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  • Mathematical model of functioning distributed infomatione systeme on the base "fale-server" architecture with cosidering the influence of blocings

    Using a device of close homogeneous exponential queueing networks (QN) a mathematical model of an information system functiouning with considering influence of blockings was worked out. A proccessor and the united resourse "channel - external memory" are considered as shared resources. All the users' requests are assumed to be single and homogeneous and the servicing discipline "First Come First Served" is used for sequence of their execution. Analytic expressions are given for calculation of the integral characteristics of the system: the distribuition law of number of messages in a system, the average number of messages at a node, the average sojourn time of a message at a node, the average sojourn time of a message in a system.

    Keywords: Distributed information system, distributed data base, local computing system, mass service network, conceptual model, exponential law of distributing the random value, stationary probability, mark process, the global balance equation, system reaction tim

  • About finding normative solutions of systems of a heat supply

    This paper investigates the possibility of finding normative solutions in the process of mathematical modeling of systems of a heat supply (STS). Theorems are formulated and conditions for the reachability of the stationary and regulatory regimes of Autonomous and centralized heat supply systems. Formulated search order normative solutions STS.

    Keywords: stationary regime, regulatory regime, system of linear ordinary differential equations, controlling the heat supply, equivalenting of systems of a heat supply, control of the source of thermal energy

  • Simulation of retaining wall of embankment by finite element method

    The analysis of design decisions on the construction of a retaining wall embankment intended to unload the rock mass of dump trucks in the hopper of the crusher. The stress-strain state of defense structures and the soil mass in order to select the optimal technical solutions unit retaining wall. The distribution of stresses in the concrete structures and subgrade. The application of handling screens with anchor-Injector for sustainability and strengthening the walls of the mound.

    Keywords: Embankment, cladding structure, retaining wall, designing, finite elements method, subfoundation, subjecting to stress, strains

  • A simulation model of interests coordination in the system of continuing professional education

    A game-theoretic dynamic model of social partnership in the system of continuing professional education is proposed and investigated in the simulation mode on the base of scenario method. The processing of modeling data includes a comparative analysis of state variable and payoff functionals. Results of the model identification and investigation based on simulation modeling are considered. A comparative analysis of egoistic and cooperative approaches to the social partnership is conducted.

    Keywords: social partnership, continuing professional education, simulation modeling, identification, difference games

  • Collision detection algorithms flat two-dimensional objects of arbitrary shape

    The paper lists the most common methods for detection of intersections and an algorithm for resolving conflicts of flat two-dimensional objects with complex non-convex shapes. The developed algorithm is characterized by the absence of a convex decomposition of non-convex objects. Examples collision resolution two non-convex objects. The estimation of the average time of resolution of conflicts. The efficiency of the algorithm, which works in more than three times faster than considered unique.

    Keywords: collision detection algorithm, flat two-dimensional objects, non-convex contours, convex decomposition, algorithm GJK / EPA, Minkowski sum, separating axis theorem

  • Methods of analysis and selection of technology for building subsystem as part of the complex automated system (for example, SAP ERP)

    The study on the example of the choice of SAP UI Technology for the development of a subsystem of planning and actual time tracking has shown the proposed method of selecting one of the available technologies for construction of a subsystem based on a particular platform. The developed method includes the analysis of the features, advantages and disadvantages of each of the possible technologies and then a well-formalized decision-making process of choosing one of the technologies based on the analytic hierarchy process.

    Keywords: multicriteria problem, the method of analysis of hierarchies, the architecture of software systems, the user interface, SAP ERP, SAP UI Technologies

  • Analysis of group protest activity

    The technique of the analysis of latent group protest activity is given in this research. The work is a pilot study, focused on the identification of judgments relevant to the characteristics of the protest actions. We used the Thurstone method of pre-screening survey, in which participated 24 people. The analysis passed within one-dimensional scaling by means of ranging and creation of a scale of judgments. Shown approbation pilot study on a large group of respondents involved in the election campaigns of the Rostov region. It was revealed that for the majority of the respondents are acceptable actions are work in the government for the purpose of supporting the existing government, and also complete neutrality.

    Keywords: a political tension, protest activity, the group setting, cognitive component, behavioral component, questionnaire, latent conflict potential

  • The use of the Minkowski metric of the first order in social studies

    The article presents a symmetry criterion for selection of metric used in interpreting the results of the measurements for different scales. The effect of the mismatch in a pair of scale – metric for technologies for semantic differential is studied numerically on the specific example. The analysis was performed on a concrete example interpreting the results of the survey of emotional perception of political order, made in May 2014 on the basis of RSSU. It was obtained that for the study of static group characteristics it is acceptable to use when interpreting the common approach with Euclidean metric. In the study individual characteristics and their subsequent use for modeling, you need to take the metric corresponding to the measurement scale. The Manhattan distance in this case. The functions of distribution for emotional perception of local and Central authorities with the use of this metric are obtained. It is shown that the investigated audience is consistent with the Pareto principle in the formation of conflict processes.

    Keywords: scale measurements, metric Euclidean, Manhattan distance, invariance, symmetry criterion, semantic differential, emotional perception, political order, distribution function, latent conflict potential

  • Mathematical modeling of the heat accumulator system for thermal preparation of special equipment

    In the context of the autonomous functioning of special equipment in the Far North and the Arctic is necessary to use its internal resources to maintain optimal thermal state units and units. This can be accomplished using a heat recovery system of the internal combustion engine. For this purpose the heat accumulator. The mathematical modeling of the thermal state of the heat accumulator in the cooling stage. The main factors affecting the cooling time of the thermal battery: TA insulation thickness, weight coolant, coolant temperature, air temperature, wind speed. Also developed a mathematical model of the process of cooling the heat accumulator in general terms. It is presented in graphical form, which simplifies the determination of the time of cooling the heat accumulator in its design. For the definition of Q and Bi developed a program «Time».

    Keywords: operation, heat storage, thermal preparation, heat transfer, heat recovery system, low negative temperature

  • Design of complex distillation columns based on entropy modelling method

    The paper presents a hierarchical design model of a complex multicomponent distillation columns, constructed with the use of entropy modeling method. Drawn up and implemented an algorithm solutions. Examples of design calculations was shown .

    Keywords: multicomponent distillation, design calculation, complex column, Jaynes formalism, principle of maximum entropy, entropy model.

  • Development of means for research of activity of operators of processing equipment

    Rezultta of development of means for modeling of activity of operators of processing equipment of the enterprises of the motor transport and means of an assessment of a functional state are stated. The software allowing to build imitating models of work of operators and to estimate parameters of a functional state on attention indicators is created.

    Keywords: equipment, design, modeling, means

  • Expert system of design of processing equipment

    Results of development of expert system of design of the tekhnoloichesky equipment of the enterprises of the motor transport are stated. Within the developed system the device of fuzzy logic for decision-making is used neural networks for implementation of the knowledge base also

    Keywords: system, expert, logical block, knowledge base

  • The model of winding of power transformer with accounting of quasi direct current on the operating mode of power transformer

    The quasi direct currents, which flows through the winding of power transformer, could cause the migration of working point from the knee of the magnetizing curve to the zone of saturation. In that way, the operational mode of power transformer changes. To account the effect of quasi direct current on the operational mode of power transformer was described the model of winding of power transformer with endless magnetic core and cylindrical magnetic cover. Compare the results of accounting model with the model of winding without effect of cylindrical magnetic cover the 20% difference in the characteristics of inductance from magnetizing current in the area of magnetizing currents under 100A was achieved.

    Keywords: power transformer, saturation, modeling, the power transformer winding, electric power supply system, quasi direct current, power line, geomagnetic storm, space weather

  • Graph with attenuation on arcs and amplifification in vertices and routing in information networks

    Considered routing problem in information network in which there are arcs that does not affect the signal quality - neutral and reduce the signal quality - regressive, as well as vertices which improves signal quality - active, and vertices does not affect the signal quality - neutral. The problem reduces to finding the shortest path on the set of paths satisfying the additional restriction - on any segment of the path enclosed between two consecutive active vertices contains no more than a predetermined number of regressive arcs (the same applies to the segment from the beginning of the path to the first active vertex and from the last active vertex to the end of the path, as well as to the ways without active vertices). For such graphs described construction of the reamer - auxiliary graph that allows to find the solution of the problem with restrictions on the original graph as the solution of the corresponding problem without restrictions on the reamer.

    Keywords: graph, path, reachability, reamer of graph, routing

  • Modeling of management systems individual trajectories of training

    The article describes algorithms for constructing learning management system for the organization of individual student learning. This training takes place throughout training and is based on the multidisciplinary integration and internal differentiation. Also in the article describes the construction of such systems. We present an automated build environment of individual trajectories of student learning, developed by the authors and registered at the Federal Institute of Industrial Property, graphic model of the system, describes the algorithm proceeds and bonds, based on the theory of finite automata, the realization of the system design and implementation of the results in the learning process studentovdannoy system and the results of the implementation in the learning process of students.

    Keywords: learning management system, the theory of finite automata, algorithms transitions, algorithms connections, automation training, individualized training, differentiated training

  • Forecasting of residual stresses under heat treatment of aluminum alloys

    The article describes and analyzes how to determine the thermal residual stresses. The conclusion, based on the analysis, showed the necessity of the calculation method for determining the residual stresses, which is based on a mathematical model of the formation of residual stresses and deformations occurring during heat treatment. The results of calculation of stresses and comparison with experimental data are given.

    Keywords: residual thermal stresses, finite element method, heat treatment, low-hard details

  • A random walk on a graph-lattice and combinatorial identities

    Graf-lattice has vertices at points with non-negative integer coordinates. From each vertex has two arcs: horizontal and vertical neighboring vertices (right and top). The transition probability for each of the arcs is equal to ½. Consider the problem of random walks on the vertices of the graph, without limitation on the achievable and with two types of limitations on achievable - mixed and magnetic. There is some combinatorial identities containing binomial coefficients from different layers of Pascal's triangle.

    Keywords: directed graph, random walks, the probability of transition, achievable tops, Pascal's triangle, combinatorial identity

  • Study of attack resistance logo-based watermarking in still images

    In recent years, a greater interest in steganography is growing as an effective method of protection of still images, allowing you to keep the information confidential. In this paper we assessed robustness to hide information in the frequency domain of still images. Using qualitative and quantitative characteristics determines the optimal values for the Corvi method.

    Keywords: information security, steganography, wavelet transform, data hiding, multiresolution analysis, the watermark

  • Distortion assessment of a wavelet-based watermarking method for low frequency subband

    Distortion assessment of a wavelet-based watermarking method for low frequency subband

    Keywords: information security, steganography, wavelet transform, data hiding, multiresolution analysis, the watermark, PSNR

  • Mathematical model of salient pole synchronous generator of mini-CHP

    In this paper we propose mathematical model of salient-pole synchronous generator of mini-CHP. The model is based on a full Park-Gorev differential equation. The saturation of the machine is taken by using the method of partial magnetic characteristics. This method allows most accurate evaluation of the change of parameters of an equivalent circuit of the generator in the absence of information about the magnetic properties of the machine. The model is Implemented in Simulink. Application of the model is possible when calculating the steady-state and transients in distribution electrical net wich contains salient pole synchronous generators.

    Keywords: salient-pole synchronous generator, mathematical model, Park-Gorev differential equation, magnetic characteristics, transients

  • Issledovanie temperaturnyh zon absorbcionnoj kolonny v processe ochistki serougleroda

    Stat'ja posvjashhena issledovaniju temperaturnyh zon absorbcionnoj kolonny v processe ochistki serougleroda. Issledovanie provoditsja na osnovanii rasschitannyh linii regressii dlja kazhdoj iz 3 temperaturnyh zon absorbcionnoj kolonny. Ishodja iz poluchennyh dannyh, delaetsja vyvod o stepeni vlijanija kazhdoj iz issledovannyh temperaturnyh zon na kachestvo regulirovanija dannogo processa v celom.

    Keywords: Serouglerod, absorbcija, regressija, absorbent, shkala Cheddoka, temperaturnaja zona, avtomatizacija, temperatura, matematicheskoe ozhidanie, dispersija

  • Analysis of students' attitudes RSSU to political life in mid-2014

    The results of the pilot survey among students of 1 – 2 courses RSSU are given. Presents the distribution function of a indicator set, such as a deprivation, involvement in political processes, relation to power structures, the assessment of the political situation, the level of protest. It revealed a low level of participation in the political process, and the average level of emotional involvement. And as a result are weak electoral and social activities. Assessment of the political situation is neutral, both in the region and in Russia as a whole. The level of latent protest generally low, but 19% of the respondents belong to the mass positive (11% very positive).

    Keywords: a political tension, deprivation, group attitudes, cognitive component, behavioral component, questionnaire, the descriptive statistics

  • Method of assessing coefficient of heterogeneity mixtures of granular materials

    Developed a rapid method for evaluation of the homogeneity of mixtures hardly separated granular materials, the analysis of which is the use of known methods is impossible or time-consuming. The method is based on the separation of mixture components by color using computer processing of pictures of her samples. To implement the developed computer program that can calculate the values of the coefficient of heterogeneity of the mixture, as well as other dispersion parameters.

    Keywords: express method, the concentration of the mixture, component, granular material, image, distribution, shade of gray, the coefficient of heterogeneity

  • Road accidents researching by means of theoretical mechanics laws

    In the article techniques of research of the high-speed modes of vehicles during road accidents and also problems of stability of vehicles are described. On the example of the real road accidents which happened in the city of Tyumen were applied laws of theoretical mechanics for studying and an explanation of the reasons of road accidents.

    Keywords: road accident, theoretical mechanics, stability, speed mode, dynamics, theorems of dynamics

  • Econometric analysis and modeling in agriculture

    An econometric model, expressed as a system of simultaneous equations, must be constructed to analyze the crop production dependence on the investments amount, used fertilizer, number of tractors and sown arias.

    Keywords: crop production, agriculture, linear multiple regression, the system of simultaneous equations, determination coefficient, endogenous variable.