The article analyzes modern approaches to the use of innovative materials to create an inclusive environment in residential buildings. The paper examines the main problems associated with the obsolescence of building materials, and offers promising solutions based on the use of adaptive and environmentally friendly technologies that enhance accessibility and comfort.
Keywords: inclusive environment, the problem of outdated materials, innovative materials, innovations, trends and prospects, bioplastics, carbon concrete, OLED panels, adaptive structures, accessibility, comfortable environment, design
The article shows calculation on the arrangement of the embankment and the design of reinforced concrete casings on metal staves for stairs. The dam boundaries are located on the territory of a residential complex with a large difference in height. The ground base is prosaic. Calculation of transfer of the soil from II type of drilling to I type by tamping method, which will ensure the strength and reliability of the body of the fill. Constructive actions to ensure resilience are described. The metal piles with forced connecting link and reinforced concrete coaxes in the form of a beam system have been designed.
Keywords: a mound, drilling ground, improvement, dense urban development, sediment, density of the ground, collapse prism, sliding radius, the method of ramming, sling
The article is based on modelling several variants of information diagrams of a corrugated monolithic ceiling of an industrial building. The information model has been transformed into an analytical model. The comparative analysis of all calculation models was carried out visually and in numerical aspect. The efficiency of BIM-technologies in design with the application of software complexes «Renga», «CAPFIRR-3D» and «LIRA-CAD» is also considered in the calculation and construction section. The comparative analysis of three variants of the joints of the beams and the slab of the covering was carried out. The analysis of the stress-distorted state of the calculation circuit was also performed.
Keywords: ribbed slab, industrial building, design of buildings and structures, BIM-technologies, calculation scheme, information model, rigid insert, stress-strain state, finite element method
The article contains an analysis of the design and calculation process in the 3d system NX Siemens oil and gas facilities. Research methodology - analysis of scientific literature on a given problem, as well as practical domestic experience. Creation of a 3D model of an oil and gas structure, with the possibility of changing the construction parameters at the design stage. Detailed analysis of the model, which allows you to describe in detail the stages of construction of the structure and selection for each stage of construction of specific equipment and materials. Engineering analysis modules are built into the software solution, built-in solvers are designed to calculate the different operation scenarios of the structures being developed, which make it possible to approach the real conditions of operation of the designed structure. The relevance of the use of the NX Siemens system is due to the complexity of the design of oil and gas structures and the influence of all parameters of the materials and technologies used on the performance indicators during the operation of the oil and gas structure. The same software solution allows you to prepare a complete package of design and technological documentation, prepare tasks for processing parts and materials, and ensure quality control during their manufacture.
Keywords: design, calculations, oil and gas facilities, companies, objects,
The results of the development of compositions and technologies for their preparation for use in the structures of marine gravity oil and gas production platforms and underwater oil and gas pipelines are presented. The efficiency of using basalt fiber fibers, plasticizing additive "Sika ViscoCrete 5-800" and soot waste from thermal power plants in the manufacture of fine-grained concrete is proved. As a result of the experiments, the strength characteristics of fiber concrete were determined depending on the amount of superplasticizer and soot waste introduced when using equal-moving mixtures. An increase in the compressive and Flexural strength of samples modified with basalt fiber, superplasticizer and industrial waste is shown, which contributes to an increase in the operational characteristics of oil and gas offshore structures by increasing the parameters of frost resistance and water resistance of structural materials.
Keywords: oil and gas facilities, fiber-reinforced concrete mixture, the superplasticizer basalt fibre, particulate waste strength
This article describes two types of a design of the substructure of the offshore ice-resistant fixed platform - metal caisson type and reinforced concrete monobasic type in the conditions of emergence of emergency situations are considered. On the basis of calculations the most acceptable material for application in the conditions of emergence of emergency situation is chosen.
Keywords: oil and gas offshore struture, seismic loadings, finite elements method, 3D model, loads and actions
In this article, the actual task of automating the working processes for the design of offshore oil and gas facilities is considered. Developed software packages are provided that allow to provide higher quality of work, to shorten the development time due to automation of routine operations and the process of obtaining output documentation, as well as its operative updating and reissue when making changes.
Keywords: Bentley MicroStation, 3D modeling, offshore oil and gas facilities, design.