In this article the social health of the student youth as a social phenomenon is considered in the context of the theory of structural marginality. The author describes and explains the condition of the marginalized status of the student youth of the South of Russia. Social health of the student youth of the South of Russia is a reflection of the degree of her marginal position in society.
Keywords: Social health, Russian student youth, structural marginality, status, social value, satisfaction with life, the South of Russia
In this paper, the technology of process simulation shooting remote sensing the Earth's surface in the optical spectrum of the radiation on the software and hardware complex. With his help, describe and forecast the qualitative characteristics of shooting in the simulation with high resolution linear assessment on the ground.
Keywords: remote sensing of the Earth's surface, software and hardware, virtual ground, the speed of movement of the image, panchromatic imagery, multispectral imagery, linear ground resolution
It reveals the triad approach in the "man - military equipment" to ensure the harmony and integrity of the system. Application of the "golden mean" in the distribution of resources and benefits for high quality development and operation of three-dimensional system "service living environment - the military staff - military equipment."
Keywords: urban planning, military, armed forces, service living environment, harmony
In this article methods and tools for simulation of systems of remote sounding of the Earth's surface from space in the optical range of the radiation spectrum to optimize its structure and functional properties. The structure of complex information-measuring system of remote sensing to explore the experimental field through very difficult and very expensive in connection with the combination of various physical and technological processes occurring in it. The exit lies in the total use of natural and mathematical modeling with the use of modern IT-technologies, as the establishment phase and during the operational phase, with the aim of improving methods and design tools, as well as better control of equipment settings for advanced space systems (the free spectral range of physical intensity, linear resolution of the terrain and the performance of the system itself).
Keywords: remote sensing of the Earth's surface, space system, the system receiving and converting the information lens, an optical reception system, the underlying surface of the Earth, remote sensing, linear ground resolution
The article presents the vibration diagnostics method for pilons of transmission lines. Pilons has defects: inclined cracked faces with a length of 25-30 cm , with a crack width of 0,4-0,7 mm . The article presents an example of analytical modeling of natural vibrations of a reinforced concrete pilons of transmission lines with defects in the base. Analytical modeling was based on the hypotheses of Euler-Bernoulli. Built an equivalent model of the pilons with defect in the form of an elastic element, simulating the damage in the area of trapping. The calculation of natural frequencies of first five modes of transverse oscillations for different values of stiffness of the defect. The result of this work is to obtain the dependencies of the relative frequencies from the stiffness of the defect and establishment of sufficiently informative criterion for predicting the alarm state of structures. The material presented can be used in the development of methods of diagnostics and monitoring of technical condition of different structures of the core type.
Keywords: vibration analysis, pilons of transmission lines, the defect, analytic modeling, transverse vibrations, natural vibrations, natural frequencies
Currently, special attention is paid to the existing ecosystem of urban development, special attention deserve wherein resort towns. There is a number of environmental concerns of the KMW region attractive for its natural-resource data, one of which is the noise pollution of the urban environment. The main source of this pollution for the city with the nonproductive functional orientation is transport infrastructure. Formation of cities in the region, which began in the XIX century, did not provide for traffic congestion and power sources of the modern city, so today it is necessary to analyze the noise loads and, if necessary, to organize the work to restore an enabling environment resort towns of the KMW region.
Keywords: Caucasian Mineral Waters, noise, noise impact, sanitary and hygiene regulation, the intensity of the noise, characteristics of the noise
The article presents suggestions for the design of three-layer floor slabs: two extreme layers made from ordinary concretes and one middle layer of lightweight. In the article method of determining the reduced cross section structures is given. It is shown that the most appropriate to use the ratio of secant modulus of deformation of concrete, also given appropriate calculation formulas.
Keywords: three-layer plate, outermost layer, middle layer, the reduced cross section, the secant modulus of deformation, the level of loading, the calculated dependence
The article presents ecological heat and power recuperator for air heating. Due to the development of jet turbulent flow of the heating air, this device achieves positive heat exchange effect. It also allows reducing the noxious elements in combustion gases, exhausting into atmosphere.
Keywords: energy saving, ecology, heat-exchange, perforated surface, temperature, heat-exchange intensification
The problem of èkorekonstrukcii technological urban landscapes and the "critical" areas. Use an approach based on "bio-positive" image forming. Asked to describe the Visual and conceptual links between the "new" object and the natural environment. Biocompatibility of "object" and "context" is considered to be the "connectivity". We developed the seven levels of the biocompatibility of "engineered" object "and" context "in èkorekonstrukcii: volumetric-spatial, composite, plastic, decorative and functional, figurative (emotional and artistic), historical-cultural, communicative. on the basis of a set of information links. Represented a priority scale of "bio-compatibility" "object" and "context". Extreme positions of the scale: maximum compatibility and maximum differentiation "define policy options for design èkorekonstrukcii. Synthesized five methods (policies) based on èkorekonstrukcii information links an object context: a direct citation, innovations "in style", a loose combination of opposition, indirect direct opposition. A theoretical model of joint information fields "object" and "context". The model describes the results of complex architectural èkorekonstrukcii "critical" of the territory and its return to a sustainable State. The proposed method of description of "connectivity" can be used in the development of the "road maps" and "targeted" in forming strategies plans èkorekonstrukcii architectural environment of the South-Russian cities.
Keywords: èkorekonstrukciâ, biopozitivnoe, forming the critical territory, architectural and landscape complex, information links, bio-compatibility levels, an information field, methods, strategies èkorekonstrukcii
The article presents the results of an experimental research on the effect of the pulsating mode a capacitive heat exchanger with an active pipe part on the convective processes heated fluid. Described dignity capacitive heat exchangers. The research was conducted using a thermal imaging surveys. Compares two modes: stationary and pulsating. The method of experimental data processing, based on the analysis of fluid layers. A regression analysis allows to determine the dependence of the relative distribution of the temperature difference between the layers of fluid in the studied mode. The obtained regression equations were presented in the form of an exponential function and harmonic. The effect of pulsing regime on the process of convection in the upper quarter of the heating zone in a capacitive heat exchanger. The study showed the advantage of the capacitive heat exchanger with an active pipe part is often compared with the classical heat exchanger in part the speed of convective processes in the fluid to be heated.
Keywords: capacitive heat exchanger with an active pipe part, pulse heating system, convective process
The problem of èkorekonstrukcii of architecture and landscape complexes of the urban environment. Describes the main current direction èkorekonstrukcii: 1) rehabilitation of natural ingredients; 2) technological and operational activities; 3) biopozitivnoe architectural forming. The objective of this study is to improve the methods of pre-project analysis of technological areas of architectural and landscape complexes for èkorekonstrukcii. Formed by the notion of "critical areas" and buffer zones. A matrix description and evaluation of technological properties of "critical areas". Classified structural levels of technological properties: "image", "composite," functional "," space-planning "," historical and cultural "," landscape "," communicative ". Assessment of technological properties is possible in two ways: quantitative and qualitative. The matrix can Abstract: the problem of èkorekonstrukcii of architecture and landscape complexes of the urban environment. Describes the main current direction èkorekonstrukcii: 1) rehabilitation of natural ingredients; 2) technological and operational activities; 3) biopozitivnoe architectural forming. The objective of this study is to improve the methods of pre-project analysis of technological areas of architectural and landscape complexes for èkorekonstrukcii. Formed by the notion of "critical areas" and buffer zones. A matrix description and evaluation of technological properties of "critical areas". Classified structural levels of technological properties: "image", "composite," functional "," space-planning "," historical and cultural "," landscape "," communicative ". Assessment of technological properties is possible in two ways: quantitative and qualitative. The matrix can be seen as a tool of "scan" of the territory. Her "job"- analysis of matches required a "sustainable" matrix of values with the existing problem. The result of the analysis of the data and commit acts forming the outline map of critical areas. The matrix can be used in certain analysis and selection of strategies and methods of èkorekonstrukcii.
Keywords: architectural-landscape complex; technological environment, critical area buffer zone, èkorekonstrukciâ, matrix, technological properties
Discusses the problems of organizational engineering. The review is carried out in the historical dynamics of the industry development. The expediency of application of innovative engineering in the industry.
Keywords: systems of environmental economy, organization and management, environmental protection system.
The paper presents an assessment of the current situation in light industry, evaluated the prospects for further development of the market. The structure of the advertising strategy enterprises of light industry. The stages of planning an advertising strategy. Compiled list of advertising media recommended for use in the garment industry.
Keywords: light industry, advertising strategy, purpose, effectiveness, target audience, planning
In article the condition of a passenger transport complex of the Izhevsk city agglomeration is considered. It is noted that agglomeration includes a number of settlements of the neighboring regions. It imposes additional restrictions on development of all transport complex as it is necessary to agree in addition on the separate organizational economic problems relating to competences of local authorities. The main problems constraining development of a passenger transport complex from which are especially distinguished infrastructure, technical, administrative, and also tariff policy are shown. The package of measures on improvement of transport service of the population of city agglomeration is offered. Theoretically locates expected social-economic effekt.
Keywords: city agglomeration, state, development prospects, passenger trasport, infrastructure, management, route network, problems, rolling stock, strategy.
There are options of reinforcement normal section and basic part hollow concrete plate. There is an analysis of advantages and disadvantages reinforcement construction. Reinforcement construction must ensure the safe operation. Construction must be cheap and easy-to-follow. There are options of reinforcement which not published.
Keywords: reinforcement of building constructions, the safe operation, hollow concrete plate, normal section, basic part