relationships between flow, density and speed; relationships between trip time and stop time with using two-fluid models of traffic flow. For this aim we also used concept of meta-model. In order to implement this method we need on the first step to create separately relationship between traffic flow parameters for observation and simulation data and then to estimate combined model. The paper included results of calculation
Keywords: validation, traffic, simulation, flow, speed
Quality of services of public passenger transport depends on many indexes. Reliability and regularity is important indexes of quality of public passenger transport. The example calculation of reliability is considered. Conclusions on reliability and regularity of routes are done
Keywords: quality, public passenger transport, regularity, reliability
When introducing a new facility to improve the transport network, there are appear many risks. The priority is the financial riskbecause core funding for these projects comes from private organizations. Careful calculation of demand is an integral part of the development project. For the effective analysis of the transport network since the project requires a conscientious approach to the latest technology.
Keywords: Transport network: improving objects, Transport network, Demand for transport routes, Traffic flow, Mathematical modeling of demand