The article shows the current problems associated with the development of the northern part of Russia. Large deposits of ore minerals and hydrocarbons are located in the northern regions. The severe climatic conditions of these regions and the difficulties of construction on permafrost soils are noted. Special attention is paid to the relevance of the issue of soil stabilization. The analysis of the degradation of permafrost soils is carried out on the basis of statistical data on the change in the average annual temperature recorded by the Salekhard weather station. It is concluded that when the thawed base is planted, the destruction of structures and man-made disasters are possible. The methods of ensuring a stable frozen state of soils during seasonal thawing are considered. The types and classification of seasonally operating cooling devices are presented. The principle of operation of the presented devices, the scope of application of each type of seasonally operating cooling devices is given.
Keywords: soil, heat stabilizer, heat carrier, cryolithozone, foundation, foundation, bridge construction, monitoring, condensation, freon, expanded polystyrene
With the help of the software package of finitely elementary analysis, a methodology was modeled with subsequent analysis of the performance of the gauge coatings made of reinforced concrete slabs on the basis of earthworks of variable stiffness.
Keywords: diversification of management, production diversification, financial and economic purposes of a diversification, technological purposes of ensuring flexibility of production
The paper presents the results of a study of the road network of the Republic of Karelia, identifies the most significant problems of the road sector, assesses the mutual transport accessibility and transport links of all regional centers of the republic.
Keywords: road network, road density, population size, length of roads, road facilities, factor analysis, transport accessibility, operational condition, transport links
The article presents the relevance, main principles, goals and results of the risk-based approach in the activities of the state construction control units on the example of the experience of the Main Department of State Construction Supervision in the Moscow region. The authors describe the methods, methods and modern technologies used by the Main Department of State Construction Supervision in the Moscow Region to implement the goals and objectives that allow improving the quality of control and supervision activities, taking into account the use of a risk-based approach.
Keywords: state control, construction control, risk category, risk-based approach, hazard class, regional state construction supervision, construction management, construction quality problems
The article discusses the natural factors that should be taken into account when designing highways. The following factors have a significant impact on the design of roads: terrain, engineering-geological and hydrogeological structure, climate, etc. The variety of natural factors is taken into account comprehensively in the design. They also take into account the negative impact of road construction on the environment. The terrain has an impact on fundamental engineering decisions, the volume of construction work, and ultimately not only on the construction cost of the highway and transport operating costs. In relation to the design of roads, there are five categories of terrain according to the complexity of road construction. Depending on the geological conditions, sometimes an extension of the highway route is used or expensive engineering measures are provided. It should be borne in mind that the use of the latest materials, road structures and new techniques for the production of construction areas is becoming less and the problems of seasonality of road reconstruction are becoming less relevant.
Keywords: highways, terrain, climate, slope, natural factors, engineering and geological process, surveys, tortuosity, lengthening of the route, road clothing
The possibilities of using the graphic editor AutoCAD in the formation of the readiness of graduates of a technical university for graphic activity are considered. Examples of solving educational problems in the main sections of the discipline "Engineering and Computer Graphics" are given: projection, mechanical engineering and construction drawing.
Keywords: diversification of management, production diversification, financial and economic purposes of a diversification, technological purposes of ensuring flexibility of production
The methodology of numerical experiment of laying with closed method by methods of horizontal-directional drilling, brown-screw drilling, forcing, microtonneling has been developed. Some features of the construction of cases for penetration by collectors under existing highways, including general information about the used materials of the cases, are given. A selection of controlled factors and experiment planning, system stability check, results reliability analysis was performed.
Keywords: collector, numerical experiment methodology, microtonneling, horizontal directional drilling, brown-screw drilling, puncture, forcing, motorway, case, reinforced concrete, metal pipes
The results of the development of a sensory subsystem of an ophthalmopneumatic gas tonometer designed to measure intraocular pressure, study the anterior ciliary arteries and measure indicators are presented. After identifying the design features of the device, a structural diagram, an electrical diagram of the subsystem was proposed, a three-dimensional model of the device was made, and the technical characteristics of individual elements were considered. Brief conclusions on the work done are given, as well as the prospects for the development of the project.
Keywords: ophthalmopneumovasotonometer, intraocular pressure, pneumatic system, sensors, range finders, video cameras
The article presents the results of the development of the executive subsystem of a combined medical measuring device - an ophthalmopneumonasotonometer, with the help of which it is possible to measure intraocular pressure and the characteristics of the pressure pulse in the anterior ciliary arteries of the eye. Based on the results of the analysis of the subject area, the author proposed a structural and electrical diagram of the executive subsystem of the device, considered technical solutions of its individual elements.
Keywords: ophthalmopneumovasotonometer, intraocular pressure, executive subsystem, anterior ciliary arteries
The article considers the geological features of the Karasan landslide. The result of mathematical simulation of landslide motion in time is also presented.
Keywords: landslide, landslide slope, mathematical modeling, geomechanical modeling, finite element method, Karasan landslide, anti-landslide protection
The article discusses the impact of emissions into the atmosphere, formed as a result of combustion of associated petroleum gas, on the chemical composition of settled dust near the gas torch. The paper presents full-scale studies of the emissions of a torch operating near a settlement, the chemical composition of particles in the obtained samples of settled dust is studied. In the course of the work, the results obtained were compared with research data obtained for areas where there is no flare combustion. As a result of this comparison, it was concluded that flare emissions have a significant impact on the chemical composition of settled dust in the vicinity of existing flare systems.
Keywords: soot, flare emissions, air pollution, black carbon, settled dust
The results of the development of a set of indicators for the quality of construction products on the example of a reinforced concrete pile are presented. The analysis of the requirements of regulatory documentation for the evaluation of aesthetic indicators of the product is carried out. A solution to the dispute between the Supplier and the Customer on the issue of assessing the quality of the concrete surface is proposed.
Keywords: quality management, improving competitiveness, consumer requirements, quality indicators, technical level, aesthetic indicators, construction
The paper provides an overview of the applications in central heating points (CHP) of technologies and equipment to improve energy efficiency and quality of heat supply from district heating systems. The main equipment and characteristics of the hot water supply system taken as an example of the central heating station "MGU" are given. Described is the method of choosing the heating circuit of the central heating station from the ratio of the maximum loads of hot water supply and heating. For the adopted example of a central heating station, based on the above characteristics, the main indicator of energy efficiency is the specific consumption of electrical energy for the transport of thermal energy. Factors that have the greatest impact on this indicator: coefficient of uneven consumption of "hot water"; quality of regulation of hot water supplied to the hot water supply network; precise control of the productivity of the boosting and circulation pumping stations. The standard total power of the pump drives has been determined to be 13.58 kW and the range of actual power is from 10.79 kW to 22.04 kW.To reduce the influence of factors in the control scheme, it is proposed to use flow (pressure) regulators to maintain a constant direct-acting pressure drop. Use the pressure (pressure difference) of hot water discharged to the DHW system and returned from the system as balancing forces for this regulator. The parameters of hot water of rational modes of operation of the hot water supply system from the central heating station "MGU" were determined: temperature of hot water at the outlet of the heat exchange equipment 75 ° С; hot water pressure at the outlet of the heat exchange equipment 45 m; hot water pressure at the inlet of the circulation pump 25 m. The implementation of the proposed option without the inertial control scheme for the temperature of "hot water" and the developed rational modes of operation of the hot water supply system, according to the assessment of efficiency indicators, will reduce the specific consumption of electrical energy in the central heating station by 28.4% from 0.631 kW * h / m3 to 0.452 kW * h / m3.
Keywords: central heating station, hydraulic mode, flow regulator, pump characteristic
In the oil industry, autonomous electric power sources containing renewable energy sources are used to power remote consumers with an occasional load, mainly valve assemblies on pipelines. The need for electric energy sources of this type is determined by the need to install valve assemblies at pipeline intersections with water barriers, at intersections with transport arteries, and in a number of other cases. Very often in such places there are no available power lines or substations. In this case, the only alternative is the use of autonomous sources, or the expensive construction of an extended overhead line. In some cases, the developer decides to abandon the overhead line due to its high cost and the need for additional land acquisition. From the point of view of ecology, such a decision in favor of autonomous sources of electric energy also has an additional positive effect. Since the installation of valve assemblies is dictated mainly by environmental considerations, high requirements are placed on the reliability of power supply. Violation of these conditions can lead to hydraulic shocks in the system and possible destruction and breakage of system elements. A wind turbine or solar panels are undoubtedly an independent source of power supply and, when paired with batteries or a diesel generator set, can formally provide high reliability of power supply. On the other hand, there are periods of time when the power of a wind turbine or solar battery is insufficient to supply a given load. As a consequence, the decision on the reliability of power supply should be made on the basis of additional studies of the static and dynamic stability of the entire electrical power generation complex.
Keywords: renewable energy sources, valve assembly on pipelines, ecology, static stability, dynamic stability
In this article, the authors present the prospects and methods of countering illegal construction on the example of the work of one of the departments of state control and supervisory activities. Shows the statistics on the number of detected violations in the field of control and supervision activities for the period 2018-2019 in the number of detected illegal buildings and the prospects of mitigating these offences on the example of one of the divisions of the state construction supervision. The list of measures for the elimination of illegal buildings, as well as the list of grounds for these inspections, is presented. In the article, the authors present conclusions on the results of the activities of the State Construction Supervision division, taking into account the changes made to the Civil Code of the Russian Federation.
Keywords: technical supervision, construction control, control and supervisory activities, construction production technology, construction organization, unauthorized construction, illegal construction