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  • Analysis of design solutions in the design of technological pipelines at installations for the preparation of gas for transportation of compressor stations

    Technological pipelines of compressor stations are one of the significant types of basic equipment that ensures uninterrupted operation during gas transportation. In this article, we paid special attention to the issue of safe operation of the pipeline strapping of the gas treatment plant for transportation, which is designed to dry gas to the required parameters required by consumers and is one of the main technological units of the compressor station. During the operation of the adsorber lines with "hot" and "cold" gases, the pipelines of the regeneration line are subjected to high variable temperature loads. Thus, the operating organization faces the problem of ensuring sufficient compensation for the linear expansion of technological pipelines during their periodic heating. The calculation of the service life of the piping and its stability with a matched axial bellows compensator has been performed. Various solutions to the reliability problems of these compressor station components are considered and analyzed. It is concluded that it is necessary to update the regulatory design framework and introduce continuous technical monitoring methods into the operated facilities.

    Keywords: gas treatment plant, process pipeline, adsorber, safe operation period, temperature load, compensator

  • Study of the reliability of an oil pipeline operated in extreme conditions of the Far North

    Reliable and safe operation of oil and gas pipelines in the conditions of the Far North and Siberia is an urgent task facing the Russian Federation. It has the most important economic and strategic importance. The climatic and geological conditions of these regions suggest a high degree of risk associated largely with seasonal temperature fluctuations and oil pumping technologies, leading to freezing or thawing of the soil, the appearance of thawed permafrost waters. The purpose of our study was to analyze the influence of extreme natural and operational conditions on the design and spatial position of pipelines during the operation of the section of the CPS-2 - NPS Urengoyskaya highway. It was found out that the studied section of the oil pipeline has a predisposition to failures due to unfavorable conditions: meltwater, heaving soils, swampy territory. Technological calculations allowed us to conclude that at this stage the pipeline route meets all the conditions of strength and stability, i.e. the reliability of the pipeline is ensured.

    Keywords: hydrocarbons, pipeline, melt water, underground laying, strength calculation, stability calculation, permafrost soils, spatial location

  • Prospects for the use of reinforced polymer pipelines in the creation of oil pipeline systems in the field

    The problem of ensuring trouble-free operation of field pipelines is becoming more and more urgent from year to year. The development of deposits in areas with difficult natural and climatic conditions (the Far North, Western Siberia) requires a new approach to improving the reliability of pipeline systems. Along with the search for new technologies in construction and operation, the use of modern composite materials in the production of pipes is a primary task. Analysis of the causes of failures of field pipelines in the permafrost zone allowed us to identify the main ones: corrosion, water hammer, loss of stability as a result of frost heaving of soils. Comparative calculations of steel and fiberglass pipelines allow us to recommend the latter as an alternative to metal pipelines, because they have better corrosion and abrasive resistance, low roughness and thermal conductivity, high ductility and manufacturability.

    Keywords: field pipeline, fiberglass, analysis, reliability, permafrost, corrosion, water hammer, loss of stable position, frost heaving

  • Comparative analysis of pipeline laying methods in the conditions of the Kamennomysskoye-Sea field

    A huge part of the territory of Russia is located in the permafrost zone. Ensuring the reliability of pipeline systems transporting hydrocarbons in these conditions requires an integrated approach that takes into account the structure of the soil, the peculiarities of construction methods, the temperature characteristics of the soil and the transported products. Evaluation of the interaction of the pipeline with frozen ground is an important factor in the design. And the justification of the choice of an engineering solution for the construction of pipeline systems, ensuring their stable position, is one of the tasks of our research. The gas pipeline at the Kamennomysskoye-Sea field is considered as an object of research. A brief description of the features of the construction area is given. A strength calculation was performed, on the basis of which the design parameters of the pipeline were adopted. A comparative analysis of the ways of laying the pipeline was carried out, which made it possible to identify the most satisfying conditions of reliability and economic efficiency.

    Keywords: hydrocarbons, pipeline, permafrost soil, subterranean laying, elevated laying, strength calculation, sustainability calculation

  • Comparative analysis of the stability of steel and polymer pipelines to seismic impact

    The seismic activity of the zones through which the pipelines are laid has always caused serious concern. The analysis of emergency situations on pipeline systems caused by an earthquake revealed factors affecting their stability: longitudinal and transverse displacement of the soil, the effect of soil liquefaction, faults resulting in open cracks and shear deformations. To prevent damage to pipelines during seismic impact, it is necessary to take into account the nature of the impact on the pipeline structure, the required level of safety for this seismic impact. Currently, special attention is paid to structural solutions and materials from which pipelines are made. The conducted studies allow us to form an approach to assessing the operability of polyethylene and steel pipelines in earthquake-prone areas, and on the basis of a comparative analysis of their stability, to make recommendations on the use of pipelines under specified conditions.

    Keywords: hydrocarbons, analysis, pipeline, reliability, seismic impact, deformation, composite materials

  • Justification of the choice of the pipeline construction method in permafrost conditions

    During operation, the pipeline is threatened by various geological hazards, especially in regions with permafrost, where freeze-thaw disasters have a significant impact on the integrity and safety of oil and gas pipelines. Therefore, at the design and construction stage, it is advisable to analyze various methods of laying pipelines, taking into account the topographic environmental conditions, as well as the effect of frost rise and thaw on the soil of the pipeline foundation. An analysis of the existing design schemes for the construction of pipelines, the conditions for passing the route of the projected pipeline, the characteristics of the pumped hydrocarbons makes it possible to justify the choice of a construction method that can ensure the stable position of the oil and gas pipeline both during the construction period and during its operation.

    Keywords: hydrocarbons, analysis, pipeline, construction methods, reliability of pipeline structure, permafrost soil, pile support

  • Comparative assessment of options for the transportation of hydrocarbons in the development of fields on the shelf of the northern seas

    The choice of a method for transporting hydrocarbons from the shelf of the northern seas is an urgent task, necessary for the economic justification of a project for the development of an offshore field. A comparative analysis of existing transportation schemes allows us to take into account both the advantages and disadvantages of possible options, namely, the natural and climatic features of the region, the technical capabilities of contractor organizations, the cost of field development facilities and vehicle rental.

    Keywords: hydrocarbons, continental shelf, transport scheme, analysis, tanker, gas and oil pipeline, onshore infrastructure, offshore infrastructure

  • Analysis of underground oil and gas pipelines construction technologies in seismically hazardous areas

    Ensuring the reliability of oil and gas pipelines laid in zones with increased seismicity, namely, the choice of design and technology for the construction of pipelines, is a topic of current and requiring serious study. The article considers methods of laying underground pipeline in seismic areas, provides analysis of proposed structures and construction technologies. To minimize the identified shortcomings, the authors proposed a structural diagram of a pipeline built by the microtonneling method, which will ensure the stability of the structure to seismic loads and reduce construction and operation costs.

    Keywords: underground oil and gas pipeline, seismic impact, reliability, microtonneling, construction technology, structural diagrams, compensating element

  • Innovative technologies for construction of oil and gas pipelines in permafrost

    Geotechnical input to the design, construction, and operations of pipelines in permafrost may differ significantly from that for pipelines in temperate terrain. The general remoteness and terrain fragility of permafrost regions are key issues that challenge the geotechnical input. Specific geotechnical issues that necessitate input include pipeline routing, slope stability, thaw settlement and frost heave, ditching, buoyancy control, upheaval buckling. and others. It is necessary to develop and implement new technological solutions, taking into account long-term forecasts of the temperature conditions of the soil bases, which should be able to prevent or compensate for the negative impact of heat for all pipelines laid in permafrost conditions.

    Keywords: gas and oil pipeline, permafrost, seasonally frozen soil, innovative technologies geosell, geosynthetic, modeling

  • Development of software product for assessment of low-cycle life by crack origin criterion

    One of the current tasks of operation of the linear part of the main pipelines is an adequate assessment of the degree of risk of pipe defects. There are several approaches to its solution and a set of calculation methods that take into account the specifics of the operation of main oil and gas pipelines. One of the main performance criteria of pipelines is their durability. The article describes a developed software product that allows you to automate the calculation of the maximum service life of a pipeline with a defect according to the chosen method.

    Keywords: main pipelines, reliability, defects, strength, durability, program, calculation method, service life

  • Analysis of technical decisions of construction of gas pipelines in districts with complex hydrometeorological conditions

    This article describes problems of ensuring the reliability of gas pipelines, one of which is connected with the construction of the North Seas on the shelf in the zone of permafrost soils, the other with the construction of long-distance gas pipelines in difficult hydrological conditions. Were analyzed the existing technical solutions in the light of the above construction conditions. Were revealed the advantages and disadvantages of the considered technologies of construction and transportation of gas are. The research identifies the main factors affecting the reliability and efficiency of design solutions for the construction of gas pipelines in areas with difficult hydrometeorological conditions.

    Keywords: reliability of gas pipelines, analysis of technical solutions, complex hydrometeorological conditions, gas transportation