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  • Settlement automation in the information system for managing investment projects of energy grid companies

    The article is devoted to the process of managing the investment activities of energy grid companies. The life cycle of the investment program of the energy grid company is described. The principle of accounting for investment programs in the company is described, on the basis of which an algorithm for working in an automated system is developed. Also, formalization of the calculation of technical parameters affecting the calculation of economic performance indicators was carried out. A system of indicators of investment attractiveness for electric grid companies has been developed. An example of the implementation of the mechanism for automatic calculation of parameters and construction of diagrams in the system is given.

    Keywords: automation, energy network company, investment project, management system, electricity, key performance indicator, automated system, energy network company, capital investments, reporting

  • Simulation model in the circuit of management of organizational conflicts

    Organizational conflicts are a natural and integral part of any process. In modern control theory, it is proposed to use various adaptive control structures to solve such problems, in particular, with reference or configurable models in the control loop. A cognitive model of adaptive management of organizational conflicts with a configurable model in the management loop is considered. Embedding the model in the control loop allows you to integrate information about the dynamics of process characteristics. Based on information processing, a variant of controls for de-escalation of the conflict is proposed. The model in the organizational conflict management loop is essentially an intelligent conflict situation analyzer. It presents options based on the accumulated and processed information within the framework of known precedents for their solution. The core of such analyzers is a simulation model based on the system dynamics paradigm. The built simulation model allows you to evaluate and predict the impact of factors, ways to stabilize and manage organizational conflicts, taking into account the main parameters. In accordance with the concept of adaptive management, the model can be configured for the current values of the conflict situation parameters and, in accordance with the already tested options, can offer management in a specific situation. The use of the system dynamics paradigm in the model for building an effective forecast is focused on the strategic level of management.

    Keywords: cognitive model, simulation model, conflict, escalation, contour, management, de-escalation, organization

  • Double layer wall panel from papatoetoe

    The compositions of class B15-20 peplotuf concrete on tuff ash and crushed stone with the use of a plasticizer for use as a structural and thermal insulation layer in two-layer wall panels are proposed. The calculated heat transfer resistance of a two-layer structure is determined, and the dependence of the density and strength of the mixture on the cement consumption per 1m3 is established.

    Keywords: tuff rubble, tuff ash, expanded clay concrete, peplotufobetonnaya mix, multi-layer wall panel, structural and thermal insulation concrete

  • Method of sequential modeling of thermal processes for control systems equipment: research prospects

    The article is an overview of the problem of providing the thermal regime of radio-electronic equipment of launch vehicles and describes the need to develop a method of resource-intensive (from the point of view of computing resources) and accurate assessment of the thermal regime of radio-electronic equipment. The method involves the use of the finite element method and is a sequential use of the software packages "ANSYS" and "ASONIKA-TM" for calculating the temperature field that occurs during operation of the device

    Keywords: Thermal processes, heat exchange, control system, launch vehicle, finite element method, FEM, ANSIS, ASONIKA-TM, radio-electronic equipment, REA, electro-radio products, ERI

  • Synthesis of a neural network model for predicting thermal processes of power cable insulating materials

    The article is devoted to research of thermofluctuation processes of insulating materials of power cable lines (SCR) of electric power systems. It was established that an artificial neural network (ANN) can be used to compile a forecast of the temperature regime of a current-carrying core with an accuracy of 2.5% of the actual value of the core temperature. The comparison of the predicted values ​​with the actual ones allows us to talk about the adequacy of the selected network model and its applicability in practice for reliable operation of the cable system of power supply to consumers. The development of an intelligent system for predicting the temperature of the core SCR contributes to the planning of the operating modes of the power grid in order to increase the reliability and energy efficiency of their interaction with the integrated power system.

    Keywords: Neural networks, thermofluctuation processes, insulation materials, neural network architecture

  • Temperature dependence of the wetting angle of refrectory metals with Pb-Na melts

    The temperature dependence of the contact angle of wetting allows of Pb-Na of different concentrations on substrates of Co-Cr, Ni-Cr and stainless steel substrate 25X18H9C2 was studied by the method of a lying drop. Measurements were carried out by the method of a lying drop from 359°C to 800°C in an atmosphere of pure helium grade A. It is shown that the value of the wetting angle decreases with increasing temperature, wetting thresholds are observed.

    Keywords: wetting angle polytherms, wetting threshold, Co-Cr, Ni-Cr, 25X18H9C2 substrates

  • Analysis of automation systems for educational and methodological activities according to the criterion of functional completeness

    The article provides a comparative analysis of information systems for the computer-aided formation of educational and methodological support of a university according to the criterion of functional completeness. The analysis made it possible to systematize information on the functional completeness of software, to rank existing systems by the criterion of functional completeness, and to identify groups of similar systems. The effectiveness of the integration of educational and methodological information systems was studied to minimize the labor costs of university teachers.

    Keywords: university, educational-methodical software, comparative assessment, functional completeness, automation, integration

  • Method for increasing the production efficiency of ultralight refractories

    A method for increasing the production efficiency of ultra-lightweight refractory products is proposed, by optimizing the technology for preparing foam, which allows to release the products from the forms immediately after they are installed for drying. The plastic-viscous characteristics and stability of the foam can be increased by its mineralization, i.e. by introducing fine mineral substances into the foam-forming solution

    Keywords: foam mass, mineralization, ultimate shear stress, plastic-viscous characteristics, ultra-light refractories, aluminum-potassium alum

  • Eliminating odors of malodorous pollutants in water treatment systems

    The paper reveals the problem and causes of the formation of fetid compounds in the systems of transportation and wastewater treatment. Various methods used at the moment to eliminate and neutralize unpleasant odors, as well as a number of measures to clean the air from fetid compounds are considered. A new method is described to prevent the formation of odors of fetid compounds in wastewater transportation and treatment systems and a device for its implementation using low-intensity cavitation. The scheme of the device for sewage treatment from smells of fetid compounds. The principle of operation of this installation is described.

    Keywords: fetid compounds , air purification, biological purification, low-intensity cavitation

  • The use of waste from electrochemical production to increase the fire resistance of polymer thermal insulation coatings

    The results of the development of a polymer fire-resistant heat-insulating coating containing waste from electrochemical production for thermal insulation of hot metal surfaces of industrial equipment and building structures, working surfaces of pipelines are presented. The coating is developed on the basis of acrylic binder, hollow carbon microspheres, antifoam, pigment and flame retardant based on waste electrochemical production - galvanic sludge. The use of hollow carbon microspheres as a filler in the amount of 14.0 to 38.0 wt. including reduces the thermal conductivity of the coating, and the use as a flame retardant additive, pre-dried and finely ground galvanic sludge in an amount of 5 to 15 wt. h., gives the cured heat-insulating coating fire-resistant properties. Studies have shown that the use of this composition allows you to get a polymer heat-insulating coating with good physico-mechanical and flame retardant properties, while another problem is solved - the safe disposal of galvanic sludge.

    Keywords: polymer heat-insulating coating, waste from electrochemical production, flame retardant, hollow carbon microspheres, galvanic sludge, fire resistance, safe disposal

  • Equilibrium distribution of SiGe alloy components in semiconductor film on Si substrate

    Known mechanisms of relaxation of tension in the film at small misfit deformation: the formation of waviness on the initially flat free surface of the film (the instability of the Asaro-tiller-Grinfeld); nucleation of misfit dislocations at the interface film-substrate; a redistribution of atoms near the wavy surface of the film due to the reduction of elastic energy in napylenie on a substrate a semiconductor film; reducing surface energy of the film by increasing its thickness; formation of nanoscale isolated Islands on the surface of the film (Stransky-Krastanov growth); due to the formation of misfit twinning. This paper presents the results of calculations taking into account these factors for different values of the parameters of the film and Islands.The equilibrium conditions of a two-component elastic layer containing mismatch dislocations are investigated. A nanometer-thick SiGe film on a Si substrate and nanometer-sized SiGe Islands on a wetting layer are considered. The uneven distribution of Ge in the sample volume is taken into account. Three-dimensional models of a flat film with dislocation and Islands are constructed. The calculation of elastic deformations is performed using the finite element method. Approximating formulas and iterative algorithm are used to calculate the Ge distribution in the film. According to the results obtained, the uneven distribution of Ge provides relaxation of elastic energy in the alloy, and Ge atoms are concentrated on the protrusions of the disturbed surface of the film and in the vertices of the Islands. Taking into account the heterogeneity of the Ge distribution in the samples has a significant impact on the growth of islets (stable growth occurs with smaller islets) and undulation on the free surface.

    Keywords: thin film, heteroepitaxy, Ge, SiGe, misfit dislocations, elastic energy density, finite element method

  • Methodology for increasing the efficiency of managing resource-intensive tasks in distributed computing systems

    Currently, the problem of increasing the efficiency of managing resource-intensive tasks in distributed computing systems is quite acute. Analysis of existing task dispatching algorithms for traditional computing systems showed the limitations of using these methods in heterogeneous systems, as a result of which significant delays can occur between task switching.A functional mathematical model for estimating the workload of distributed computing systems is proposed, based on determining the probability of downtime of the processing center as a criterion for assessing the system load. Using this model will provide increased efficiency in managing resource-intensive tasks in distributed computing systems.

    Keywords: mathematical model, distributed computing system, processing center, loading

  • Problems of implementing BIM technologies in the construction sector: Overview of scientific publications

    The paper is based on a review of the scientific publications released from May through October 2019, the greater part of which, namely 14 papers, is included in the Web of Science scientometric database. The authors of the papers analyzed explore the construction industry problems over the past 5 years. The foreign studies listed in the reference section were based on the analysis of reviews falling in the above-mentioned timeline. The purpose of this paper is to identify the problems hindering the implementation of BIM technologies in the construction sector, not only in the foreign countries, but also in Russia.

    Keywords: building information modeling, construction organizations, critical problems, external factors, absence of organizational support

  • An integrated approach in the selection of design solutions for strengthening soil foundations in the reconstruction of buildings in the Rostov region

    The problems of the operation of buildings on subsidence soils of the Rostov region are considered. A brief analysis of the methods used to consolidate the soil. Concrete examples of the use of cementation and silicatization of soil bases in the development of reconstruction projects for buildings in the cities of Shakhty and Taganrog, Rostov Region are given. An integrated approach to the choice of technology for fixing the soil base of reconstructed objects is proposed, which provides for the simultaneous consideration of the following factors: - basic physical and mechanical properties of soils; - mineralogical composition of soils; - change in the state of the soil base during the operation of the building (local decompression, erosion, chemical and mechanical suffusion, etc.); - chemical composition and groundwater level, forecast of their change; - terrain, the danger of activation of landslide processes; - the presence of retaining walls and other retaining structures in the zone of influence, assessment of the loads on them in the process of consolidation; - the technical condition of building structures of the building, including its underground part and the blind area; - the status of the reconstructed object. With special care and precaution, it is necessary to choose the technological and design parameters of soil consolidation for cultural heritage sites of federal or regional significance; - technical and economic indicators.

    Keywords: subsidence of soils, strengthening of soils, fixing of soils, cementation, silicatization, Geology, construction, cultural heritage object

  • Formation of architectural form using algorithmic methods

    The influence of socio-economic factors creates the need for the use of new design solutions with the introduction of advanced methods, as well as technical means in design. The article discusses the basic algorithmic methods that define a new approach in architectural practice. Using the experience of designing as an example, the advantages of using algorithmic software systems were determined, which are responsible for increasing the quality characteristics of the final result, increasing the value of the project due to the limitless possibilities of graphical presentation by program algorithmic modeling methods.

    Keywords: algorithmic methods, computational design, shaping, Galapagos plugin, script, simulation