A modification of the generalized algorithm for processing weakly formalized information is considered. It is assumed that in the processing of weakly formalized information it is important to consider external and internal factors. External factors are determined by the characteristics of the incoming information. Internal factors are determined by goals, objectives, methods, etc. The importance of taking into account the latter is that if goals are clear, tasks are set, methods for solving problems and achieving goals are known, then the volume of information being processed is significantly less and the speed of achieving goals is significantly greater. The increase in the speed of processing incoming information is achieved due to the fact that the information processing system adapts to the purpose of information processing. The dominant state of the information processing system is formed taking into account the goals of information processing and the characteristics of the incoming information (the dominant of A. A. Ukhtomsky). Thus, the processing of weakly formalized information from various technical systems allows, taking into account the dominant of A. A. Ukhtomsky, to take into account in the dynamics not only the external impact of the incoming information on the system processing information, but also the state of the information processing system. This system adjusts to the goals of information processing and taking into account the purpose of information processing and the characteristics of the incoming information, the dominant state of the information processing system (dominant) is formed. This allows you to reduce the processing time of incoming information due to the fact that the dominant formed means that the information processing system knows how to process information that has not yet arrived, but it is expected that it will soon go to the sensors of technical systems. In the process of processing the system of processing of weakly formalized information, the dominant may change over time. These changes may be due to changes in both the purpose of collecting the information and the characteristics of the incoming information. Such an approach, which takes into account the dominant of A. A. Ukhtomsky, allows processing large volumes of information in real time and can be used in the development of control systems.
Keywords: information processing, weakly formalized information, algorithm, dominant of A. A. Ukhtomsky, lack of information, control
In the article application of the generalized algorithm of processing of the weakly formalized information to a problem of increase of productivity of work of programmers is considered. employees who spend a lot of time on the Internet. It is assumed that the employee of the company works on the Internet during the working day and works with various sites. Sites can, how to treat the work, and not have any relation to the company's activities. It is required to estimate the amount of time an employee spends on websites related to the work of the company and on other sites. The difficulty lies in the fact that there are not enough objective criteria for assessing sites, i.e. this information is weakly formalized. Therefore, it is proposed to apply a generalized algorithm for processing such information. The algorithm contains 14 steps. At the first step, information about the employee's exit into the Internet and connection to various sites is sent to the "Information Collection" module. In the second step, the information enters the "Information Recognition" module. In the third step, the information enters the "Information Classification" module, which refers to one of the types of sites. At the fourth step, in the modules "Convolution of information", information is processed according to a certain algorithm. Next, we evaluate the reliability of the information (step 5), assess the security of information (step 6), establish the links between the newly received information in each of the classes and the information obtained previously (step 7), estimate the probability with which you can trust the information received (step 8). At step 9, decision support is made in each of the classes, and in step 10, generalized support for decision-making. At step 11, a comparison of the recently adopted decision with previously adopted decisions is made, and at step 12 - the development of a stable reaction to the repeatedly received information and its memorization. At step 13, solutions are generated, and at the 14th stage, new information is generated and stored in the vault. Identifies the stereotype of the employee's behavior, i.e. how much time he spends on different types of sites, how reliable it is, how stable is his behavior, whether there is dependence on any kinds of sites, etc.
Keywords: weakly formalized information, information processing, algorithm, labor productivity, control
The article discusses the generalized algorithm of processing of weakly formalized information in technical systems on the example of the control of non-equilibrium chemical reaction such as the Belousov-Zhabotinsky reaction. The reaction occurs in a container placed in a thermostat. By container summed tubes on which the container through the valve receives a reagent solution. The contents of the container is stirred with a mixer. In the container occurs reactions, and the excess solution is drained through the drain. The problem is following. It is necessary valves that regulate the rate of arrival of solutions into the container and stirrer speed adjusted so as to obtain a stable periodic repeating pattern. In the reaction can be seen as a change of color of the solution from red (high concentration of cerium ions with a valence of 3) to blue (high concentration of cerium ions having a valence of 4) and back to the period of a few minutes. In the article described in detail the use of the generalized algorithm to solve of the problem of regulating of valves and mixers in the container.
Keywords: weakly formalized information, information processing, algorithm, non-equilibrium chemical reaction, Belousov-Zhabotinsky reaction, control